Just Because

How did we go from this

To this?

That is the most repulsive typesetting I have ever seen


She's not gonna suffer, right?

You can't really call it typesetting.

Well whatever you want to call it. Does it look like that on CR?

is it purely coincidence?

Its amazon, but I think so.

She's already suffering. Can't you guys see that she's depressed and her life is a complete shit? The Photography Club, and now Eita, is the way her found to escape from reality.

But look how happy she is.


Stop. Camera will find happiness.

She is trying to help sleepy head by gauging kaichou heart

No. Just Because is prequel to Speed Grapher

What does she mean by this

What will make her happy? I want her to be happy

When did she become a moeblob?

she means everything

I can't figure out why she said that when she's been stringing him along for years.

No, it does not.

How does it look?

Dame means dame

I don't know. But a streamfag in a different thread said that amazon streams have proper typesetting, while their rips don't.

My god.

Because she finally realised. She has been liberated from her crush on Haruto and has now managed to see how Eita has always been there for her.

>Eita has always been there
Very funny.

I mean I doubt they took away the Japanese text and replaced it with an English one. Are you sure you don't mean "proper" in comparison to Erai-raws which had the text all over the place.

I told you everything that I "know". It was a single post, and I didn't inquire further or watch it myself, because I don't care about streams.

Eita literally fucked off for how many years only to return and find her pathetic ass still obsessing over JUST.

>stringing him along for years
You forget he moved away for most of those years