JoJo thread

There are people who think Jobin will dethrone the best Jojo villain.

Other urls found in this thread:

Valentine was a bitch.

Describe your sex life with a stand name
>sticky fingers

The Hand

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

the world

King Crimson ;_;

What does a character's stand name say about their sex life?
>King Crimson

Sex Pistols
we finally got the dub OH NO boys

>The Hand

speed king

>King Crimson
Diavolo is obsessed with being the 'King', aka dominant since he got 'dominated' as a kid. He will also only have sex with his lover when she's exuding the crimson cascade.

Soft & Wet


Oh lonesome me
>for now

king nothing


He was an act utilitarian; the worst type of utilitarian to exist

He was.

He was such a good villain that people still get fooled by his speech.

Why does Valentine have fans? He was boring for most of the manga's run

funny vorelentine

Fun Fun Fun

>tried to rape a girl
>didnt gave a shit when his wife died
>was fine with the rest of the world suffering as long as his own country was safe
People who say he wasn't a villain are retards


Gold Experience

>tfw finished rewatching part 2

Joseph really is the best Jojo, no contest

Are the good part 5 translations done yet?


Spice Girl

What do you like about him/part 2?

achtung baby

Sticky Fingers

>Implying Jobin can lift the napkin
Valentine was based, but we all know who the best and most charismatic villain is.

He has a couple of good fights and a 10/10 moment.

Despite what some braindead, meme spewing dumbasses want to make you believe with a shitty chart, a good villain needs to have charisma, presence and good moments. So it's understandable that Valentine has fans.

I like how he relies on tricks and mind games instead of just beating the shit out of someone with a stand. I’ve only watched parts 1-4 and haven’t read the manga but he is definitely the most interesting Jojo. Jonathan is good but he’s kind of boring and the generic chivalrous type, Jotaro is cool but he barely talks (he’s way better in part 4). Josuke is great but I think that’s mainly because of his stand and catchphrases, same goes for Jotaro. Also, I don’t really know why part 2 is so good, I just like it

well he changes a bit in part 3 but he's still awesome on a new way

>he hasn't read 5-8

5 and 6 dont have better characters but 7 gives a really good jojo

I can’t read manga, all the black and white tires my eyes after a while, plus I’d rather wait to see part 5 animated since it’ll probably be announced soon

Then read the colored scans



Valentine is better at being a charismatic cunt than DIO

I respectfully disagree. Araki did a great job at making Dio an absolute cunt in part 1 and then hyping him as a mysterios, cool and charismatic villain in part 3. Valentine was great, but DIO's sheer presence is unparalleled.

this. also, Valentine wasn't a charismatic cunt, he was a charismatic extremist.


i quit part 8 a few chapters after jobin showed up because i want to wait till it ends and just read it all at once. So jobin is the confirmed main antagonist?

Doggy Style

not yet. there's a group of villains and we haven't seen the boss so far.

I fucking love part 7.

>Super fast vibrating strings
Ah fuck, it's gonna be a time related stand isn't it.

I wouldn't recommend it. Jojo is not for binge reading I'd say. The impact of every end of chapter moment is lessened because you don't have to wait for the next issue when you read every chapter at once.

Little feet

Last thread there was an user that listed all the ways jobin is the main antagonist And how he's josukes foil

And the whole vibrating thread bubble thing got me thinking

Didn't speed King create heat through vibrating particles very fast?
If so this is yet another similarity between speed King and soft and wet


It already came out didn't it?

not on my computer lmao

haha not this time fucker

The Grateful Dead

>You will never read Steel Ball Run for the first time again

half of it is shit tho

>having half a shit taste

the cycle continues


For all it's guys, Jojo has some top tier girls. Trishfags need not apply.
Feel bad for Hotpants that she was bumped so unceremoniously, was one of the only people in the race that I wanted to get a happy ending..
Can I be spoonfed the pasta filter maker, I lost it from /d/?

>having conquered the genders, Kars has become the ultimate social lifeform

Trish >>> Hot Pants

He'll go full autistic once Norisuke is dead. He has a reason to be scared of his dad. Being caught isn't going to affect him much, so I believe there's an ulterior motive.

Jobin's a pretty cool character.

>Can I be spoonfed the pasta filter maker, I lost it from /d/?
no idea, I don't even remember where I got the image

They are so delusional.
How could Jobin dethrone Pucci?

Which part is the most gay?

What you last a few seconds?

Part 5. Not a single male character has any interest in opposite sex, and it has the gayest fashion too.

Mista and Diavolo were straight.

>was fine with the rest of the world suffering as long as his own country was safe
Literally nothing wrong with this. I which U.S. Presidents thought like this more.

Diavolo was at least bi, and there's no proof Mista's straight.

>interest in the opposite sex
Diavolo fucked a woman and Mista wanted to fuck Trish.

didn't it mention that Mista hated gays or something on the line to that

>Diavolo was at least bi
There's no proof of that
>there's no proof Mista's straight.
Did you forget him gawking at Trish's nip?

>Diavolo fucked a woman
And was fucked in the ass. Bi.
>Mista wanted to fuck Trish.
Probably just some macho talk
>Y-yeah, I totally want to bang that hot chick, amirite g-guys, I m-mean only a g-gay wouldn't want to, highfive, I AM NOT GAY!

Nah, just that he'd likely kill a gay man in prison, the implication being that, because he's pretty but also very violent, he'd kill anyone who tried to fuck him. Whether he actually hates gays isn't stated, though he was fine with Giorno slipping his hand down his pants during Green Day.

>Projecting this hard

Is Jobin the Villain, though? I was sure he was just some arc antagonist.

I think it was sort of an awkward translation but I'm pretty sure it was implying that Mista was a prettyboi who'd protect his boipussi at all costs.

But wasn't Mista screaming and begging for Giorno to stop when Giorno had that weird scene with him in White Album?

What Giorno did was rape. He raped Mista.

He's the only villain who hasn't died and is still plot relevant and still being built up, he even got a flashback chapter earlier this year. Also the only member of the smuggling ring still alive, though Urban and Tom's group might salvage what's left of that.

>there are people who think Jobin won't be a redeemed villain
the writing is on the wall that his and the rock people's goals do not align and when they fuck him over he will be come a reluctant ally

It's not rape, it's spoils of war. Giorno won the battle now it's his warrior's right to 'partake' to his heart's desire.



What the fuck is his problem?

Boy 2 man

>ywn fuck diavolo's muscular ass

He's his father's son.

Dumbasses the best jojo villain is pucci and joubins just an autistic manchild

Is Pucci the least flawed villain? He's the full package.

Google it

Woah there. You're either a fujoshit or a hard projecting faggot.