People praise Ufailtable for this garbage

>people praise Ufailtable for this garbage


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Because it looks good

>muh purism

It really looks better

What are you even complaining about?

>accurately color and shade
>cover it all with shitty effects
what is their problem?

It actually looks fucking nice, where did you get this from? Highly interested in Ufo procedures.

It looks good.

I don't get it. Are you complaining about how in the upper image Saber isn't actually holding the sword?

Sooo what is the problem user?...

I like the finished product but I'm curious to see what the scene looks like in motion without the effects.

I'm not the biggest fan of Ufo's use of special effects, but this one is definitely an improvement.

because it looks better, top is fine but lancelot looks out of place

It masks the garbage CG.

sure is summer in here
redditors with low upboats trying to fit in?

This is like someone complaining about lighting and particle effects being used to make a vidieo game look better.

You're aware that literally everything is made to "trick" you that something looks good?

Movie sets aren't real either. Props can be just fancy decorated sticks or painted cardboard.
Or that instead of polygonal bricks you have bump mapped wall or street textures in video games.

Literally every anime looks bad when it's just the directors scribbles on a storyboard. I guess that means the final product is also shit no matter how much detail is added later.

Nothing wrong with special effects.
The show itself was garbage but that's a different story.


The problem is that all their anime look the same. It's not a good way to run a studio.

Looks good

>> A group of decent but not amazing artists, CG designers, and effects artists choose to work very close together as opposed to cities apart so they can cover for each-other's weaknesses and make a product that is overall better than they could if their production pipeline was more disconnected.
>> It's different; it must be garbage.
I don't understand this mindset.
In my book they're just good at resource management and trying to get everything done as well as possible in-house.

>top is a mess of colors and lines because both the setting and the characters are super detailed
>somehow simplifying the finished look with helpful lighting that allows for an easier reading of what's going on is bad, worse, "garbage"
Why? Because you don't know what you're talking about, that's why.

Because it's better.

Because it looks better maybe?

Because people love Instagram filters. See: Kyoani.

Ufotable has always made good looking anime but they're always stuck making game adaptations and shit.

Why can't ufotable make an original.

people shit on cgi but ufotable uses it all the time, it's hilarious

>instagram filters

It's almost lovable how some people pretend they know what they're talking about.

Only idiots shit on cgi pretending it's all the same.

CGI isn't inherently bad

Kyoani does the samething

It's shit when Kyoani does it though.

At least it's not A-1

Why does she have those blisters on her cheeks?

It would have been a good idea to post an example of it looking like shit instead of an example of it looking good.

too bad nothing can mask your autism

I assume their execs don't want to take risks by trying the studio's hand at making an original. It is admittedly safer to just ride on the coatails of a franchise that already attained popularity. Unless that work is Zestiria of course. Another proof every anime involves taking risks, original or not, and there is no safe bet.

I don't understand. The final result looks good. What are you complaining about?

it's a cgi bukkake

>accurately color and shade
Isn't it mostly cel-shaded CGI to begin with?


imaging buying the first BD set for 300 bucks and buying it again for another 300 bucks.

She isn't even holding her sword on the source.

Do you really need that explained to you?

Tales of Zestria was cancer with all those memevolence 3DCG monsters

That scene just looks poorly directed all around. It makes Reina look like a homicidal psychopath.

There was a comparison like in OP of a sunset against Kumiko, but I apparently didn't save it the last time I saw it. The reason why it always looks shit when Kyoani does it is because they actually alter the colors in their art to suit the tone of the scene, so when they put lens flare and color correction over it, it just conceals the high quality art with piss instead of covering up boring art with non-redundant effects letalone providing any sort of polish.

That sword is rendered on the top layer just for reference. It's fucking Invisible Air

As long as it looks good, I don't give a shit. Ufotable's Fate shows were really pretty, and told the story well.