What the fuck?

>wins mobile game of the year over Fire Emblem: Fates and Monster Hunter Generations

How the fuck did this happen? What the fuck were they thinking giving the award to that shit game everyone dropped after a month?

It's a popularity contest, and a casual game that any half brain idiot can play is more accessible than FE and MH.

Well, I'm not too sad about MHGen not winning. 4U was a vastly superior game, and if it hasn't won, then Gen surely shouldn't either.

I don't know about that award but during the first month of intense popularity it was some real good shit. All niantic needed to do was buy some more fucking servers and it would have lasted ages longer.

Fates was shit and sold less than Awakening despite a better launch.

One thing is losing to another game but losing to a fucking app?

Also according to people this piece of shit app is better than Dragon Quest Builders wich is outright moronic.

>someone is shocked a pokemon game won over anything else handheld/mobile wise

>caring about game awards

You're only hurting yourself if you care. Stop it.

Well, as said, it's hardly an objective evaluation of the mobile/handheld games, and more of a popularity contest.

it's hilarious how people unironically argue that pokemon go wasn't the most important mobile game of the year, maybe even the most important mobile game ever made.
this game deserves every award in existence.

>no actual catching
>no actual battling
>no story
>no npc trainers to fight
>not even pvp
>but it got pokemon slapped on it so it's a full blown pokemon game right?

more like "wtf did this get an award but sun-moon wasn't even listed and they gave the RPG award to a DLC instead".

Because despite it's lack of longevity one cannot argue with it's popularity.
>Hurrdurr popular =/= good
Nor does the amount of time the game was played for mean of was good. People sink days solid into grinds, yet wouldn't ever argiue the time spent grinding was fun.
>Yeah well it was shit
No opinion is right or wrong, but yours seems to be in the minority.
>Yeah well popular doesmnt equal good.
See earlier.

Deal with it.

>A pokemon game
Is all that giuy claimed it was.
Not a "full blown" pokemon game.
Just a Pokémon game.
Like Snap, Pikachu Says He's OK, Pocket Pikachu, Pokemon Pinball. All Pokemon games. Not all RPGs.

One hundred million players in under a month. Just think about that.

It's the only mobile game of those ones.


This is literally you. Lots of people still play it. Get off Sup Forums every once in a while.

>Also according to people this piece of shit app is better than Dragon Quest Builders wich is outright moronic.

This is worth noting because it won ANOTHER award to beat DQ Builders in addition to the mobile game category win. I have no clue why anyone would take that shit house award show seriously where pokemon go is winnin multiple awards.

Its not like this is No Man's Lie.
Also this.

>Censored Emblem: Fates
>deserving of anything

VGAs is just a popularity contest. I can't understand why a vast majority of Sup Forums takes award s and reviews as seriously as they do.

>The hemline of some chick was more modest or some equally stupid meaningless shit
>Ergo the entire game is bad
Get some perspective lad.

>mobile game of the year
>fire emblem

Sounds like someone doesn't know what mobile means

This, thread

OP, you have to know that game awards only serves to bring trailers and gameplays. nothing more.

Why couldn't we have seperate mobile and handheld categories? Hell, why couldn't we have a award dedicated to best game for each system? Instead of dumb shit like best esports team or best voice actor.

At the heigh of it's populatiry it had more players than twitter has users

>that shit game everyone dropped after a month?

They did the same for mobawatch and that game is dying since day one.

>le overwatch is dying meme

>free weekends because the game is so dead already

The fact that they give mobile games their own category is laughable.

Its like winning gold in the Special Olympics.

Censored emblem Fates is about as casual and terrible as pokemon Go, so it's pretty appropriate

When the game started to die the people who defended it were like fuck niantic it's their fault but as they announced more things for i to bring it back the same people who defended it are screaming at the people who still hate it
i swear to god people are so fucking retarded