Hunter x Hunter

chapter 362 scans in 5 minutes!

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Steroids_(G.I_card)

1st for Bisky!

nigga better be true

Hisoka is going to clown the rest of the Troupe

>yfw Feitan utterly destroys Hisoka in a 1v1 duel





is he natty?


So, how long until we get some Ilumi fights?
At least Hisoka fought once enemy of his level(Kurololo)


>More Kurapika shit
Wake me up in 12 years when this mary sue extravaganza is done.



You know, as shit as HxH is in every way it has some good may-mays

Of course, it's all gains from killing people

>15 posts in and it's already full of cancer
Is there any hope left for these threads?

i fucking hate summer

I just realized Hisocucks are quite literally like Nobunaga

>m-muh Uvo couldn't lose like that
>hurr that Chain Bastard clearly cheated durr

I honestly hesitated to read hxh before and used to discard it as gay shota shonen shit but now Hisoka and his memes as well as a couple of other supporting characters are carrying the series for me.

I find it hilarious that all of Tee's guards are afraid to teach him nen because they know how evil he is.

>tfw no item on GI can make your gains better but there is manlet remedy

Hisocucks everyone.

Kurapika cheated Uvo would never have lost if it was a fair fight

Fucking Tserriednich.


Could Chrollo beat Ging?

if he cheats again, maybe
gin isnt so retarded tho's_Steroids_(G.I_card)

No he could not.

nope, ging probably has a bunch of simple abilities he can rely on in addition to his own.

and he's much more intelligent than hisoka.

Chrollo put up a good fight against two of the best Zoldycks with no prep time. He should have no trouble fighting Ging.

he was literally going to die, if Silva hadn't pulled back after receiving the call from illumi.

Such is the fate of generals.

So, will we finally see Gon's mother on the ship?

In perfect circumstances with everything going for him? Yeah. That's one of the things about nen battles.

In any other kind of circumstance? I kind of doubt it. Ging is implied to be extremely good at improvising.

damn, missed this one
why no one ever appointed items from GI of cheating while they apparently do anything without any sort of backlash? even arcangel's breath is basically like the zoldick manlet healing power

When do the spoiler pics hit? 12 hours from now?

Love how some of these cards are just Togashi dreaming about an easy way out.

Zeno said the results would have been different if they kept on fighting.

> if they kept on fighting.
he will be dead already duh

Pitou is my wife and she is very cute

can Ging beat Netero?

Could you go to sleep already?


definitely not


kind of wish togashi would have kept her as a loli instead of a shapeshifting jojo

Before all the phone posters and unwanted shits came

All 3 of them have their hairlines pushed back!

Why did Pitou gain any kind of congregation even? She was super bland, even Biscuit had more characterization as a female character, guess people really did buy into the catgirl meme.

Can my dad beat up your dad?

It was made by 11 powerful nen users with the condition of playing a game that only takes a set number of users, having to find the card itself, and having to beat the game against every other player if you want to use the ability outside an uncharted island.

But I don't know why players just didn't take advantage of greed's islands cards and leave the game unfinished. I mean one of the cards basically makes you pseudo immortal if you grind for it

Chrollo could beat Ging and Ging could beat Netero.

>Chrollo could beat Ging

>She was super bland, even Biscuit had more characterization as a female character
Just because Pitoufags are annoying doesn't mean you have to pretend to be retarded. All the RGs have had a lot of characterization.


Reminder to ignore all Pitoucancer.

I don't think Chrollo can beat Ging. He's genius.

am I the only one who thought that the top of the refs head was an exposed brain?

Why is Ging so fucking mean bros?

Yes. Chrollo basically has an infinite amount of tools that he can use to beat Ging. Ging doesn't have shit on Chrollo.

So is Chrollo, I'm not sure what your point is.

>even Biscuit had more characterization as a female character

>All the RGs have had a lot of characterization
Such as?

Pitou is the ultimate waifubait.

Leorio is going to kill Chrollo

When are they going to address the fact that chrollo cheated in the fight?


many decided to live there and never return tho
also those conditions are pretty shitty compared to the miracle items that were created, there is no risk involved, especially since you arent even forced to kill anyone by the rules
would be like having a power boost if your opponent tries to kill you

How did he cheat?

I thought i told you to stop pretending to be retarded. The different aspects of their characters and their views changing are literally a plot point.

Using his brain

All the restrictions on how they can only be used on one island, have a specific number of them exist at one time, all the conditions for getting them, the risk you have of dying etc seems pretty fair

are there anyone as strong as royal guard?

not a chance.
I feel like Netero is just one step above everyone.
Had the king not met the blind girl (can't remind her name), he probably wouldn't have been able to "best" Netero

Poor Theta-chan.


Netero (somewhat)

No, Meruem and the RG were in a completely different tier altogether.

I just finished episode 3 of the 2011 adaptation and so far it's trash. Gon is a little fag and Kurapika is literally Sasuke.

Does this get any better or should I just drop it?

Wake me up when we see Illumi again


it does get better.

You should drop it, 2011 was a mistake.

>and Kurapika is literally Sasuke
Don't compare Kurapika with Shitsuke.

Plot devices can't be wives

gon dies

their effects are mostly permanent and giving stuff that cant be obtained by any conventional means, with a risk that is pretty low for a nen user if you dont consider stuff like the reiza tournament
the number limit is extremly high for most of them, cant even be called a restriction

Calamities are stronger than the king.

Read the manga. 2011 is generally considered a very bad adaptation with a especially bad beginning.


Why the fuck not? they are just the same but at least the author made the right move copying Sasuke and made him less edgy

a person with a nuke literally killed 2 royal guard and a king.JUST ONE NUKE

>Miura leaves, Togashi returns
>Berserk's chapter has penis monsters, Lazurus's beast is a penis monster.

nah man its shit just drop it and never come back

>copying Sasuke
HxH came out before Naruto, here's your (You) and you may now leave

>copying Sasuke
other way around actually, HxH came out before naruto