What was the last game that flopped you had some hope for being good? What was her name?

What was the last game that flopped you had some hope for being good? What was her name?

> Street fighter x Tekken

Dark Souls 2

Then I played 3 and wished I was playing 2 instead

I kek'd a little


It still hurts

Strider I guess.

the memes cant make up for it i feel u

>death stranding will be good.........right...

I've so far successfully avoided hyping myself to save another possible heartbreak

Ace Combat: Assault Horizon. Everything I knew and loved about the AC series was removed and replaced with generic CoD crap to appeal to a younger audience.

War of the Roses. I even preordered. Never got burned so bad.

Mighty No 9
When it was in early stages. I was riding the Shovel Knight high and I really had hopes for a new Mega Man.

Dead Rising 4

>Street fighter x Tekken

holy shit this

those trailers were stuff of dreams,even with the dlc on disc shitstorm i still wanted to believe it was a good game but it was too late and the game was fundamentally broken up until the 2013 patch too

and all those great tekken character that we will never see in a 2D game again... F U C K

I kek'd a lot

Infinite Warfare.

And Battleborn before that.

And The Bureau, before that.

And The Old Republic, before that.

And Tribes: Vengeance before that.

jesus christ how do I keep felling for these train wrecks...

>it came so close to flopping
>suddenly bursting and bustling with life with a full year of new content on the way and the biggest online playerbase since launch

Blood line champions

Luckily battlerite is ok

>Street Fighter 5

I'm noticing a theme.


15 minutes in and I wished I playing FONV.

man why did they have to go with the whole " a new ancient kingdom with all new characters" bull shit in dark souls 2? i feel no attachment to the world in both sequels, and it makes both games feel like im just forcing my way to the end for no actual reason. they completely missed what made the first good as far as that goes

>had faith in mvc3

I'm not even a fan of fallout 3 or NV. But playing FO4 actually made me want to play those instead.