Post the most overpowered characters in their respective games

Post the most overpowered characters in their respective games

Corean pride worldwide

The fat, ugly dyke is more OP

Soldier is more powerful

Okay OP, you first.

McCree is literally the most OP hero in the right hands, along with Ana.

Seriously, McCree is a monster provided you're accurate.

76 completely outclasses McCree now, do you even play Overwatch?

I want eat's pussy

Who, Mei?

lmfao in your dreams maybe

Not ugly or a dyke

it depends on your playstyle.
mcree for snap-aiming
76 for track-aiming

>see teammate fighting a mei
>I run over to help
>they abandon me
>i get frozen and headshot

>McCree is really good if you're really good

She isn't OP, but she is the most braindead easy character to do well with right now.

t. retard who keeps throwing their ult into her Defense Matrix. I bet you're a Pharah main.

I do, and if youve played with a competent McCree youd know hes still just as OP as when he was before the 76 buff

>not ugly

i guess he confused pig with dyke.

I'd fuck this pig

>see friend get frozen by mei
>jump in front last minute and face tank the spike
>teammate fucks off and mei kills me

