I just realized the next 3 games I'm excited for have girls as the main characters

I just realized the next 3 games I'm excited for have girls as the main characters.

KH 2.8's 0.2 section.
Nier: Automata
Gravity Rush 2

What was the last game you were excited for where the main character is a canon female?

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How does Japan keep making better female main characters than the West?

They actually are allowed to make women be women.

They're designed to be attractive.

Every game I bought this year either had only a female protagonist or the option to pick a female player character and the only games I'm actively looking forward to also have them.

they make anime woman for a large fanbase to scared to get real pussy

I've seen a pussy up close, it's pretty frightening and intimidating to look at.

Yeah, I got close to one once and it hissed and tried to scratch me with its claws.

2B a cute, CUTE!

My doctor says I'm allergic, so when this one girl told me to "eat out her pussy" I agreed. We had dinner with the cat outside.

You mothertwistfucker....you got me this time user...

Have fun being disposable, I guess.

I don't give a shit about KH 2.8, give me KH3 or fuck auf.

Besides that no, I'm also excited for NioH and Persona 5 besides NieR and GR2.

>Update: a Square Enix rep has confirmed that the PC release date will be the same as the PS4 date in the west – March 7 in North America and March 10 in Europe and Australia.

Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Toobie is for ______

Is it too late for me to get into KH or can I just wing with just playing 2.8?

Shantae, La-Mulana 2, Bloodstained and Nier Automata.
Cute girls running the world.

They've been doing it for decades, it shouldn't come as a surprise at this point.

Will I have needed to play any of the games in the series previously to get Nier: Automata

PLAY NIER. You have to.

I say go for it as it's a fun series and KH1.5 and 2.5 are coming to PS4 shortly after. You've gotta play those.

I'm loving it. I wish P5 had an option for female protag. I wonder why was P3P the only game with that choice, it was great.

Cool, I'd like to take a moment to tell the shitposters from over the last few days to eat it. they'll start gloating about the demo next I'm sure

Need to? Technically, no. But you still should.

Here's the thing. NieR isn't a long game. Maybe 15-20 hours. Sidequests are lame fetchquests, but don't take very long to do for the most part, and quite a few have fun dialogue/emotional payoffs to them, whether it's a charming scene or something surprisingly heartfelt or emotional.

Gameplay isn't PlatinumGames good, but it's fun enough. The game has limitations and flaws, but it works around them well; it doesn't take long to get where you need to go, gameplay tries to do interesting things despite the obvious low budgeted approach, and the story and music carries it.

If you don't get it, it won't be the worst decision you could make and you'll still understand Automata well enough since it's so far into the future after the end of the first, but I'm pleasantly surprised and glad I got NieR despite getting interested in Automata beforehand.


all ages.

But Toobie contains small moving parts that small children could inadvertently swallow and choke on.

She's clearly for ages 8+

Is she shipped with batteries and a set of accessories?

this has to be copy pasta at this point.

>b-but muh no female protagonists
>b-but muh female in video games

What now, femenists?

>They're still OVERSEXUALIZED. clothing destruction is sexist