Mercy and Widow

Can they find true love together?

Sure, I'll take them both.


Are you xps or just reposting the pictures?

When will this fucking annoying autistic be banned? I'm tired of looking at your shitty fetish art.

No because the Overwatch OTPs are Widowmaker/Tracer, Mercy/Pharah/Ana, and D.Va/Mei

hoo boy

That's me alright.


XPS I have no idea how you get unbanned so quick but I very much love your contributions.

That's a little trade secret of mine. Glad you enjoy, though!
Got any little request while I'm here?

Yes, but they'll soon realize they need a slave boy to make their lives complete, and that's where I come in. Widow needs a boy who will lie there and take her aggressive fucking, and Mercy needs a boy who will let her nurture him. I can do both.

widowmaker laying down with mercy hugging her bottom and resting her head on it.

They'd be oriented perpendicular to each other, so widowmaker would be laying horidontally, and we'd only see the front of mercy

Dude I'm into this stuff and these manipulations look like fucking ass. Quit posting your shit.

This thread is proof that the overwatch community is fucking autistic. If you fap to sfm you need to be gassed.

dont listen to these plebs, I like it
if you ever get into fat territory I will turn on you so fast

i want mercy to gas me with her farts

Get some fucking standards. There's plenty of this stuff that isn't made by an idiot with no creativity.

do you even create anything?
how can you judge creativity?

>tfw no dominant angel gf

Alright, I think I got you, but let me just confirm. Will Widow be lying on her stomach or her side? And I'm not sure what you mean by seeing Mercy's front.

central tides is that you?

widow on her tum
mercy simply viewed from her front.. I think you understand, just ignore my clarification




Only candyass faggots could ever compete in a game that expects you to roleplay as a submissive little bitch.

Yup, that's me.

Ah, I get it! I'll see what I can do.

>posing models someone else made
>calling it creative

Again, standards

>placing objects in a visually appealing composition isn't creative
you have no idea what creativity even is

hows it hanging man?
haven't seen you post in awhile did you get sent on vacation?

I've been good. Just kinda busy, so haven't had a lot of time to post anything really new.

These are so bad. Why would you have these when good stuff exists?

I don't get why anyone would cheer on OP to "make more" when the shit he's doing is lazy talentless shit literally anyone could do

bad must exist for good to exist