Yu-Gi-Oh! Series 1

So i started rewatching yugioh last month and today i finished it, the whole first series.Im really sad now and have a feeling of emptyness.Why doesnt Konami consider making a new series based on the old original crew(joey,tristan,kaiba etc) and continue their adventures? Didnt the move do well or what? dbs got their treatment

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>Why doesnt Konami consider making a new series based on the old original crew
Because they make trillions selling cards, so they are going to make stuff focused on the new cards.

because their stories are over and there's no need to beat a dead horse to dust just because you like the old characters so much

they can use all the new cards they want, im not against that, just make yugi and the others be their users.Im sure it would be a better promotion aswell

Their story has plenty of closure, so there really is no need to bring them back unless it's for anniversary stuff like the movie.

Try watching 5D's, it's just as good.


>they can use all the new cards they want
They can't. They're too complicated for Joey and Dark Magician and Blue Eyes stuff is garbage.

Their story is over. I want Yugi to get the spotlight he deserves over Atem but what we got is good enough

>too complicated for joey
but seriously, they dont have to revolve them around dark magician and blue eyes, i agree they should move on and adapt on new decks.Given that duel links (>50m downloads) is solely based on duel monsters and partly gx it should be a heads up to what most people enjoy and it would be a good hand to hand promotion for both the series and game, making konami more profit.But obviously there must be a reason behind them not doing that that we arent aware of



but what will i do when i get too attached to 5ds and it also ends? i think i developed series anxiety or something lol, but im serious

>dbs got their treatment
And look how that shit turned out.

>Try watching 5D's, it's just as good.
Lol delusional 5Dsfags
That shit sucked

>i think i developed series anxiety or something lol, but im serious
I know this feel with old school sitcoms

Do you want things to end up like Ash?

Sometimes it's okay for stories to just end. They go on too long, and it becomes sad. I mean fucking Christ, Ash Ketchum has to be one of the sorriest characters in modern media. A perpetual failure who's suck in the body of a 10 year old.

No with Yu-gi-oh it'd just be Yami winning over and over

Which I'd say is better psychologically for kids, but not by much. Sometimes you reach a plateau with a character. You keep going, and you get folks like Kirito.

>Which I'd say is better psychologically for kids
You sound autistic
They're just cartoons

I can’t figure it out either. Every Yu-Gi-Oh series besides the original (DM) and VRAINS has been fucking terrible. GX is, I guess, the 3rd best, but it’s still awful. 5D’s, ZEXAL and ARC-V are fucking terrible. Xyz, Synchro and Pendulum summons ruined the game and the series.

No dude, think about Pokemon for a second. Just think about it.

It's a series that's rooted in a character wanting to achieve a goal. Except for 20 years, he hasn't fucking achieved that goal. No matter how hard he tries, no matter how much effort he puts into it, he inevitably fails.

It's fascinating, honestly. If you just look at Pokemon from an individual episode to episode basis, it's cutesy and harmless, but intentional or not, it's got a fucked message in the end.

That’s what I watch shows for - to see the protagonist win everything. If I want to see a bunch of losing, I’ll go watch real life.

That's really sad user

>5D is worse than VRAINS

>That shit sucked
>Didn't even watch it
How does it feel to be a nostalgiafag and a genwunner?

OP i have a surprise for you

it's called Dark Side of Dimensions
it's a very good movie
please watch it

What about series 0?

This is the average toxic user in Yu-Gi-Oh! and you don't wanna be that
You probably came over from DSOD or Duel Links but DM has more than enough content and nostalgia pumping out
The average opinion is anything past GX is shit and they hate Synchro/Xyz/Pendulum/Links because it "ruined the game" but thats what everyone says when a new mechanic comes out
In a constantly evolving game you can't have the same stuff because it'll get boring and repetitive after a while
I've had enough of this new wave of nostalgiafags, you should just accept all shows and mechanics and be done with it
Even Blue-Eyes, Red-Eyes and Dark Magician have Synchros and Xyz
Cyber Dragons even have Xyz and Crystal Beasts have Pendulums
I've been dealing with this franchise since DM ended and heard the same shit every time a new show comes out and I actually watched all of them instead of hating on it as if it is the masses opinion when you're blinded by nostalgia
And mind you Yu-Gi-Oh! DM didn't do the manga justice with the filler and minor changes
5DS and Zexal 2 are regarded as one of the best shows even, while GX had its plot all over the place, it was comfy in the first 50 episodes but later had no direction
For now you should watch all shows and form your own critical opinion instead of being blinded by nostalgia
The movie is a continuation of the DM manga so there are minor differences like Kaiba having never been there to see the ceremonial duel between Atem and Yugi
It also cut a ton of what Kazuki the original creator wanted, because initially it was supposed to just be a Kaiba Movie, but Yugi was shoved in and they added a new unneeded villain
Production issues even got Joey, which is Kazukis favorite character aside of Jack, no duel but only time to focus on him in the movie
Tons of monsters from the movie pack didn't even appear because of these issues
Like half of all the magician girls were cut out and the last duel was turned into a cliffhanger

They can't. They fucked up by time skipping between each new mechanic so it would make no sense for Yugi to start playing with synchros or pendulums when they won't exist for another few decades (5ds) or centuries (zexal?).

Because the show was based on a manga and the manga ended. Pretty sure Takahashi doesn't WANT Konami to make endless new anime-original arcs of the story.

Damn user you just went full nuclear
You also said everything that was needed to be said
And most of these are something I'd agree to

>The movie is a continuation of the DM manga so there are minor differences like Kaiba having never been there to see the ceremonial duel between Atem and Yugi

Why didn't they respect the creator's wishes ?

The Yugioh anime is pretty damn loose when it comes to sticking to what's in the manga.

I watched Pokemon for the Pokemons and so did most kids

Except I did watch it and it was bad

Because it's Konami we're talking about who fired Kojima even though the metal gear franchise was at its peak
They would rather it attract everyone and make the new manga chapter which is a pre-sequel to DSOD a duel links commercial with kaiba
The movie turned into another bad nostalgia wank instead of what Kazuki actually wanted


No, about the production issues

>It also cut a ton of what Kazuki the original creator wanted, because initially it was supposed to just be a Kaiba Movie, but Yugi was shoved in and they added a new unneeded villain
>Production issues even got Joey, which is Kazukis favorite character aside of Jack, no duel but only time to focus on him in the movie
>Tons of monsters from the movie pack didn't even appear because of these issues
>Like half of all the magician girls were cut out and the last duel was turned into a cliffhanger

>Because it's Konami we're talking about who fired Kojima even though the metal gear franchise was at its peak
It's almost like Kojimbo was literally wasting thousands to millions of dollars of their money.

>Why doesnt Konami consider making a new series based on the old original crew(joey,tristan,kaiba etc) and continue their adventures?
Because Kaz actually gives a damn about the story he wrote and won't let them do anything like that. He doesn't care too much what they do with the card game as long as it makes money.

This pasta again? geez

Was it card game kino?

im not a big fan of super but at least it keeps the franchise alive, brings new content for games and is there for you to watch, its your option.Besides, i dont know how you can really screw up a cards game anime

i havent kept up with pokemon since i was little, i only now started watching anime online and pokemon hasnt aired in my country for over 10 years so im not too familiar with it, i play the games though(at least the series keeps the game base alive)
just finished watching this movie, literally 3 hours ago, it was great, loved it all the way i wish it was even longer.I will rematch it again in the future along with dm series.I so wish they would continue with it, it gave many hints for future moves
watched that too some time ago, it was interesting to say the least and really different from what i grew up watching, liked it overall

He doesn't really care that much about the card game in the first place, he only kept using it in the manga because his editor told him to.

Hence the game hardly being in the last arc. That's my point, he cares about the characters he wrote, the story he finished, so he's protective of them, but Konami can do what they want with the game.

didnt know how he looked like, thanks. Respect and much love to him for giving me one of my favorite shows and games, i hope he gets more ideas in the future and writes his own manga like toriyama
i dont browse Sup Forums, just dropped by after finishing the show to express my opinion/questions.Sorry if its being "meme'd" or pasta'd, wasnt aware

>Such a genwunner that he cares about fucking Tristan

>Kaz cares about his story and character, but lets Konami do whatever with the card game they made based on his story because hey, free money, and he never cared that much about the game in the first place
>Konami doesn't really care that much about the story and the characters because it's the card game that makes them money
The result is a bunch of Konami-commissioned anime series made to promote the card game that use new characters because Kaz doesn't want them to fuck with his characters. And that's why you're not going to see much more of Yugi.

Stop lying to yourself user
If you're just riding the "CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES" is bad joke you're wrong here, because jokes on you LittleKuriboh admit the show is actually good
And if Zexal is shit for you because of yumas hair then I'll have to inform you that Kazuki designed yuma himself
Stop being a genwunner and watch something that isn't DM or GX because Zexal and 5DS are worth the watch
Shouldn't you be on your duel links reddit?
Did you miss out how Chocolate, Berry and Kiwi Magician girl are entirely missing when they're in the movie pack?

>The movie turned into another bad nostalgia wank instead of what Kazuki actually wanted

What did he actually want?

You've got the movie Bonds Beyond time where the 3 first protagonists team up and it's canon to 5DS too
DM, GX and 5DS are in the same timeline
And if you're asking yourself where the bikes came from, that is just the modern transition from shadow games on horses in ancient egypt
We even had a chapter where yami was dueling yami bakura on a horse
Kazuki also worked on the mangas for the spin-offs so the shows are more than just card game commercials

It was previewed as a movie that focuses solely on Kaiba from the DM manga
Because Kaiba is based on a real person that Kazuki knew and he wanted to give Kaiba some focus since he was left out at the end of the DM manga
He mentioned how it wasn't even supposed to have Yugi in it

Why did they change it?

Yugi sells tickets.

Consider the fact when Joey is Kaz favorite character from DM, that he didn't get any new cards or a single duel in the movie that is an ending to his manga
Kaz tried his hardest to give him some screen time too with the prana dimension
And Aigami was the worst part about the movie, they should have given older characters some focus instead

how is this the ending to his manga when they were hinted more events in the future?

The movie pack was the only good thing we got out of it
The movie was really bad, but good for anyone who only watched the first episodes of DM where rulings were not set
They didn't even explain their card effects fully so the average viewer wouldn't be confused
Had to go rewatch some good YGO moments after that which didn't involve DM
Because there is nothing hinted for more?
Kaz is done with DM
The only thing you're getting is duel links for more content which is a bad cashgrab or Yugi and Kaiba constantly being featured on products of legacy support for old decks
And the legacy support is disappointing pack filler too

Im glad YGO kinda died in the US. Less dub Genwunnere to plague the fannase as time.goes on


Joey would be fine. He almost won against a god deck

Post summoning sequences, these are some of my favorites

>rewatch this moment
>still fucking mad

It was like the Kalos league fiasco for me.
How the fuck he didn't won.

Why does /tg/ despise YGO so much? Are they literally triggered by its success?

>Yami Marik almost pukes afterwards
That part's great

You are trying too hard

What are you talking about user?

YGO hasnt been infested with trannies and SJWs like MTG has

Damn the middle of this thread sucks. You guys pulled it back somehow. WEW some of you retarded for arguing about your opinions like they're facts. I digress.

Who do you like more, Atem or Yugi?

>fucking terrible
From my very soul, fuck you.


Kill yourself OP.

fuck off OP

It'd be nice if there was a pokemon style Yu-gi-oh game where you free roam domino city or duelist kingdom winning cards or an rpg style yu-gi-oh game where the choices you make affect the storyline and there are multiple endings.
>ywn beat yugi and bakura and take their millennium items

The Tag Force special game also had some nice routes for ishizu and alexis I wish there were more of.

How would they ever extend it? They wrapped it up rather nicely. Without the egyptian fantasy main plot, what do they have to go off?
I wouldn't mind a yugioh anime set in the mid=modern era, like 1920s or 40s, but I can't imagine how that would work or be entertaining without the hologram tech. I just want the series to stop being set a billion years into the future. Bring it back to the modern era or better yet make a series set in ancient egypt, it doesn't have to be with atem again either.

Would it be like DB super I guess? Atem and the other spirits + millennium items come back via some BS plot item and continue their adventures? idk how much more they could stretch it out. The dartz saga felt needless as well.

Atem, but mostly because Yugi got almost no screentime, like Atem was in the spotlight 95 percent of the time, which made the duel at the end a little less impactful than it should have been imo

>The dartz saga felt needless as well.
It's literally anime original filler

>series get a satisfying enough conclusion
>”wait no I want moar pls don’t ever end!”
You know what happens when you never end your story and keep telling it even though you shouldn’t? It becomes a zombie.
OP, move on to another series; or hell, watch 5Ds if you just want to watch more children card games in your Annie Maes.

*High fives*

I only ever tried GX and 5Ds once as a kid and didn't like them so I stopped keeping up with the animes, but I am grateful there continues to be porn of the lead girl characters.

Like what?

Joey, Tristian and Tea are all going off to more normal lives and Yugi is comitted to helping his Grandpa Run the gameshop while pursuing his dream as a Game Designer, Most of them are done with serious Duel Monsters stuff and Kaiba may or may not be stuck in the Afterlife depending on if he worked out a return trip for after the duel with Atem and if he hasn't he's already given Mokuba the Permission to continue on in his place. The series is at a slightly better closing spot than it originally concluded and anything more would be too much.

Explain this

Kaiba play testing Yugi's 4D chess he designed.

Not him, but Kaiba negotiates that return trip and then as he said, Yugi is designing a game and pitching it to Kaiba. Kaiba respects Yugi a bit, but was mostly in a rivalry with Atem. He's got Yugi on payroll as a consolation of sorts, and because he doesn't give a shit about the money anyway. Yugi hooks up grandpa with loads of rare shit from his game, gets the game shop popping off, he's set for the rest of his life. Pretty easy and fits with literally everything he said

the only place you could even make grounds to disagree would be with Kaiba being there, and he left the possibility open because that user acknowledged we aren't sure what happened.

Why does he have the face of a man who's seen some serious shit?

I'm about to finish season 0 after being really big on Yu-Gi-Oh in my youth when it was on 4kids and holy shit season 0 fucks everything else in the ass

Go watch season 0 op

>GX is, I guess, the 3rd best, but it’s still awful
>Yu-Gi-Oh GX

Impossible, not with scenes like this.

It's a really watered down and shitty adaptation of the manga, and you should read the manga instead.

>calling it season 0

You guys realize it's the first run of the series, not at all season 0, and you're all fucking retards for calling it this right? stop being mindless followers please, thanks.

I am currently reading it and yes obviously the manga is better than the anime but I don't think op was along about the manga.

Yes faggot I am aware of this however calling it season 0 makes it easier to find on the internet to go watch.

choosing functionality in a setting where it's irrelevant over being correct

again, stop being a mindless follower please, thanks

It's just what everyone calls it, calm you're autism.
What else would you call it when it's yugioh BEFORE yugiohs in it?

>I am autistic and you must say it how I say it

Fucking get over yourself

Well he liked and played table top RPG


>before yugiohs in it

damn, imagine being that fucking stupid holy shit

Yugi's development is better imo. After Atem turns from Mr.Hyde to a chill shounen MC he just become a fucking wall

>seaaon 0

Amaazing how one British fag can ruin an entire fandom in the west by himself. This is why I only discuss YGO on Japanese sites or with friends.

I fucking hated the overly complex rules with the synchro bullshit. I hated that the duels had no wits or personality whatsoever and were essentially just 20 minute-long masturbatory explanation of the TCG/OCG rules. I hated how none of the characters(except maybe for Jack) had no personality.
At least in GX the characters had personality even though GX wasn't that great either.

5D's was boring as shit and no amount of throwing around "genwunner" is gonna make it good.

Fucking this, Yusei has never lost one duel and thats fucking retarded, whats the point of even watching his duels if you already know what the result will be, he's never gone evil and betrayed his friends, all the other yugioh protags have. He has absolutely no character development at all, and the series is overall just stale af

>at least it keeps the franchise alive
I'd rather it'd stay dead than this shit. And people thought GT was bad.

>Episode title is "Jonouchi Dies"
What the fuck

All I can remember from 5Ds was stupid tattoos, the kallen knock off and speed counters.