Seriously guys, No Man's Sky is a masterpiece. You just don't have the mental capacity to appreciate its genius

Seriously guys, No Man's Sky is a masterpiece. You just don't have the mental capacity to appreciate its genius.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw to smart too hate no man's sky

Man, there's a typo in the title. That's just embarrassing. Its supposed to read 'How I Justify My Purchase of a Shitty Game While At the Same Time Feeling Superior for Wasting Money on It'. Its a common mistake among these people.

>You'll never be smart enough to enjoy this masterpiece

Just a nobody trying to farm page views with an inflammatory title on a notoriously controversial game.

Unlikely they even believe a fraction of what they wrote.

>vision was achieved

so they added the warring faction battles, worms, landing on comets, griefing other players, multiplayer, etc. etc.???

>- ..-. .-- / - --- --- / ... -- .- .-. - / - --- / -... ..- -.-- / -. --- / -- .- -. ... / ... -.- -.--

>try to make a point by insulting your readers
Ah, the Sony approach


>tfw doing laplace transformations in my head while playing No Man's sky

Non-geniuses will never understand this feel

Is this your first time seeing an article from a game journalist?

Seriously though, this is false on so many levels..

>he needs to use laplace instead of integro-differential equations


>list is literally a clickbait article which lists one of the ways you're playing it wrong as not being high enough

This is definitely not intentionally trying to rile people up to click with an inflamatory headline then trying to find SOME way to justify it.

This Wojak meme is just hilarious

That's some next-level delusion. Also, the point about the price-tag is the most retarded thing I've ever read.

Excuse me, but what exactly is funny about microcephaly?
It's a real thing that affects real people, it's not a fucking meme dumbass.

It's the Batman vs Superman of video games

>Also, the point about the price-tag is the most retarded thing I've ever read.
Idk, that was the least-retarded part.
if I had a thing I was going to sell for $20, but I was sure you'd give me $60, I would accept the $60

like that's any better you cuck

This article is a shitpost designed to attract your derision
Don't respond to it, you retards
You'd think after spending any length of time here you'd be able to recognise bait when you see it

Did you forget that games journalism is a business first and holds any semblance of integrity second?

this cant be real

>no archive or pastebin
You're all retarded. They do this for the views

>op doesn't paste the article

c'mon guy

Where is the pastebin you goddamn fucking newfags


Being MIA for awhile, but considering the apparent attention given to No Man's Sky and what was actually the game, isn't this basically Spore all over again?

Ok, I've worded that wrong. Using this as a pro for the game is the most retared thing ever. The strategy itself is decent

>"""ranking""" site
Is there anything more fucking cancerous? Who started this retarded click bait trend? I know Cracked's been doing it for ages.

>tfw i make a doo doo in my pants while playing undertale

I wish I was smart enough to enjoy NMS

p sure you're enjoying the maths and not the game

God, I hate these nu-liberal hipsters.

The top point better be that Hell Games are smarter than you because they managed to scam people for $60 plus tip per game sold.


Clever shill, doesn't care if people think the article's a pile of shit as long as he gets the clicks. Someone who's already opened it please make a pastebin.

Please don't tell me NMS is going to become the new Mass Effect 3.
>Durrr you're just too dumb to realize that it's not shit and is actually genius


NMS is an amazing game.

Sup Forumspol is retarded these days.

Undertale is one of the shitiest games ever. (And I had no less then seven 350+ pc games collections)

Bring the insults, bring the hate, fish, and hooks.

You can feed on a steady diet of CoD until you die, and that's fine.

Embrace new games, don't believe marketing, and never let fools like me on v influence your opinions.

Have fun.

Also undertale is garbage.

>don't believe marketing
>bought No Man's Sky

Can you see the irony here?

>tfw to stupid to enjoy nu-male sky.

>Remember, It’s an Indie Game (They Just Charged $60 Because You Were Willing to Pay $60)



Fuck it.


I'm out.

Not when you just play all the games anyway.

I actually played this. You have to get 10 of these red stones and bring them to this giant rhombus. Anyway I got there and couldn't hand them over because they have to be in my suit not just in my ship. So I put them in my suit and had to delete some of my upgrades to make room for them. Then it says I can't hand them in because I have no inventory room in my suit. The game was pretty bad but that was the last straw.


No. Only newfags and underageb& couldn't see through it from the day it was announced. Spore had actual ambitions. We knew the flaws in pure random generated content well from Borderlands. You need curated algorithms - sheer variability doesn't translate to content.

2bh I haven't payed a lick of attention to the game since I saw that kikestarter trailer, so I can't say if that's all the complaints the burned retards had, but I'm sure it's at the core of it.

Wow this game was actually crowdfunded?

>Drop Your Pre-Conceived Notions of an Online World
The pre-conceived notions that Sean Murray himself fucking set up by explicitly stating that it would be online? What about the fucking sticker hastily covering the multiplayer symbol on the boxes?

>Maybe You’re Just Not High Enough
Nope fuck this, by far the dumbest article I've read in a long time.



I don't know, I just assumed it was considering how cancerous its design is. I doubt a single member of the core team could even hold a sincere conversation about vidya beyond modern AAA shit and modern indie trash

yea im pretty sure the same defense is used for cuckholding.

oh man
totally saving this to repost over and over again on Sup Forums
thank you

And to defend circumcision

Stop clicking you fucking morons

>Lie to everyone
>Charge full price for a humble bundle tier game
>Nothing to do
>Boring as fuck
>Features promised since the start are just barely getting started with patch work
>Vanish after launch day when all the complaints flood in
>Weeks of no response from Hello games

>People still defend you

How broken has this industry made people?

What's your obsession with circumcision? Did you just have a bar mitzvah or something?

It true

Game "journalists" are literally just ad-men; they aren't even reviewers.

Muh nigga eurocut what's up


Look, they're totally different. The animals in the second frame aren't green, and they aren't humping that object that is either a rock or poop. I can't tell which it is.

How am I supposed to enjoy a game I was ripped off on? Am I supposed to think, "Wow, the business strategy behind this game is so incredible that they could sell millions of copies of this game at a full price despite having a shoestring budget. I'm going to enjoy this game more because of it because I'm so smart."

Didn't actually read the "article," but is that his thinking?

>do this for the views
I avoid these pages despite having an adblocker, but is this rational? By going there, I'm actually wasting their bandwith, so isn't it actually better to do visit the page?

So how am I supposed to enjoy the game because of that, that I played something made on such a low budget to maximize profit? Should I feel good that I was fleeced, or is this admiring the business strategy, which is separate from the game itself and should be an irrelevant point?

>new Mass Effect 3.
Hardly. Most critics ripped it a new asshole and the hype was much lower.

I agree with everything written here.

>you need to smoke weed in order to enjoy it

here goes the meme word again

Adblocker does not stop them getting money. Since the fucking early 2000s "news" sites and others have had agreements that involve purely page-hits to the sites and nothing else.

Going to these sites outside of archive gives them money, end of discussion. If you post links to these clickbait shitholes without you are either a fucking retarded newfriend or a viral marketer for said link.


>had agreements that involve purely page-hits to the sites and nothing else.
Why? Why would any advertiser pay just for a the page hits when visitors neither click, nor see the ads? I think you're making shit up.

As no one has done it

Thank you.

no-one cares you greasy gamergate loser, your clicks don't matter

OP here. I thought thread died so I jumped ship.

I forgot to pastebin. Pls forgive [/spoiler ]

>You've been playing it wrong

I thought this was a big no-no for journos, I thought there was no 'wrong' way to play a video game.

I only made the pastebin because people wouldn't shut up about it

I would have gone with "Liberal tears" because it really makes you think.

Well Spore was a collection of minigames, NMS is a guided tour of infinity empty deserts.

But they both promised endless content and didn't deliver if that's what you mean.

That said spore is decently fun taken for what it is

>putting a link in spoilers so I get sent to

I was high enough, but the game is a glorified fishtank with the smallest inventory known to man.

I reinstalled to see what the update added. Interesting features but they did ZERO bugfixing, and the game is still an unoptimized mess on PC.

Is No Man's Sky now an SJW game?

>tfw to smart too hate no man's sky


These articles are not much fun when the posting date is missing.

You see, that was not his vision, that was the lies that he needed to tell people to get them interested in this highly intellectual matter of endless repetition with miniscule differences, ad infinitum, and the deep and thorough thinking you need to do after buying it full of hype and the subsequent crash of expectation.

His vision was making consumers more aware on a large scale and tell a cautionary epic that will redefine the paradigms of what it means to be a developer.

So smart for the countless people who played it that instead of being confused and curious to learn more, it made them feel scammed and lied too

Really makes you think

This shit is getting surreal

>linking clickbait
>talking about clickbait as if the author actually believes what he's writing

This should be bannable.

>too smart

I bet these fags couldn't even build a functional city in Sim City 4 or a working Roller Coaster in RCT2.

I was saying it was too ambitious for it's own good and it was basically just a kid going on and on about their dream game from the beginning, all my friends just said I was a cynical asshole.

Gotta say it felt pretty good when it turned out to be complete dogshit.

>It's a real thing that affects real people
>real people

Surely this is bait.


Original Liberals: I don't agree with you, but I'll fight to the death your right to do it.

Nu-Liberals: If you don't agree with me I want you to die horribly right now.

Why are people so insistent on calling this an indie game when they have a fucking publisher?

It excuses the game being ripoff bullshit in their minds somehow.

>I should have lower standards for a full-price game just because it's indie

>So what? All devs lie.

That's it, I'm fucking mad.

this is...this is good