Any thoughts on this manga?

Any thoughts on this manga?

>the hivemind is a fucking anonymous imageboard

The ending was terrible, the side characters and plots were retarded.

drags on way too long and fails to deliver

The ending probably wasn't a parody.
It kinda went to shit after he died.
It still felt like a degenerate's fanfic.
Some nice doublepages art-wise though.

It was good, not great or revolutionary, and somewhat disjointed at times. A bit over the heads of the plebs, especially those who thought they were reading the story of how an action hero fends off the big bad, but that's par for the course.

Interesting take on the zombie genre, I liked the focus on social outcasts and neets since those are usually the people fantasizing about zombie apocalypses, so it worked well thematically in my opinion and it had some really solid art. Got a bit convoluted with some odd twists and turns and the plot really meandered about near the end but over all very decent manga, good read
I might check out the movie some time, the trailer looked pretty dope

I didn't think the ending was that bad, in fact I actually liked it.

Ai am rejendo

'copy+paste' everywhere

Worth buying the manga even after reading scanlations online.

Sad as hell.

It was awesome until it was revealed they were space zombies, and the ending was shit.

Literally cuckshit.

My friend told me was best manga at its time.
even thought it was sad.

The beginning sucks when he meanders about, wondering if there really are zombies. The ending sucks too, all that leaves is the middle which is an okay story.

I tried to read it once but the beginning was fucking shit

Went downhill to the end. But it was a fun zombie adventure at the start, and MC being farming retard near the end was sort of fun to watch.

I haven't finished it yet, but I like it and how weirdly down to earth it is sometimes.

Like when these guys were being evacuated, and all they do is piss and moan and gossip.

Oh wow, you're so far in the beginning.

Oh no, I'm way past this. This scene just sticks in my mind when I think about this manga.

What's with this mangaka and having a boner for giving all his characters shitty endings?

The movie was fun. Not good but fun.

>shitty ending
Hideo is finally at peace with himself.

Copy paste central

>This is dedicated to my father. May he forever rest in peace.
There is a possibility that this has something to do with the shitty ending.

It's shit, like every series made for this artist,

great beginning, solid middle, shit ending.

>peace with himself

wasn't he going insane in the empty streets of tokyo?

How can such a simple manga be too deep for all these people?
The plot from beginning to end is easy to understand and is highly appropriate for our MC and cast. You people are reading it from the context of shitty zombie gorefests and action-horror, and that is where you are all making a critical mistake.
Put your weeb glasses on and try again.

The manga is terrible

>The "I am mangaka" is overused
>backgrounds are the definition of lazy, filtered photographs as backgrounds.
>Every new character want kill the world because no reason
>Some zombies are fast and strong and other are weak
>That girl and their magic powers

>not just reading it
please go

It was a really interesting and fun read. Too bad it shits itself at the end but really one of the few manga where I could say it was about the journey and not the destination.

same as it ever was

Reddit manga. Lots of normalfags that are artsy have it.
t. """artsy""" tumblr cousin owns it

You make a fair point. But do good manga exist in your eyes?

I would love to see the continuity of Hideo's life under the concrete jungle that is post-apocalyptic Tokyo ala Survival spinoff.

It's bad.

I'm reading it in english, so I'm only up to omnibus 3.
I like it.

It was good for a while, then went to shit. Also fuck using photos for fucking everything, I wonder if there's anything this guy actually draws by himself rather than transforming photos or tracing them. Some faces maybe.

I enjoyed it. Kind of sucks the horror themes were pretty much dropped early on but it was a fun read.