You're at the club with you're waifu when this guy walks in and slaps both of your asses. How do you react?

You're at the club with you're waifu when this guy walks in and slaps both of your asses. How do you react?

>slaps both of your asses
this joke has come a long way



>Oh hey you're Cell right? I really loved you in DBZ, you're my favorite villain. I wish they had brought you back in super instead of boring Freeza.

>DB went to shit post cell saga
>can you sign my ass?

I ain't even mad.

>with you are waifu

First day?

On Sup Forums yes

Lurk for a bit and then you'll get it.

There is no excuse for bad grammar.

Get your shit together and stop acting dumb.

Okay I will

Your no fun.

It's "you're".
Memes were a mistake.
Abandon that attitude and be better.

This doesn't mean you can't make jokes or have fun. Just don't make extremely idiotic ones.

>Memes were a mistake
I disagree

Slap his ass back.


get a load of this guy being the grammar police on the internet

ITT Paco tries to compensate for the fact that he's an ESL Pedro by correcting people's grammer on a chinese image board.

Nobody is going to mess with someone who sounds like Norio Wakamoto.

Ask him to absorb us both so we can join perfection.

My waifu would stand up for me, my ass is her property.