Assassin's Creed

Is Syndicate worth playing? If not then why?

It has its moments. The city is unique in that all the buildings are multiple stories tall. Some of the scenarios are interesting to play through. There are a couple minor tweests in the story as well.

Trouble is the character development is barely existent, and what development there is, is underwhelming. Neither character goes through a dramatic change the way Edward, Arno, or even Connor does. The game feels like they could have added something in for that. Mostly, the guy character exists to screw up and the girl exists to fix it.

So you'd consider it worth a pirate?

Play it if you're feeling like it. It's serviceable.

It's okay as far as AC games go.

Did it do anything that set it apart? Like how Black Flag had pirate shit? You play as a gang leader or something right?

Tried for an hour or two.
>still that shitty gameplay from Unity
>still no countryside except that scripted mission
>combat is even worse than in Unity
>city feels bland
>at this point - don't care about the plot
>google "creed syndicate naval" - apparently, there won't be naval stuff in the game either, so nothing to look forward to

For shame, does the tutorial last long though?

Play Rogue and realize that the Templar will win the war in the long run.

Assassins take decades to train and the upper echelons of the Templars are more or less unreachable.

>that feel when I was one of the few that liked the modern-day plot
>my face after how minimal and boring it became since 4
I heard it's even more minimal since Unity. I can't even imagine that.

>I heard it's even more minimal since Unity. I can't even imagine that.
Yeah it more or less doesn't exist. You're always an unnamed employee at Abstergo who gets help from infiltrators at minigames.

After Desmond and Lucy's death this game has ended for me.

I've jumped around in this series so much I don't know who those people are

It's pretty bad.

Play the older games instead.

I'm pissed too. I was really starting to dig the new direction of the modern story in 4 and Rogue, and then they just axed it for no good reason.

Fuck, in Syndicate you literally WATCH modern Assassins do missions in London in cutscenes.


Well it has a handful of features that AC games always should have.

When you go into Sneak mode, you pull up your hood and crouch around, and this is for lurking around enemy bases and shit, however, you can't blend into crowds at all and have to switch back to normal mode where you just wear your hat.

Also it has auto-looting assassinated enemies

I liked the modern day a bit more in IV/Rogue than in the older games. You get a shit ton of lore and some tidbits while you're hacking the damn place.

>apparently, there won't be naval stuff in the game either, so nothing to look forward to
wait what? The game came out last year, why are you expecting them to add a whole new dimension to the game?

Ubisoft said they're odne with Naval stuff anyway

It ended for most when Lucy died. AC3 just hit the last nail into the coffin with Desmond.

>"Get ready and control the destiny of the greatest assassin of all time, Desmond Miles"
>kill him in the 3rd numbered installment, before he could do all the cool shit we were promised

At was this moment, I lost all faith in Ubisoft

>we were promised

That was his destiny. Die a hero or live to be Jesus.

IIRC, in the first or second Assassin Creed's promos and covers, it said that Desmond will surpass Altair, Ezio, and all other assassins as the greatest. I assumed this meant he would restore the order and kick some fucking templar shits in, not sacrifice himself before he turned 30.

>That was his destiny
And it was shit. Should have made him kill the first civ beings then prepare for war against the Templars. Make it Desmond Miles vs Daniel Cross for another 3 titles.

So any of you guys watching the Assassin's Creed movie?

It can't possibly be worse than Hitman.

Maybe a Persia-tier movie.