
Where did everything go wrong?

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Mikado did nothing wrong.

After the show ended.

When they started introducing a bunch of new characters that nobody cared about and didn't really matter.

Coolm00t did nothing wrong. He is the hero Ikebukuro needed, but not the one it deserved. So he was hunted, because he could take it. Because he was a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A dark admin.

Reminder that x2 is better than the first season in every way.

It was when people finally discovered how bad the pacing of the episodes were

Like there was so much happening in an episode and yet nothing was happening in that same episode.

This tbqh.

Pretty much.

Too many "main" characters.

I know it's a Narita story, but still.


Why can't any of the main characters be normal?
I mean I know it's from the guy who made baccano but come on now that's different.

100% false.

Too many characters to care about, I ended caring for none.

Only the first 12 episodes were good in S1 and even then it was really slow at times. S2 had the opposite problem though as it covered all the material at a breakneck pace.

Kept adding characters and plotlines and not resolving any of them.

Durarara was always shit compared to Baccano!.

Too chuuni.
Japan finally had a chance to take a shot at doing a hood story and they fuck it up.

The supernatural shit should've been limited to Celty. The whole Saika plotline is just bad. And the vampire stuff might as well be nothing.

m00t being a user gang leader and slowly going mad was a decent enough main premise alongside Celty's head stuff to tangle together.

I liked the initial hints of building him slowly being to be an Izaya 2.0, but then he ended up becoming just another pawn for Izaya.


Pretty much this. But I was happy take a shitty spiritual successor to Baccano over none at all.

Way too many characters, not enough development for those characters and rushed/unresolved plotlines. Like, what was the point of Izaya's incesteous twin sisters again? Or that one car dude who hung around with Dotachin? Shizuo's brother and his idol girlfriend? Seriously, they should have trimmed the cast down to like two thirds of what we saw in the first season, or half of what we saw in x2.

Simon best boy btw.

>Mikado did nothing wrong
>Didn't give kill Izaya the most painful death possible
He did everything wrong fuck him.

Too many characters, not enough time for the good ones like best boy shizuo

They should have made pic related canon. And no I'm not even trolling or a fujoshi. The show was so full of messed-up/dark/"problematic" ships anyway, so it's not like some good ol' hatesex wouldn't fit right in with the show''s tone. Also, we all know that Narita couldn't actually sink the Shizaya ship or he'd loose like half of DRRR!'s readers, hence why he never gave Shizuo or Izaya explicit love interests.

>hence why he never gave Shizuo or Izaya explicit love interests.
Shizuo had Vorona though and Izaya had Namie to an extent. The LN illusitrator's OTP is Izaya x Namie.

After the first arc

Recommended this to my schoolmate when I was in highschool. He went full edgelord afterwards. The last thing I heard about him was when he strangled his fellow batchmate in medical school. The case was so severe that he got forced to transfer on an another college. I feel partially responsible for his demise

I liked it all


You do people live their own lives right?
>what was the point of Izaya's incesteous twin sisters again
They were Aoba's friends and Izaya's sisters, they saved Igor after he got fucked by Shizuo and later on protected Akane. Other than that they were simply people living in Ikebukuro doing their own things
>Or that one car dude who hung around with Dotachin?
Again, another person living in Ikebukuro, also he's family with the Durarara SH "protagonist".
>Shizuo's brother and his idol girlfriend?
Showed Shizuo's family, Ruri is the most obvious one, she is introduced as a monster that was hunting for one of the main villains in the series, Yodogiri Jinnai and was also Kurijagi Kasane's niece, Kasane who by the way turned out to be the real Yodogiri Jinnai. Also she was the focus of the stalker novel where Mikado burns the stalker and meets with Kida again.

And when it ended life continued "normally" in Ikebukuro, crazy people are still there doing their crazy things because life is like that, billions of stories happening at the same time all over the world.
You don't seem to understand that the whole point of Narita's series is that everyone has their own story to tell, going from the Raira students to Shizuo to Simon to Shinra to Kadota and to the Yakuza. That's why there are no main characters, his series aren't about defeating the demon lord with the help of your friends or turning into the pirate king, his series are about crazy people living their own lives and getting tangled up with the rest.

Why did Mikado try to kill himself and kids again?



He was too high, he wanted more and more unknown things because daily life bored him. When he realized that his addiction made him go as far as thinking about killing his friends he decided it was time to end it and there's nothing more "unknown" than death.

I liked season 1. Couldn't really get into S2, though. Pretty much the reason everyone else has already said.

Oops didn't mean to reply to this

t.brainlet that can't keep up with the series

Everything past the first cour of S1

I haven't watched this yet. Just downloaded both seasons. I don't really know anything about the show except that it is quite popular here.

No one's giving you the (you)s because they know you're right.

I feel like Mikado didn’t earn his insanity like if that guy hadn’t given him the gun that scene wouldn’t even have worked

Not really. There's even a scene in the last season where Izaya goes over every character one by one and clearly states that Mikado turned out crazier than he was expecting and that he'd rather not use him anymore. The whole point of just about every scene involving Izaya, Aoba and Mikado past Aoba's stabbing was to show that they were all understimating Mikado and how he's just a bomb waiting to go off.

Didn't he have two guns?

>Baccano s2 never
Has the LN ended?

Oh I forgot about that

>Aoba’s Brother kidnaps girl and nearly breaks her legs
>Is out of Jail before he is a old man

Baccano is a just 2-3 volumes away from ending. The "main" plot should end in the next one that was going to be released next month, but was delayed because Narita's having health problems with his joints.
>Oh I forgot about that
Come on user, part of his batshit insane plan involved Mikado shooting the cops and the yakuza with a different gun because he knew the one he was given was because the Awakusu wanted to set him up and take control of the Dollars

In the LNs it's very clear that he's crazy since the first volumes, the anime shows this too but with visual cues and some people can't catch on them. His monologues in the LN make it clear like when he's getting beat up by a guy and he doesn't care because the guy is an "irrelevant character".

Also he had a wrist gun, he outplayed the Yakuza.

The first season of the anime really didn't put in any effort to show how obsessed with the extraordinary. I'm still a bit disappointed they didn't show him grinning like a motherfucker when he sees Mika running from Celty and decides to grab her hand and run with her too. He was thinking more of getting himself personally involved with a living urban legend than of saving a girl in need.

Yeah the first season wasn't that good in portraying the characters, Mikado is pretty generic there

Izaya makes a point himself of saying he underestimated Mikado. It's pretty obvious that he went beyond what Izaya was anticipating and isn't a pawn anymore.

Fuck off

I actually forgot that Mikado's glove gun was used in Baccano first.

When it took them FIVE fucking years to release an S2. I watched the first one, but by the time the 2nd one came out I had already forgotten everything about the 1st and couldn't give enough of a shit to watch the 2nd.

The best part of s2 was Mika revealing she knew everything that was happening just so she could keep Seiji out of it.

It pisses me off that they took Vorona away from Shizou just because Fujos would be mad if they became a couple.

How is Snake hands?

It's Japan, not America with it's draconian laws.

Looking at the sales for S2, it seems that fujos don't care about this anymore, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Sounds like he was unstable to begin with, at worst you accelerated something that would probably have happened anyways seeing how he was so susceptible.

Sometimes I wonder how sociopathic retards manage to get into medical school.

Celty a cutie

This is a good thread.

This desu fampaimiliamalam.

Drrr Snake Hands when?

You have to be a little cold hearted to be a medical professional in the first place

He told me that he had some kind of psychological disorder which makes him apathetic to people. Goddamnit now he likes izaya and even imitate his mannerisms and retarded philosophy

My boy was just trying to have some fun.

I really like it. Narita's style of writing makes it so no matter how you choose to continue or with what characters you'd still end up with a fun story because I mean this is DRRR but if he wanted to write a new series and make it in shinjuku it would be it's own retarded world with a lot of retarded things happening no matter who the characters are or where they are.

This is probably bound to happen sooner or later. Don't blame yourself over this.

Run before he tries to kill you.

around the time he stabbed a guy