Buyfag Thread

Read the guide before asking any questions:

Other urls found in this thread: Luka Temptation Ver.html

>that GSC bonus

Is it true you can get soft anime figures?


Dolls are the event horizon.

Where's her ass?

Is there a guide to properly put a pillow case on a pillow? I'm affraid I'm gonna rip the zipper area of the case or the zipper might rip my pillow.

I caved. I masturbated to it and everything but the thighs were too strong.

Some of them have soft breasts.

I stole it

Thats neat.

Like, unerect?

Read the gui- hahhaha holy shit, that's the most pathetic thing I've read all night.

Thanks. Best of luck.

Get. That's three from this set obtained, now just need to find the other three I want.

Are you actually wearing them?

What is sex with this ship girl like?

not him, but buying anime shirts are a mistake.

you can't wear them anywhere. Luka Temptation Ver.html


Are you saying you can't wear what you want inside your own home?



Fucking nice. A bit cheaper than the almost 14k figsoku reported. She's at 11.5k on Hobby Search, so AmiAmi should be similar.

ITs 13.8kY MSRP, every single site reports the non discounted price genius.

Also, you are not getting the bunny ears by ordering from HS, Amiami or most retailers.

I bet you dont get out much anyway

Do you have an ironing board handy?

Frequent thigh jobs and lovely fluffy sex

I know, I'm just saying the prices are lower than I anticipated. They usually are cheaper, but 3k cheaper in the case of BiJ is pretty nice.
Also, never ordered from the GSC Shop and don't care about paying like $20 for bunny ears.

Except you are not taking into account the 2kY EMS flat rate shipping form GSC. At the end the difference wouldn't even be 10 dollars for the extra parts.

now there's a enterely PVC-made model and the initial soft body ver is being re-released

Doesn't really matter, as EMS has an extremely high chance of being taxed in my country, so I would pay even more in the end. Any other store ends up being cheaper just from the fact that I can use SAL and avoid taxes or even undervalue with BiJ.

>I'm just saying the prices are lower than I anticipated

Your newfag is oozing, the regular 20-22%^ discount at amiami and given that MSRP should be enough to get a 3kY discount.

Just stop dude

Weird green tint on the lingerie.

Been at this for about three years, but sure.
No point on posting anything in these threads anymore.

it's just the picture


And you can't even do the math for the usual discounts after 3years? You are super special aren't you?

Seem to be a pretty good figure, at least now that there is a PVC ver, I wonder why people here don't give a shit about it.

Someone save me from a level of degeneracy I have yet to cross and tell me not to pull the trigger.

Because it's griffon, it's shit.

Sure user, hope you're having fun.

It's a mediocre figure from a shitty manufacturer, don't expect a lot of attention.

Are you all ready to be disappointed by wonfes yet again?

Only if they show Johanna on her own yet again.

>yet again
I wasn't disappointed with the last one.

Preordered harder than my dick.

I won't say that it's great but she turned out nice, I like both the pose and sculpt, besides 10k is pretty cheap and her previous scalping prices were >20k

it came

me too

what a joke lol.

Get the black one instead.

>Displaying the tapestry for one slut while displaying the figure for another
Kind of rude, isn't it?

How come it takes so long for some popular anime/characters to get figures?

If it's actually a popular series then it shouldn't take that long to get even a Nendo. Apart from that, read the guide. Making a scale takes time, and licensing can be an issue.

I rather enjoyed the last one.


I'm trying my best not to get into this series, because I already have too many figma and no room for more, plus it seems like it can get expensive very quickly with all of the accessories, but fuck me they look great. I love cute girls with weapons.

Stop buying with your dick.

Land of the free faggot. If it was illegal to do something because it was obnoxious this country wouldn't be worth it.

>I love cute girls with weapons.
True words

If you buy nendo waifus is it technically not with dick but heart?

Wait, they're just doing another m4 variant?

God damnit, why not another weapons platform?

Apparently, M4s are the weapon of choice for high-speed low drag operators.
Wish they'd do more of the girls.

I just really hope they upped their quality game compared to the first one. The ball from waist to torso just isn't large enough, and keeps falling off. So does her left leg.

Actually thought I had only this kind of problem. I had the stuff some stick tacks on that ball joint just to make the waist stick to the torso and even then it only helps a little. No problems with her left leg though, only my other figma has that leg problem.

>amx factory figurine
>very detailed
>1/7 24cm
>nice base.

only 10k, wut?

>only 10k
Nobody likes Luka


Which one should I get?

Regular Edition or Soft Body?

So what do you animu toy experts think of posable figures with not much clothes?



pvc, no creases, easier to dust, it won't ´change its color over time longer live span...etc

Clothes, or better yet armor make joints less obnoxious on anything human. There's a time for figma but erotic or sexual things like that don't seem like it to me.

As the other user said, joints are only acceptable if you have some armor, clothes, suit or something of the sort to hide them, so I'd imagine a naked one would look awful.

Why isn't it colored in? What a bunch of lazy fucks.


The doorbell ringing. A box on this fine Australian winter day.




Nice. I respect anyone buying lewd stuff.


Fuck, eating a kebab from Turkish/Leb places is like playing Russian Roulette with food poisoning. Good a bunch of times and then you get the bad one.

user who got his package somehow rejected by the forwarder warehouse, from my understanding they will ban my account and attempt a refund just because the package was rejected. Anyone proficient enough to give a more detailed translation?, this is Toranoana's reply:

user 様



お客様につきましては2017/06/25 14:01頃にご連絡の通り




ご利用ガイド :
お問い合わせフォーム :

株式会社 虎の穴 カスタマーセンター お客様担当
〒272-0014 千葉県市川市田尻1-8-36-4F
TEL : 0800-1004-248(営業時間 11:00~17:00)
Web :

Frontal view again.

Best detail I like about this figure. The purple gradient she has on her hair.

The bonus postcard that comes with the figure.

But it tastes so good

Huh. They have been really good at keeping that gradient, haven't they? I like it.

It does, tastes so good going through a halal snack pack but the regret comes when you get the stomach pains.

Yeah, there's even one on the swimsuit Utaha. I hope more figures have this in future.

This. IA, MAYU, Yukari for life.

I already took the plunge. You should do it too, user!

Declining the package and returning it is against their terms of service, so they're banning your id, and refunding your payment. If you have questions about the refund, talk to your bank, not them.


Whatever happened to the other one?


This is a gk made by 白髪 隆行 it's not the one made by native


Dust your shit, that fucking stray hair and caked dust on your PS4 is triggering my autism.

looks pretty bad actually

One more left to go!