12/10 it's fucking amazing

12/10 it's fucking amazing



I agree!


ironically that's also the average framerate

Well played.


>One fine day with a wolf and a cluck a baby was born and sony made a quick buck! No blue bunny no feline dog it was a chicken canine a little birddog!

>birddog! BIRDDOG!! Alone in the world with a little birddog

>Out on the road or back in town all kinds of critters tryin put birddog down!

>Gotta rise above them gotta try to get along! Gotta work together gotta sing this song Birddog!

>Birddog! BIRRDDOG!!! Alone in the world with a little birddog!

I'm surprised they're not spouting the 'the human eye can't see over 10 fps anyway' garbage


>is great

Totally not op u guize

Does it run better on PC? Oh wait.

PC has enough walking sims as it is already.

I'm only in the first few hours, but not really digging it so far. The camera is bad, and the controls feel weird.

The kid does though. And Trico has to eat him to heal itself or whatever.

I actually thought it would be released later.

Might as well read a magazine if I wanted to look at still-images

So they're going to fix the framerate issues right? Isn't this the whole reason the game hasn't been released for so fucking long was hardware not running fast enough? Come the fuck on Ueda

I hope so. As hype as I am, I ain't playing it til 30 fps is actually consistent. The impression I've gotten is it's not just random drops, it literally runs at 25 fps half the time. Considering this was meant to be a ps3 title this is some bullshit.

Game hurts my eyes/head but the atmosphere is great, scenery is beautiful considering the graphics arent that good, Trico is a fuck who doesn't do what I want, but I'm really enjoying it regardless.


>play Dark Souls III right when it comes out
>the game crashes every 2 seconds
>play The Last Guardian right when it comes out
>The framerate is on par with Ocarina of Time
Why can't I just wait?

Setting aside framerate and graphical issues, not to mention shitposting; how is the game content-wise?

Does it compare to ICO or sotc?

I'll get back to you on that when my delivery arrives.

Based on reviews, it seems very similar to Ico in both gameplay and controls.

Fuck you Sony, I'm not buying a Pro just to play a game at its real framerate. Get your shit together.

It's an incredibly endearing game that has some noticeable technical issues (Notably a very bad camera and some big FPS drops on the regular PS4). Trico is extremely lovable and it's easy to get attached both him and the kid. It has some very beautiful moments. Ultimately it's another Team Ico game that doesn't disappoint if you go in expecting a Team Ico game.

Knowing Sup Forums it'll be called shit and never talked about again.

Its shit

Case in point.

Wait so it's out?

yep came out today.

silky smooth 5 fps

Alright I guess it's time to get it, I need the closure.

About 4 hours in. The bird-doggo is really fuckin cute.

I feel bad for anyone who was waiting for this game really, there was no way it could have lived up to the expectation.


That's why you don't give it expectation. It's a Fumita game, you know what you're getting into. It's just a shame that it took so damn long because Sony doesn't care.
