Which anime girl would you bully?

Which anime girl would you bully?


Aqua was made for bullying.

I'd bully Megumin sexually.


Hifumi. Literally made for bullying. Bully her and she'll be too afraid to tell on you. It's perfect.

Only Satania.



>go to the bar with Megumin
>drink all her beer and give her some apple juice instead

>go for a date with Megumin
>make her order off the kids menu

>Megumin wants to go for explosion practice
>leave her hat and staff up on a tall shelf she can't reach

>use Steal on Megumin and put her panties in your pocket
>pull out the most outrageously slutty panties you could possibly imagine
>"this is your crotchless C-string, isn't it, Megumin?"

You're forgetting that she has a higher STR stat than you!

I would train my body every day in order to ensure I can bully and manhandle her with utmost ease

You're the worst. Literal monster in this thread

That's too mean

I would bully her constantly until she melts.




Never thought I'd say this, but it's not very funny anymore.


This had a bit of shock factor the day it came out, but it's been 2 months and has been boring edgy shit ever since. Please stop posting it.

I didn't ask for this

are you gay? Esdeath is only for /ss/. also no man can bully Esdeath

Sup Forums just likes running jokes into the ground.

bully Asuka
>tell her she is a shit pilot, silly teenage girl who chases after old men
>make fun of her for liking soaps
>make fun of her washboard looks
>"who would want a girl who can't cook?"

The cosplayer.

Megumin is built for teasing. She puts herself on such a high horse that its fun to knock her off every so often



I would bully her so hard, make fun of her for having smaller boobs than Rin, poke fun of her stupid lesbian haircut, and her lack of ability to cook.

Then I would make sweet love with her and give her an army of kids.

Challenge accepted

>fucking a lesbian

All of them.

Bullying cute anime girls would be my favourite past-time if they were real.

I hope you mean "bully sexually".

Beating her at ping pong should be enough. Maybe call myself ACE afterward.

I like all kinds of bullying. Both of the sexual and the non-sexual kind.

I wouldn't bully anyone, but I would lightly tease my waifu

Who is you're waifu?

That's cute dude.

>implying you could beat her at ping pong



First I would.....who are we talking about again?


>Kazuma never pulled Darkness' cheeks

Who couldn't?

Because hes busy pulling them under the sheets

ika musume

All of them

Are you trying to lead her to suicide?

I said "Lesbian haircut"

There is a difference between being a dyke and having a haircut a dyke would have.

I want to call her How Much to her face.

Nah, doesn't Touma from To Aru franchise and Okabe Rintarou from Steins;Gate always do that? Tsundere's usually get wet from getting teased.


What Okabe is doing is called "banter." What you're doing is called "being an asshole."

Theres a big difference between some casual back & forth and actually laying into someone while targeting their insecurities.

Littéralement KUZUMA

>ha ha my sync ratio is twice what yours is.

>She can't even beat Arael

>Lol she ACTUALLY thinks her Eva is special?

Who could be behind that post?

>ideal age


I don't think Kurisu would agree with you, she would say what Okabe did was sexual harassment.


That in particular was sexual harrassment, but user was obviously referencing their dynamic later in the story.


Literally the best part of the episode.

Midway through the story, didn't Okabe make fun of her butt?

Can too many headpats become bullying?

He just teased her by alleging that she had a Mongolian spot on her cute butt.


Which one?

>Last one
Absolutely devilish.



What is it about the Konosubas that makes me want to bully them?





Because it wouldn't be a punishment.

He bullies her with his dick instead.

>Go out with Megumin for Explosion practice
>Poke her endlessly while she can't fight back (not sexually, just annoying)

>Megumin and Yunyun want another contest
>Rig it so she loses in the most embarrassing way possible

>Ask her if she wants to have another bath with her Onii-sama
>No I'm not embarrassed, you're still just a kid

>Coddle her endlessly during adventures
>Are you suuuuuure you can handle this slime? It might be too scary for you

OK this is way too much fun

>>Megumin and Yunyun want another contest
>>Rig it so she loses in the most embarrassing way possible
That one could actually crush her pride. We should make it so they both lose.

All the characters are massive peices of shit, so it helps get over the empathy

Women create the best girls

Absolutely not, it doubles as being able to build up Yunyun (who's a good girl, she needs some love) while also bullying Megumin

>Yunyun you were amazing! You're an incredible Crimson Demon mage! You're bound for great things! I love you
>Megumin can't hold a candle to you
>Oh? Is someone jealous? Are you pouting? Well that's not very mature is it.

Of course, all of this will be forgiven in private while you apologize, headpat and spoil


that's beyond evil user

That sounds good, but Yunyun would probably refuse because she's too nice to Megumin.

Megumin is a really sore loser. You're gonna need a lot of headpats to apologize.



But, aside from physical development, what kind of contest would Megumin lose? Anything related to skill, athletics, intelligence, chuuni, or creativity, Megumin has won. She's simply superior to Yunyun. You can't make it something like "who has the most spells" because Megu will simply not participate.

is this a loss edit?

>Bullying Esdese
Is that a new way of saying i don't like my life anymore?
She's basically a female Lich King

Damn it, those challenge names are cute. Girls are cute.

No, it's a greentext post made into a comic.

It can be anything. Cooking food could lead to you rigging Megumin's ingredients and you being the judge. Athletic skill could be weighing down her equipment or making Yunyun's environment easier. Tests of will or endurance can be reduced by making sure Yunyun has a large breakfast and well rested sleep while keeping Megumin up all night and pretending you already made food and forgot to save her some.

You're simply not ready to bully my child. You must grow as a bully to truly understand.

>I'm responsible for
>My post was the inspiration for
>I created the manhandling meme
Not ready for bullying? I *INVENTED* bullying.

The author is a man though.

Man (female)