So she was autistic, right?

So she was autistic, right?

Other urls found in this thread:;Gate#Related_media


How can anyone make this topic with a straight face and act like Okabe wasn't on the spectrum. Mayuri was almost normal compared to him.



>The girl who could not be Orihime
I cried

Look at those tuturus user,she's a girl(female)

How is she still single by 2036 with that body?

I want to marry and impregnate that autist.


Don't sexualize her. Stop posting those kind of pics.

If she was, i still wanted to cop them titties.
I bet they feel like jelly


So what's the deal with this VN? Romance? Dama? Action? Psudo dating sim?

Worth playing?

There's very very few people I don't do that too.

She's not one of them.

Kill yourself. I bet you're from SERN too.

Damn how did you ever find me out. Not.

okabe was juts a 20 year old chuuni so he looked extra autistic. in zero he hardened the fuck up and is pretty much a normie

Each time I see this pic it always looks like stink lines coming from under her.

>and is pretty much a normie
Except he kept failing at normie stuff.


>It took thousands upon thousands of failures and deaths of all his beloved friends and loved ones for him to turn into a normie like the rest of us

Rest in piece sweet prince.
Zero happens in-between the start and end of the first game
also in a future

Okabe made me realize how autistic I was during my chunni phase.
I still act like it when I'm alone because I'm still an autist at heart

You're thinking of the best girl (male)

Time travel drama I guess. I'm reading it and enjoying it but it's a slow burn to start off with and has some serious down time. When it's intense it's really intense but it yeah it has a lot of down time.

Absolute worst male (female) (attack helicopter) out of both VNs.

not vidya fucking weeb faggots


I want to fug her so hard bros

>Tries to be a normalfag
>Still baits his wAIfu on @channel

What's wrong user? I bet being inside her would be like being wrapped in jelly

Why do they write it SERN when it's actually CERN ? My autism is not pelased

>this horrid taste

What's the deal with TUTURU?

Because that's the point. It's the same reason why SG has Dr. Pepper but not really.

So they don't get ambushed by professional Swiss lawyers

It's just cute

Do you not like Docutah P?

I thought she was like that because she kept absorbing all the knowledge from all the timelines Okabe failed in and it drove her batshit.

Mayuri says tutturuu and it's kinda cute
That's the deal

>chunni phase
You needed an anime to make you realize that?

I remember seeing moot saying it's okay to post VN on Sup Forums.

Hey, OP.
I think you posted this on the wrong board, discussion directly relating to anime should be posted on the Anime (Sup Forums) board.

Also, is zero playable on PC in eng?

It's a VN about somebody who is a massive chuuni and believes he's a mad scientist.
All his insane ramblings come true, and now world governments / secret groups are trying to kidnap him for secrets of time travel and killing all his family and friends along the way

I just called it being a fucking dork before I learned an actual term for it.
And yes.

yes. patch came out a week ago

It's funny how Stein's Gate the VN has such crappy art and yet VNfags as the shit encrusted ghetto of nerd culture seriously think it's amazing. Well and interestingly drawn VNs barely exist but they do exist and this is not one of them.

You guys probably also think the anime is drawn worse.

Check Nyaa for the patch.

Yes. Go get it from nyaa prepatched or something.


>Le snob nerd xD

>you'll never lick her hairy butthole

yeah the originals art looks uglier compared to what we got in zero but i don't think it's terrible

kinda mad they reused the art designs from the original for kurisu

It's gotta be fucking hairy I mean
A girl as dumb and autistic as her probably doesn't shave down there


What's up with the weird eyes? And why is it so fucking hot?

>post yfw FWAHAHAHA!

This is the first time I said this and got anyone who agreed that yeah it didn't look very good; I guess Sup Forums is better than /vg/

Honestly Stein's Gate sounds conceptually pretty interesting & clever but I'd probably have more fun with it in anime form than in VN form.

So are you supposed to start with the VN and then appreciate the anime or is it the other way around?

Stein's Gate is more vidya than your jimmy neutron bong video

Why isn't the most well-drawn VN translated?

SG art is mixed,there's goods and bads cgs.Overall it's inconsistent as fuck and I hate when faggots whine about the anime design being different.

this looks cool as fuck

I actually started tearing up when Okabe became Hououin Kyouma again.

0 was such a good followup to the original.

i was smiling the entire time that happened, one of the best scenes of the series

just innocent, and kept out of the loop

See the anime style looks better to me because it feels less gimmicky and more purposeful. There was this tl;dw video analyzing episode 1 by a guy that Sup Forums shits on a lot that I thought was good and it's what got me interested. It made some good points about the stylistic visual stuff in the anime.

Meanwhile the VN feels like "I can't draw very interestingly so I'll give everything a filter and pseudo-weird eyes", it just feels like a lame thoughtless way to make your art "unique".

the thing i disliked the most of steins gate zero were the villains

doctor leskinen and reyes being evil felt obvious as fuck and durpa and stratfor were basically interchangeable.would have rather had them stay the quirky americans while.yuki being kagari in some of the endings wqas surprising though

I was actually disappointed when they made Leskinen the villain. I was really enjoying his manchild like ways and his broken as fuck engrish.

He's only the villain in one of the routes
He dies in like, every other route

I guess that's true, but I believe he still works for stratfor in every worldline, although I want to believe it's only in a couple of them. He's such a nice guy!

>Some people actually think SG art is bad.
Faggots the lot of you.

He works for Stratfor in every timeline. What changes is whether he lives in the future to brainwash Kagari before she's sent back. This depends on Stratfor being the ones who get ahold of time travel, so it only happens if Okabe doesn't turn his phone off.

I liked it a lot. Gives you the same forboding that Moeka does, but now you've got a bunch of different factions fighting each other over the time machine and aren't sure who can be trusted in a particular timeline.

Speaking of secret assholes, I liked how they gave Mr. Braun a sort of redemption bit with him helping Okabe.

Redemption happened when he killed himself user.
He hates his job and would never do anything outside of strict orders, and that's only to protect his daughter

>sexualizing Mayushii
this is not okay
Mayushii is for cuteposting only

I get that, I was just appreciating that 0 went out of it's way to make sure the audience knew that Tennouji hates being a rounder and isn't actually THAT bad of a guy.

I feel you brother.
He was completely broken and had lost his will.
And then that mad scientist came back again.

I really enjoyed S;G but I heard 0 is short as fuck, is this true?

took me 40 hours for plat

so is 0 actually worth playing, or is it another soulless cash grab like the other things they've released for the series?

What other things?

>other things
There's the anime the OVA I guess. What else?

I used to act exactly like okabe and thought it was scary that a character in an anime acted so similar to me
I still get laid like once a year.;Gate#Related_media

It's about 20 hours or so.

I still act like that when no one else is around
I'm the main character in my own sad fantasy that merely pulls from the worlds and works of better people
I do not get laid, ever

>I do not get laid, ever
So this is the choice of Steins Gate.

Yeah, I spent 23 hours doing all the endings. Skipped repeat dialogue.
You can just pirate the JP version on PC and patch it at this point, I wouldn't bother paying full new console game price for it.


It's the plot from when Okabe killed Kurisu to the D-Mail in 2025. It's pretty serious, not like all the fanservice crap they pushed out.

oh well then that sounds like it's worth a read
thanks for the info

Terrible taste mate.

Should I buy an Upa plushy?



>Luka is dressed in girl's clothes
>says "I want to be a girl"
>somehow, Kurisu and Mayuri look surprised
I think they're both retarded.

Those aren't looks of surprise you autist.

What are they, then?