How much time before the isekai genre is deconstructed?

How much time before the isekai genre is deconstructed?

Sword Art Online

already been done a few times

is not an isekai

It literally happened last year with Re:Zero.

What do you think isekai means?

>inb4 idiots start flooding the thread with "M-MY FAVOURITE ANIME IS A DECONSTRUCTION"

>How much time before the isekai genre is deconstructed?
It already has decades ago

How would a proper deconstruction of it be, anyway?


That's neither isekai or a deconstruction of anything.

It means the MC travels to another world.

SAO is not an isekai because Aincrad is just an MMO. He never leaves earth.
VRMMOs are not another world minus that one chink novel where the MMO is literally another world that got turned into an MMO by some god, and maybe that one gook novel where it might actually be another world but it's not known yet.

Anime itself is a deconstruction.

The only way it's going to be done to a greater extent than it already has is if someone writes the Japanese equivalent of The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant.

main character its a succesful man with a happy life, he dies saving someone he loves, then he is send to another world, medieval high fantasy world. He is just another peasant in that world, every valuable skill he has is literally useless there, he never get to really understand how the society of that world works, he gets a shitty job, works for a few years and dies alone. The end

Deconstruction doesn't mean "Bad End"

what does it means then?

No one knows, not even Jacques Derrida.

getting transfered into a foreign REAL world. a fake videogame isn't another world

Idk what that is
What is that?

at least he said it is not a method, not a critique neither an analysis.
The "NEET its transported to another world" genre


Denying all the narrative concessions of a genre and taking them to their logical conclusion.

then my bad end its right

You have to make it worth reading/watching under those terms.

Well this is using my little knowledge of literary criticism back in high-school but deconstruction is just a demonstration that a text has essentially dismantled itself. This is shown through shit like binary oppositions, contradictions , marginalizing, privileging, gaps and silences and other shit like that. This prolly didn't explain shit, but just some background info to think about.

You're being factitious. Isekai is a type of writing that follows the same story skeleton and uses the same plot devices. It doesn't matter if it's
>literal transportation into another world
>literal transportation into a game world
>dreaming of being in another world
>reincarnated into another world and starting life as a baby
>having consciousness transferred into the body of a person in another world
>having consciousness transferred into the body of a gaming avatar in the game world
>being stuck in a VRMMO world
+ countless more premises that are also isekai.

As long as the MC is a regular human and the setting is any type of unusual world (cyberpunk, high fantasy, JRPG, space/planetary,...), the MC usually have an edge over the natives of this world or cheat powers with or without gaming stats. It doesn't matter how the writer decides to explain it (how the MC got there, where is this world, what type of fantasy is it,...), it's still isekai.

There is that word again
