Hunter x Hunter

Gum or gun?

Other urls found in this thread:

Gum Gum Pistol

Kurapika makes me question my sexuality




looking forward to more pika

Rank the nen types from best to worst in your opinion.


Chrollo will kill Hisoka again

screen cap this


It will become a running gag that every 20 years we will have a chapter where he kills Hisoka.

*Chrollo will cheat Hisoka again


Me! reading your comments

Pitou is the cutest girl

Come on!! what happen with Sup Forums these days?

To what extent can Specialists choose their ability?
For example, if Neon actually practiced Nen, could she create an ability like Chrollo's or Meleoron's, or would she only be able to do things relating to prediction?



Can someone post the links to Viz translations please?

are we sure that Kurapika is a he?


Yes, if Togashi decides to change it later in will be a retcon.

Kurapika is about as male as Alluka or Pitou.

dont know dont care
i want want to see him/her happy

Honestly finding Kurapika hot and wanting to fuck him isn't even gay
reposting this link somebody posted in the last thread

man, the nips sure have edgier posts and memes than ours....

When I first marathoned 2011, I got so pent up watching kurapika during the first 20 episodes that I had to pause in the middle of an episode and go fap

wordest of the words.


I thought I was weird for literally falling in love with him, but then I read your post...

but for me it's important, i need to know to which fantasies should i fap to

the best part is I don't even care for kurapika and am in the mary sue crowd. Also it's not that weird because I thought of him as a girl

>Pikaposting hours

he is best boy/girl, whichever sex Togashi decides Kurapika would be the best, why are you surprised?

Voiced by a VA known for voicing tomboys. How can you not fap?

I'm surprised that you're not posting more nice art.

captcha: extra dolphin

He doesn't even possess overtly feminine features through which you could fool yourself.

Honestly I fucking hate Toagshi for making Pika a boy. He would be a god tier waifu and the story wouldn't change at all.

I just pretend she's a girl when I'm reading

>pikaposting hours
>gary stu allegations and fapping to traps discussion

it's fine

Does it really matter? I'd still fuck.

I want to kura her (male) pika.

>long hair
>cute face
>short and slender frame
>voice by a female

Pikaposting is the best type of posting.


>More Kurapika shit
Wake me up in 12 years when this mary sue extravaganza is done.

Was it when Meruem and Komugi finally died for real in a real quiet and beautiful scene and it was all immediately ruined by the horrendous fanfare bullshit preview music?

11 has like 5 good songs, two of which are the first two EDs. 99 has maybe the greatest anime soundtrack of the past 20 years. Certainly the best shounen soundtrack.

we need spoilers desperately to end this degenerate discussion.

I miss the time when HxH was good.

HxH stopped being good when nen got introduced

Rubber nen ruined everything.


so when would that be, at the beginning of the hunter exam or in the arena arc?

What's the worst, pitoposting or Pikaposting ? I love Kurapika but this is a bit too much...


both are better than killua-posting

Nothing's worse than the people who bring attention to it with pointless complaints.

Please stop posting crass pictures of my wife.

Pitou posting because it's been happing consistantly for over a month.

Post the pic. You know the one.

Oh, you're asking for it.

nope, not gonna do it

So... was this page drawn by Junji Ito? It looks so much like his style.

what if Gon takes inspiration from killua and uses fidget spinners as his new weapons?

Let me get that for you.

>not translating 'ai to ay
They really fucked up.

>Togashi has already forgotten the minor character you like exists
>even if he does come back he's almost certainly guaranteed to get the Ponzu treatment
Liking the nobodies in manga is suffering.

What kind of idiot breaks the rules of an assassin family for any amount of money?

But why is he an elf tho

That's what I want to know. Can't just introduce a fucking elf and not explain that.

He's not quite a nobody, he's the leader of the soldiers for that group. We just won't be seeing much if any of them until after they have dropped off the civies on the "totally the dark continent, we swear".
To make him waifuable, what other reason is there to make someone an elf? Though I suspect the guy might be part magical beast or something.

Elves are made for rape.


Even if his role is far off, he wasn't included in Togashi's scribbled rogues gallery. That doesn't bode especially well.


How was nen introduced in the beginning of the hunter exam?
That examiner didn't even use nen against Hisoka

He's barely been introduced, and while Ging is on the good guy side, Pariston is on the bad guy side, it could be a spoiler to put the other members of the expedition group on there for where they will be.

it wasn't formerly introduced at that point but it was implied that there were special powers afoot

all the way to the left, second from the bottom, above the king of Kakin, who's that? Long hair and a moustache? Is it supposed to be Jones? He didn't have long hair.

Also, between Feitang and Bono? Zazan?

I don't give a flying fuck about the ascension war of some fucking country that didn't even exist before this arc. Just gimme the dark continent already.

i bet it's something like making him hear better or being able to close his ears in response to gunfire. some completely reasonable yet unreasonable reason.

just so togashi can say "haha, ya'll dumbasses thought he was an elf"

That's a reasonable thought, but do we really know so much about established characters like Monkey Zodiac, Nasubi Hui Ruo Guo, the kimono bitch on the expedition team and whoever the fuck is in column A, row 4? You should be concerned if a character you're interested in isn't on that chart because that's likely to mean Togashi isn't actively thinking about them and they're not at the forefront of the author's thoughts.


I assume it's Ubo by process of elimination, then the other is prince Camilla.




That's just 361 again.

Reminder that Kurapika will use Sairid's ability to control Marayam's hamster to defeat Momoze's nen beast.


look at how uncomfortable he is kek

when will nenlets ever learn?


troupe confirmed next chapter

Daily reminder that Palm is my girl.

>that part at the end

so fake. what sort of pervert keeps making these spoilers?

That's fine, Pitou is mine.

who did it better, pitou or tom cruise?