Literally everyone across the globe loves his films and recognize him as the greatest director

>Literally everyone across the globe loves his films and recognize him as the greatest director
>Sup Forums does not
What went wrong?

Hayao "I love little girls" Miyazaki

You literally contradict yourself, OP.

Hayao "I get mad when someone else puts a little girl as the main character" Miyazaki

I fucking love Princess Mononoke

Hayao "everything is literally masturbation" Miyazaki

>the greatest director
wasn't that dead guy from the perfect blue film considered the best director among everybody?

>hayao "fuck your waifu" miyazaki
>hayao "your waifu isn't real" miyazaki
>hayao "anime in general is shit" miyazaki
fuck him

not Sup Forums here, got lost on my way to my regular board. I hate his movies and most anime in general

Faggot himself said he can't stand his films. Why do you like something even it's dad can't love?

Sup Forums doesn't consider Miyazaki anime. I can't really articulate this without having to unironically use the word weeaboo, but that's really what it comes down to.

Because the average person has shit taste and loves hack directors.

>Sup Forums is a single person who happens to be me

He is a good director, but an awful human being. Everything makes him angry as of late.

Americucks are conditioned to love everything Mickey Mouse tries to sell them. See also: Marvelshit, Shit Wars, etc.

Goro please.

>Miyazaki is an awful human being
Because he doesn't like the state of an industry? Fuck off. He'd be an awful human being if he sat around all day doing nothing.

Every Sup Forums board is contrarian for their respective category. Sup Forums hates Tarantino, Sup Forums hates capeshit, Sup Forums hates Kojima, etc. yet, like here, people like to shitpost about them.

>human being
Human bean*

>Sup Forums hates Tarantino, Sup Forums hates capeshit, Sup Forums hates Kojima
Which is not surprising, considering all of it is shit.

Because he doesn't like the state of humanity.

>implying anything wrong with that
Humanity is a stale meme. We need something new.

His work is about growing as a person, Sup Forums can't stand this.

Yeah, no. He just doesn't like otaku. You just expand that to mean "all of humanity" in your head because you're an otaku.

>Miyazaki hates anime
>Sup Forums hates anime

Honestly it's hard to see why there's not more common ground.

>equating Tarantino with Miyazaki
I don't even.

only retards think that old hack's work is good or in any way care about him existing.

He triggers the worthless humans know as otakus/neets/weaboos.

Wasn't he fantasizing about Tokyo drowning recently.

Sup Forums doesn't hate Kojima considering what happened after he got fired and that the entire board was taken over after MGSV got released
And there are still MGS threads
I don't see anyone making anything but hate threads for Miyazaki on Sup Forums

I don't hate him, but even before browsing Sup Forums I remember watching Chihiro and Howl's Moving Castle and thinking it was boring and the story mostly didn't make sense. I guess he was trying to evoke the feeling of old legends and that stuff, but it seriously seemed that the story advanced at random. The animation is excellent, that's undeniable, but the movies themselves... well, I think they would be fine if you were into surreal things, but I know most people isn't, so I can't help but feel people hype him just because he got some awards instead of actually watching his movies, which is even more evident if you take into account the fact that most people only know about Chihiro. I haven't watched all of his movies, I can say that I liked Totoro and Nausicaa, but still I can't shake the feeling that he's extremely overrated. The fact that he's an old senile jerk that can call an experiment in 3D animation an "insult to life itself" doesn't really help, he really looks like an old grandpa trying to tear up younger people out of pure spite, while pretending he's imparting wisdom.

Don't you know that Sup Forums's servers are on the Moon?

Everything he made pre 2000 was actually good, but with 17 years of mediocrity after that its easy to see why people dont appreciate any of his work

We agree with him, that anime was a mistake.

>crossboarder newfags hate Miyazaki
It all makes sense now.

>Sup Forums hates Tarantino
>Sup Forums hates capeshit
Nah, they hate what it's become, specifically what Marvel has become.
>Sup Forums hates Kojima

Grossly overrated and essentially a bitter senile old fart now. He wasn't my favorite director even 15 years ago and the reasons people love Ghibli films generally has little to do with Miyazaki's directing.

>Sup Forums hates Tarantino
huh, he is not the best ever but to hate the guy it's kinda hard, at least you know what you're getting with his films

Keit-ai found a way to outgross Spirited Away.

Hayo "feminist man" Miyazaki.

Satoshi Kon, and yeah. Basically.

He deserves it too, he made some damn good films.