One Piece

Spoiler soon.


She's in.

Can Gerth handle the Girth?

He's in.


He's in space!

kek, saved

How strong is Jimbei?

Whoever drew that has her tail WAAAY to low. It should be placed at the small of her back, right above her ass cheeks. In this pic it literally looks like she has a wad of cotton shoved up her butt.

Stronger than Sanji at least, may or may not be weaker than Zoro, is probably below Doflamingo/Gear-4 Luffy Tier

I love you, Robin

on the last panel, big mom said "semla...

on the next panel (chapter ) it will continue "...or life"

That's retarded, she hasn't eaten her fruit yet.

>spoiler soon
How does /1pg/ handle spoilers? I just caught up and am wondering if I just have to leave these threads or if kind anons are appropriating spoiler tags around here.


not that guy, but it made me think of semi-catatonic mom in the present making the demand or else she'd wipe out the fucking island

queue Straw Hats squaring off against Big Mam leitenants and commanders while Sanji steps up to the plate
and the final secret ingredient tears from a third eye

Who will be BTFO'd this arc the hardest?

So much potential. I love WCI.

You're what's wrong with these threads.

Spoiler pic out


Most of the time spoilers are spoiler tagged.
Everyone will be discussing them usually so it's safest to leave and not come back till Thursday.

Not with that signature

>She's physically indestructible
>Especially when she's in a food craze
Makes sense how she's got away this far.

So what's the explanation for this?
Other than "Haki" ofcourse.

Gourmet Demons, obviously.

She's out
He's in

Was Linlin the previous Neo host?

Hopefully we see /OURship/

Yeah i miss the Sunny Go too

That's /YOURship/

This is /MYSHIP/

Why does Luffy have a skeletal hand?

Gear -1

jinbefags and carrotfags are gonna win big
monetfags are gonna be doubly btfo when carrot a) joins the crew and b) eats her fruit
luffy's gonna asspull some shit and put in work as per usual
sanjifags will get a little taste of sanji doing well but compared to the expectations of muh year of sanji they'll still be net btfo
sanafags are already totally btfo in every way, but who knows maybe this will excavate a new sub-basement in the crater where the bottom of the barrel used to be

She's a very strong woman. That's probably it.

We can't say for sure, but I did like the idea that one of the unique elements of her body that played a part in her seemingly overwhelming size and strength could be a fundamentally different way of energy being used in her body, similar to Luffy in some respect. In essence, her body can utilise her biological energy stores in a much more impressive way than most any other individual, providing her with incredible strength and durability without her even having to actively think about using it. The negative side of such a boon is an intense craving for high energy food, even if it isn't nutritionally enriching.

The food craving mode could be an advanced stage of this effect, where the effect is pumped into overdrive until she's satiated. Perhaps it was initially triggered by the absence of food during the fast, with the last food that she ate providing incredibly high energy, hence the craving.

Why can't Jinbei AND Carrot join the crew?


they obviously both will
i cannot fucking wait for the monetfag tears

What would Big Mom's awakening do?

turn her from FAT to THICC

>post yfw you're a strong independent HAES womyn trying to practice healthy intuitive eating
>but the cis giant male patriarchy just won't stop oppressing you

They very well could, the main problem with that idea is likely to be the existing issue with balancing screen time of the Straw Hats as they are now. This issue potentially persisting into Wano, given the large number of allied characters that are likely to be present.

With a fruit like hers? Fuck knows. Her whole soul extraction and homie generation is already pretty damn advanced for a devil fruit power, on top of all the other cool shit she can do with her powers, particularly the abilities of Zeus and Prometheus.

I doubt anyone from Wano will join. Kinemon, Kanjuro, and Raizou are all retainers for Momonosuke, so they'll stay behind in Wano after he shogun and kaido are ousted and Momo takes control.


>n-no, i can't be spoiled!
>plz user, i promised i'd save myself for the official release
>g-get your dirty spoiling posts off me, i don't like it a-at all!
please fucking post spoilers someone i'm getting desperate

Oh, I agree, I meant more along the lines of screen time juggling issues during the arc itself. Similar to Dressrosa and its many side characters and sub-plots that resulted in a cluttered narrative and less time for the straw hats to actually interact.

Momo takes his father's place on the Pirate King's ship, and learns how to read ponyglyphs from Robin.


Exactly the same.

I'm pretty sure that the extraction is Awakening

there's a theory that all warlords with fruits are awakened, since Croc's right hand works like Doffy's awakening and Moria could affect the shadows of other people, which would make doppelman his standard power.

He's already awakened his "voice of all things" ability, right? Then he doesn't need Robin's help to interpret them.

Iron balloon

Hey, user, I'll give you the spoilers, but they're not free if you catch my meaning.

Luffy won't take a 8-year-old kid in his crew, Shanks taught him the sea is too dangerous for children.
And Momo can't join without his retainers,.

Right, but it's not like Luffy can now directly communicate with Sea Kings.

I don't think Voice of All Things is really an understanding of languages, but more of just intuiting the spirit and meaning of what's being wicommunicated th remarkable acuity.

May not necessarily understanding how to read and write in the ponyglyph language when it's not activated.
And it seemed like an important thing for his family to pass on.

I have the feeling that Luffy will team up with Bonney on top of Moria to take down Kaido.

Bonney could turn Momo into an adult and Moria could stuff him with the shadows of his retainers.

It would be a nice last resort attack against Kaido without resorting to Nightmare Luffy again.

I wouldn't mind that theory being true in all honestly, thought it would need some expansion upon. That being said, I would wonder what Big Mom's base soul abilities were if her homie extraction and generation are awakened abilities.

Perhaps she could only make use of her own soul? That would've allowed her to have utilised her personal homies during her younger years which would put her rise to power into perspective, given the destructive abilities they seem to possess. Though, with her strength, they likely wouldn't be necessary for that to have happened anyway.

alawys bet on luffy,

we dont know that, she eats everything, she may already have it


Monetards and Carrotards are the same retards. Carrot joins the crew after Kaido

too bad this will be a flashback chapter so no one will BTFO this week

Fast bro here

Anyone wants to hear vout fasting?

Is any villain ever going to molest Nami again? Bitch is begging to get raped at this point.

Never understimate job/hackposters user

it's a buttplug tail you dummy
i have one of those

or next week since oda will take another break again


Break next week


Sure, let's kill some time until the spoilers hit


Remembers, Reiju is Best Girl


jew dicks are disgusting

can big mom just kill luffy already , that jobber deserves it for what he did.

Can't or i will get banned for posting porn.
I was suprised nobody did this edit before.

Please on make it extra thicc

Do a crop

nobody else had as little brain cells as you

No I mean this

can we all agree luffy's been the real villain this arc . big mom has done nothing to him and then comes and ruins the party


>big mom has done nothing to him and then comes and ruins the party
She kinda took his cook away from him

Do not take Luffy's source of food.

Is this what you wanted?

this. he even betrayed pekoms and sided with an animal-torturer.

Well, to be fair. That was against an enraged army.

No I wanted a THICC crop in the bubble. They're doing that expression but not exaggerated already

Big Loli is cute and innocent n

She's pure, but not good.

Reminder Ace and Bonney are twins.

kill yourself

>he hasn't noticed the signs

finally some variety

holy shit, luffy has a sister

STFU, Ace is Zoro's father

It's a legit theory though.

And he's gonna fuck her after they both pig out on meat pizza