The Night Is Short

Subs when?

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are the raws out?

I don't know, nyaa shows nothing

Supposedly Maruchan subs is working on it.

Gonna see this tonight in LA. Pretty hyped

It's awesome. Enjoy.

Yuasa said he'll adapt the remaining novel in the trilogy at some point too.

rip fucking when?

I wonder who's retarded enough to upload on fucking youtube

What is the name of that third novel?

>that disgusting Flash-tweened zoom at 1 minute
I dread to think of how horrible Devilman will look like.

Tatami Galaxy is the second, Night is short is the third. I believe the first is Tower of the Sun.

No one cares about your opinion please fuck off

>12 minutes ago
UH was it you?

Only a blind fanboy would defend the crap he's been doing with Flash. It's shit.

I'll defend Yuasa as much as it takes, because he is the best contemporary director of our time. Also Saru isn't 100% Flash animation, from it looks very similar to Madhouse's Tatami Galaxy.

Explain why. I see no difference with Tatami Galaxy.

what is this alcoholism: the anime?

Alcohol brings you closer to the gods.

super japanese concept

>you will never go on a drunken pub crawl through Kyoto with a raven-haired maiden

It looks good tho.

MaruchanSubs is working on it

How long will that take?

Really? I'd laugh if it ends up on their youtube instead of a torrent or MEGA.

Who knows, it could be a week as it could be two months or never
At this point, I'll just be happy to get subs.

He said he'd be interested in doing so, not that he will.

>I'd laugh if it ends up on their youtube instead of a torrent or MEGA.
It'll be a torrent like the one Maruko film they subbed.


Saw it a few weeks ago, I'm a massive Yuasafag and it is by FAR his weakest work.


It's like all of the silly comedy of Tatami but without any of the underlying themes. The central "romance" is incredibly underdeveloped and the MC is a weak character who adds very little to the story. It's also really weirdly paced and the ending takes up like 1/4 of the entire film. I think the biggest problem for me is that it lacks the underlying melancholy of a lot of his works, as I said before there's very little going on under the surface.

If you like Yuasa it's still worth a watch but it's a three star movie at best.

Melancholy is a weird way to describe what he's directed. How's the art?

I find a lot of his works incredibly melancholic, Ping Pong and Kaiba especially have really strong elements of underlying sadness that give the shows depth. I wouldn't call Tatami particularly melancholic but even that is more sub-textually deep in it's tackling of depression. The art is very similar to the 'cleaner' Tatami style, I prefer his 'uglier' stuff like Ping Pong and Kemonozume but it's still light years more interesting than the majority of anime out there.

Honestly, I'm not looking for anything spectacularly deep. I just want creative animation, a fun story, a good waifu, and Kyoto nostalgia.

To be honest I heard Lu was the better film, of the two he released.

Heard from who?

You da real MVP. btw 55:00 for a cute musical number.

There are quite a few transitions where the 3D is jarring, but on the whole it can't be more than 10 seconds where it took me out of the film.


So, does this movie have any relation to Tatami Galaxy? Even a "friend of a friend" kind of thing is enough, otherwise it doesn't really sound interesting at all.


You sound stupid.

Well, I'll take your word and wait for a good rip.

Yeah the master is in it