Post your favorite game ever

Post your favorite game ever.

This is mine. So disappointed it never got a sequel (well, prequel).

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What do you like most about LoD, OP? Played it about a year back and found it to be... not great. I was playing with a friend so I enjoyed it a lot more than if I was solo but the game didn't hold up to what I remembered as a kid.

Love it. Played it literally over 15 times. Loved doing special playthroughs like no death, knife/pistol only, no herbs/sprays or upgrading health/weapons

Just about all of it. The characters felt real. The music across all 4 discs had their own unique feel and are some of the most memorable songs in all of gaming for me.

The combat was standard turn based JRPG fare which I like but it also had the addition system which was pretty refreshing and challenging when you used higher level ones.

And ultimately I loved the world and story and how much history and lore the game seemed have packed in it. Easily the most enthralling story I've encountered in a vidya. Such a shame that only 1 game was made because there were enough ideas banked for a series.

I dunno it's my fave game so obviously I'm biased. But I've played it every year since it came out and it never lost it's magic for me.

This game for xbox

With some rebalancing not only could this be an amazing competitive game, but it's addictive as fuck.

>excited to go home from uni so I can get super high and spend hours grinding this bad boy out hoping for gold / shadow borgs

I always thought the city of law was real neat with all the laws you could change as long as you knew its id. You could even turn off random encounters

Generic Sup Forums choice but this really is the most fun I had with any game mixed with the most close-to-perfect mechanics. The only really noteworthy gameplay flaw I can think of is that the item pick-ups during boss battles are randomized which makes beating the bosses too luck-based.
I really gotta play this, I'm a hipster faggot so I'm really into games that have a cult following despite being hated by game journos. The only thing that kept me from it is that it's a GC game and not easily piratable so I gotta import it, which is a bitch because I live in awful eastern-European shithole Romania and it's always the really expensive sellers that will want to ship here.

And no my PC isn't good enough to emulate GC.

Knights of the Old Republic

Got it as a gift in 8th grade from a friend. Couldn't believe he spent $50 on something for me - but other than that, went in knowing NOTHING. Had zero hype for this game. Beat it over the course of about two weeks and fucking adored it. Instantly became my favorite game of all time - it's just so.damn.good. Super memorable characters. Awesome villain. Great twist. Fun worlds. Varied gameplay. Some pretty good customization. Satisfying ending. Totally worth playing at least twice.

This and KOTOR 2 are true vidya masterpieces. Both easily are in my top20 ever. Damn shame the series is dead.

I never thought about this when I played it as a kid, but the Star Wars universe is actually a great fit for black-and-white morality systems that feel dumb in other games.

> despite being hated by game journos

Ugh don't remind me.

>t-the camera is bad
>they didn't translate the text in the environments
>the controls are hard!!!

The camera is only tricky against certain types of opponents (angel / wing borgs) and that's if you're trying to melee them OR if you're standing underneath something in the environment.

The sparse voice acting and the weebtext in the levels is part of the charm.

The controls are extremely tight and there's a huge amount of depth to them.

Seeing that gray bar go blue and bluer was orgasmic as a wee lad.

I've found that certain camera & control methods, despite being perfect for that specific game, are hated on simply because they're different and it takes time to get used to a unique play style.

Even journos that like God Hand will say that it's got a "bad camera". It's pretty much a meme opinion with people who write about games for a living and it makes zero fucking sense. The camera is always situated behind your back and they even make the walls turn transparent to not get in the way of the gameplay. The fact that you have a minimap prevents any and all bullshit off-screen attacks.

this shit was magical when it came out on the ps2

Gotcha force is much the same way.

Camera is always aimed at what you're locked onto, walls go transparent, etc. It just gets disorienting (only at first) when what you're targeting whips past you or if you're standing under something with no clearance.

When something you're not targeting even BEGINS to fire at you, an indicator flashes on your screen coming from the direction the attack was made from.

Controls SOMETIMES require claw-grip- and only for specific borgs that have charge-abilities that are very niche and have a lot of tech

Such an underappreciated game. Played so many times as a kid, and watched my friend play through it as an adult.

I cri everytiem

For me it has to be Demons Souls and Stalker SoC. Both of those game were the best things I've ever played.

Beat me to it. I often have difficulty getting through an entire game because so many games get boring and tedious before they're even halfway done, it's like they just run out of ideas. But RE4 is just so perfectly paced. They constantly have something new and cool to show you.

So many people hate on games like Uncharted for just focusing on big setpieces instead of gameplay. RE4 is absolutely full of cool looking setpieces, but instead of leading to dull shit, it leads to constantly exciting, dynamic gameplay. It's so carefully designed, but it manages to feel new and fun every single time I play.

It's rare for me to replay any game, but I've replayed RE4 probably 20+ times. I will never get bored of it.

Lavitz was a bro.

prob terranigma or NWN depending on my mood

It has absolutely wonderful stealth gameplay. Every single new mechanic (healing, food, backpack based item management, camouflage, movable camera, items replacing the radar) improve the gameplay so far beyond its predecessors. And not only is it a fantastic stealth game, it somehow manages to have some of the best boss fights of all time without them feeling out of place (including the best of all time, The End).

And if all the incredible gameplay wasn't enough, the story and characters are so good. What seems like a campy tribute to 60s spy movies turns into an incredibly emotional story, with characters subverting expectations and feeling like so much more than the caricatures they could have been. And then the ending is the best in gaming history. The game is perfect

my niggas. Not my favorite of all time, but I understand what you guys mean. God damn I played this game about 30 times.

Probably this.

I'm disappointed it never got a sequel as well

Fuck the memes surrounding this game, it's still my absolute favorite.

As a kid, Skullkid was terrifying. The moon was terrifying. Staring up at it and seeing it cry was so cool. Then finding the aliens at the farm and having to shoot them down blew my mind.

I replay it almost once a year. And even as an adult, the amount of effort they put into the journal to keep all these side quests organized is something I've never seen another game do.
Anju and Kafei's quest line still sticks in my memory as one of the most unexpected quests out of any game I've played.

Love the shit out of this game. Favorite Zelda, favorite game of all time.

Even the remaster was good.

The dragon campaign will never get a story. If it ever gets another game, it'll be a sequel.


I couldn't figure how to play this.
I ended up just spamming buttons to get the top screen to move, and swiping like a madman to get the bottom to work. Sometimes I beat it, sometimes I didn't.

Plus there was some seriously awful time gated shit, or like evolving the badges could fuck you over somehow. I don't remember the specifics, but this game was not made for casuals.

you have shit taste

I fucking hate you and hope you die painfully really soon



Don't worry about the memers user. It's a great game.

Honestly? I'd be happy with a remake. Bring those characters and that world into the modern day with new graphics and gameplay? I'd buy the shit out of that.

The dragon campaign could be awesome, but I agree that it's a bit straightforward. These epic rpg storylines always want a lot of room to grow.

Wingly genocide when?

Also Pokemon.

This game's really thematically interesting. I always loved the idea of Termina being a fucked up alternate version of Hyrule that was created as a mistake, has no reason to even exist and is a bit terrifying. And yet throughout the whole game it makes you closely follow the lives of the people in it, and slowly but surely you start care for the world so that you actually WANT it saved, despite its very existence being a pure accident.

Termina is far closer to the real world than any incarnation of Hyrule.
This game is also thematically brilliant. Beyond the "friendship and teamwork" theme being so well and uniquely executed I love the way it both highlights the silliness of consumer culture while also embracing it. There's so much pretentious media saying "PEOPLE WHO BUY THINGS ARE LITERALLY ZOMBIES" it's surprising and cool to see a JRPG of all genres subvert that.

Also a fantastic example of the gameplay and the story perfectly following a theme. I really believe that the 2-character mechanic being frustrating and poorly explained at first was 100% intentional to make your reaction as a player to the teamwork mechanic mirror that of Neku at the idea of having to team up with someone.

And it's not just that, all sorts of small things reflect the core theme of social interaction - like the game rewarding you simply for being in the presence of other DS users.

Pokemon Soul Silver, Holy fuck I love this game, back when I didnt know what ROM's were I had to buy this game about 4 different times cause I kept losing the fucking thing.

I bet y'all think Pokemon was the best monster training game for the GBC. Well you'd be wrong - dead wrong!

Still holds up too

>still no sequel or prequel

Even if you take away the online I would still call this my favorite game ever.

For me at least what makes me love it even more is the fact that I am rational enough to understand and identify that it has a lot of faults. However despite its numerous issues it still manages to be such an amazing game. It is unique and has some top tier atmosphere only really topped by Silent Hill games. The game is actually very similar to old school beat em ups only it has RPG elements with great level design.

Even though it was Demon's Souls that revived my faith in vidya, Dark Souls solidified that restored faith. These games helped me realize that as shit as the industry can become, at least there is a chance for true masterpieces to still be made.

Can't see this game being topped anytime soon though as my favorite.