How come nobody talks about this gem?

How come nobody talks about this gem?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because Yamakan is a one hit wonder and the main girl is a slut or something.

not a virgin

Same reason nobody talks about Kokoro Connect: scandals killed discussion.

Because her pussy's been pounded over a million times.

Otaku killed it.

please explain

It makes virgin otaku chimp out

Because it's a show from 9 years ago bya joke of a director and any discussion brings baiters and morons who unironically take yaraon and shitkaku seriously

I still think of Zange


Nagi a shit

Zange best girl

>Author had to reincarnate Nagi to wash away her 2nd-handness
fucking author didn't have the balls to go all the way.
yes, I know she's a woman.

I liked it. Too bad about the fans going crazy over nothing and more or less killing the series's momentum.

God-tier OP.

When was the last time we had a Zange thread?

The author slowly dying is what killed the momentum

there's one good joke in the whole anime

That and Yamakan's meltdown


He is the director of this animation

This animation is dropping the evaluation by him

But he is fun in a bad way

I don't get it

Never watched the show, but I always loved the girls' character designs.

He is not an actor
But I was telling a lie by as much as one foot


>But I was telling a lie by as much as one foot





didn't the director pass away

He wishes

It was okay at best.


Do you mean this?

Wait what happened

what's this scandal you guys keep talking about

otaku went batshit insane when they found out the blue haired girl had another boy she liked before mc and they sent death threats to the author and burned all the books and shit, they basically killed the series from what I remember

did the guy lied about his height or something

Because it wasn't very good.

No one cares anymore.

Reminder that the author had to spend 3 chapters in a flashback just to give the "NTR Dude" another love interest and pretty much going into "everything was a misunderstanding, Main Girl is still pure" territory

Sadly, the execution of said flashback was done really poorly. And while at the end Nagi is still pure, the damage to the manga was already done


give me the rundown on this NTR meme




>literally 2 guys shitposting on 2chan
I can't believe there is people who actually believe the shit that gets posted in shitkaku


eat your beans.

Why didn't Ah! My Goddess get this backlash? Because no specific boyfriend to pinpoint, other than the time K1 got cucked in the movie?

The anime was alright and it experienced a brief period of popularity but then the author got a brain haemorrhage and had to stop for years on top of making the main character a rabid slut and bringing NTR in for no reason. Eventually, just a few weeks ago infact, it finished with a bullshit ending that, unsurprisingly, fucked over Tsugumi and made Nagi a loli for no apparent reason. At least the trainwreck is over.

There wasn't really backlash, it was just a 2 guys posting pics of themselves breaking their Kannagi DVDs on 2chan and people shitposting on the thread, but yaraon and shitkaku made their usual clickbait bullshit

The author being hospitalized for a couple of years killing any momentum the manga she had didn't help either

AMG did get backlash, but belldandy didn't have a prior boyfriend. it was that heaven turned k1 into a goddamn eunuch with no sex drive and all the goddesses knew it, making it a incredibly nasty betrayal on their parts. Even so, Peorth was literally called there to make fuck because even with his sexual desire suppressed his dick was still trying to break free. His sex drive was truly too powerful to be contained even by all the power of Yggdrasil.

Bell had that boyfriend from the movie, but this was before netorare became a big fetish. Imagine seeing that shit today.



>Why didn't Ah! My Goddess get this backlash?
It did get backlash, but it was in its final chapters already so it didnt even matter anymore.

What's even the name of this?


I have to state the truth, but since I am not good at English, I will write it in Japanese.
It is a lie that the original authors showed the image where their book was abandoned and that it was closed due to that.
In fact she was a disease of the brain. This is that the publisher and the person himself are officially announcing. Confirmation is also taken.
That lie is a lie spread from what the manager of the animation affixed to this thread said on the bulletin board on the Internet.
So the director of the animation is disliked even by fans of this work.

Someone please translate.

I also still fap to zange

"I love dick"


And a happy ching chong pinig pong to you too


>God-tier OP.
You sure you're not mixing up the OP and ED?

OP was generic butt ED was GOAT.

No more slutposting, not more nightly confession threads, only reddit now.

They were both good for different reasons. The OP is catchy as fuck whereas the ED is calming and brings out Tomatsu's pleasing vocals very well.

been watching for ten years, just watched through episode ten, the one with the karaoke? probably the best fun episode.

I mean three, like I started watching three years ago and just been passivley ticking off episodes every once in a while

and anyone with a brain knew the Ah! My Goddess manga was the worst part of the series anyway and should have seen it coming.

this sucks, I'd love to meet Yamakan but if I ever did it be awkard as fuck, i'm at least as tall as that crossing sign

Kokoro was legit garbage from episode 1, only morons who never seen a show like it before got caught up in it

I think by "director of this animation" he means he photoshopped himself in those pictures to make himself look tall, a "director of photoshop"

its shit

The rumor about the author getting sick because she saw a pic of her book being thrown out is a lie. She has some disease related to the brain, which confirmed officially by the publisher.
The false rumor was spread from some post on the Internet by the anime director. Kannagi fans hate him because of that

I tried.

I masturbated to your post.

last manga chapter soon (July 27, I think).

Time to say goodbye.

otaku trully are scum of the earth

Because it's a Sony
and Sony is dead.

Ya did good.
The only thing I would have added is the intro and the fact that her sickness was confirmed in some unspecified way other that three publishers announcement, and looked more into what he meant by 自分のインターネット上の掲示板. Does Yakaman have hours own forum?
Anyway nobody was talking about that rumor.

I liked it, especially Nagi and the OP/ED.
Hope we have a good discussion here for the final chapter like last months.

You would think that these authors would have learned a long time ago that their readers have a hair trigger when it comes to shit like this.