Post absolutely perfect men




Post your best Charioces






But user, why did you post a very girly girl?








Only right answer


>Lelouch likes bara shit

The purest.



>that physique

Hello, how can I differentiate between a homosexual and a fujoshi through their posting habits?



You can't. A decade back homos likes buff dudes and fujos bishounen, but it's all got mixed up. Now stuff like touken ranbu has everything from muscle men to shota and traps and women are drawing porn for the gay manga magazines under pennames and so on.


Can do

>You can't. A decade back homos likes buff dudes and fujos bishounen, but it's all got mixed up.
Fact, my boyfriend and I like em all

Cheerios is just a Delita expy, he's nothing special


As in the faggot friend from FFT?



Homodachi act relatively normal. Fujoshi usually blog about themselves in some manner, get unreasonably defensive whenever you wrongly refer to any female-oriented story as "fujobait", or generally type like they came from another website. They also tend to frequent Inuyasha and Sailor Moon threads.

Not yet

>sailor moon
What year is this? 2002?
You mean yaoi on ice threads.

Also there's a TV BL anime airing next season and it's NOT nakamurashit

It's just not fair



>lost to shirou

You can't. People here just assume the ones saying dumb shit are fujos while the ones saying sensible things are actual faggots.


If he's so perfect how come he had to pay for boy pussy?







But he is sociopathic, user-chan. D-Don't you prefer a kind, gentle man like king-cuck?

Not that piece of failure.


Hell no. King-cuck is so pathetic, but somehow I can hardly feel sorry for him.

I simply like characters with convoluted, alien trains of thought, that feel no sense of restraint and do whatever the hell they want.
Being voiced by Kousuke Toriumi is also a plus.



Why is your trolling so bad?

Fujos are all in the KADO thread, with a raging butthurt. Homos are in the it's time thread
They are all actually fujos





>No sight of this perfect bastard.

Shame on you, Sup Forums

You blind motherfucker.

>we were all the fujos all along
What a twist

Bless, mongrel



>Worst possible Archer
He's all yours

I'm here to help.




Someone had to post him.



That's a girl (male)



>still no shota Gil x adult Gil doujins

Good choice, but you seem to have posted the wrong brother.

I'd also be fine with adult GilxGil



>used, BLACKED goods

Hey there old friend. The current One Piece generals hurt to look at right?

I've been trying to avoid any of the OP threads here lately.

Fuckin Sup Forums had better shit going on in their Toonami threads.

Good fucking tastes.

Daily reminder that this is a board for little girls.

please sourse ?

>meme husbandos

Homie, you for real?
Mob Psycho 100

Everyone has different ones.



The best.

