Boku no hero

Let's stop shitposting and just all appreciate best mother and girl.

A Mom!Bakugo appreciation thread WOULD be nice, OP

Jirou dad is the best dad

That's a big alleyway

Deku's mom is god tier
She's a whore and deserves to be raped by Noumu


NOW user!
Let's have a nice comfy thread!
Post comfys/vanillas/cute pics!

So this is the power of the #10

Why would you say such things, user?

For you

Okay user, Kendou is best girl
No way fag, Yaoi hands a slut

Noumus are pure user. They'd never sully themselves with a whore like Inko

Does Stain feel the same way about doctors, surgeons, etc. who are working for the money?

It's just like Tsuyu. Gang Orca can do orca things, and Tsuyu can frog


Aye sir! Rip fairy tail

>Asui's Tsuyus. Big.

bullets can be comfy too

>Despite being a frog, cat-like
Asui's dad confirmed for cucked.

To be fair, Allmight had an amazing fight against AfO, I would be equally hyped if the man were my daughter's teacher.


The best

Which Noumu is the best Noumu?

tell me how youd date Toga without getting stabbed and knifeassraped.

is he the maxx?

The first Noumu is the cutest for me. Chainsaw-kun is very handsome as well

I bet Stain would be especially affected by Chester from LP's death.

bakugo's mom is.... bangin

I simply wouldn't.

Bakugou's friend that got STAIND

just let her cut me up whenever she wants to

I love the evil fundamentalist types
Him and Rappa are god tier

The girls are the only ones with normal fathers. Have you noticed that? Deku has an absent father, Todoroki's is an asshole, Bakugou's is a pussy. Every other male student whose home lives we've seen, we haven't seen a father.

I would never date that ugly bitch
She's kinda hot

Leave it to us Overhaul

Who is the bestest boy?

>absent father
>not normal in Japan

Pick one and only one.

All of them

Nomus are the niggers of the series.

Being a doctor was kind of a job since the start, being a hero was sadly turned into a job

>you will never give both Midoriya and Bakugo little brothers


>Foresight glasses man is said to be based on steoretypical japanese look
>2 m tall

I hope Toga dies in this arc

One of my favorite things about this series is that parents tend to be present and involved in their kids lives instead of being these weird hyper-supportive ghosts

It works really well for Midoriya because as the MC we know he isn't gonna die or get permanently crippled- this is his story he's retroactively telling. Instead we can get invested in how his mom, All Might, his friends, etc feel about what happens to him. It's good development. Personally I think we could've used a scene where Bakugou gets returned to his parents after being kidnapped.

>you will never, EVER hug and cuddle with winter Tsuyu to keep her warm in the middle of a comfy snowy day


all of them

Cute as fk

You rape her first

Jiro for sure. But I would love a Mina as well

dies of cumming

i'm in a desperately need of a SoL chapter of the girls just hanging out and blushing over things

The best way would be changing her view of love, about becoming the ones you like and all that shit. But that would be hard as fuck.

>a class girl's
what did they mean by this?


Sure, from Deku caving her face in.

She's disgusting, but hta't probably the reason she should be kept alive. She makes the female cast diverse.

Momo because she is pushover

Chaoyers 98 and 99. They all orgasm over Satou



Too focused on his ideals to care user

Is there any way to tear down a new thread?

Toga has "survival rate of a cockroach" written all over her face so I doubt it.
She'd also be a perfect fit for AFO's wounded body problem so if she dies it will be when he's near.

Oops. ()

I'm really hype for more Twice

Earphone Jack

There is that ln chapter where the class a girls and some of the class b girls yace some boy talk.

Ochako, brunettes are my weakness.

user you are such a fucking faggot wow

Why are they so fucking skinny


this cup placement


That cup wants to be filled.

They tried that in the LN, but no one wanted to admit to anything. Maybe if Mina would calm down on the love stuff, they'd be more willing to talk about it.

just ignore it, don't even post on that shit
or post in threads
and you can post on threads that are below that one so it will sink faster


Autistic four.

i really hope for a bnha shippuden

I suddenly have this strange urge to breed.

Holy shit. Izuku looks like a fucking faggot.

>no one wanted to admit to anything
More like no one of them really had a crush or were interest in anybody. Even Mina didn't have a specific boy in class. The only ones were Ochako with Deku, Jirou with Kaminari, since Momo threw her under the bus, and Ibara and Endeavor

Aizawa is a nice guy

>i really hope for a bnha in bad


>Deku gets a bulking fitness plan from AllMight
>DekuMom starts gaining weight
I admire her for being able to sacrifice her figure and her mental wellbeing just so her son can attend UA. Moms are the true heroes.

Todo of course

but he looks the same as he always does?

>Moms are the true heroes.
Amen to that.

What does this even mean?

>he didn't see Hagakure

It's a NSFW image...MODS

Wher is he lookin

How fucking new are you?

I want bakugou's bomb matsuri ramen

I guess pretty new. Been here a year, but I go to lots of threads and boards.

>What does this even mean?
a sequel of bnha where they're all grown up

>hori won't show bakugo and todoroki's training because of inasa