I don't like to look at him and he sounds weird

i don't like to look at him and he sounds weird

Fat Cuck

I'm sure him and his wife's son live well.

The NeoFAG thread was hilarious. Nothing but Valve shills saying how great CHOICE is and how they have the right to buy shit games if they want to.

As for Jim, he's a SJW and a cuck in the real sense. Literally raising his wife's son and in an open relationship.

You only think he's funny when you agree with him. That's his problem. He has nothing new to say about anything other that what everyone is already thinking. "Lol, isn't Konami shit?!" Yes, people think Konami is shit, Jim.

Heys a fat lazy fuck who thinks he's somehow relevant, but he's not. He will fade into obscurity because people are coming to realise this.

his schtick is being an obnoxious english person. english people tend to be obnoxious by nature but this guy tries to enhance that. unforgivable.

I agree with some of his vids and strongly disagree with others. It's pretty good how he isn't afraid to shit on any developer, big name or first timer, but he needs to stop with the SJW-tier opinions.

the most obnoxiously cringeworthy literaly fedora wearing neckbeard on the planet.

will never take him seriously, ever


but Sup Forums takes his opinion seriously all the time
there's a thread on here every day worshipping his opinions like they were holy commandments

Someone post the pic he posted on his twitter of him with cum on his face


>makes $100k+ a year
>more than many actual game developers

wew lad

He's still getting over 10k$ on patreon per month, tho. At this point it's just funding some fat fuck's sleazy lifestyle rather than "I'm paying for le free content"

Jon Serloin has perfected his "look" of fat faggot

he deserves more money for the amount of shit Sup Forums gives him

make it $20k and that would seem fair compensation for his continued harassment

Its pretty sad when critics of things get paid more than creators.

no it's not

Truly the greatest tragedy of our time

>a person I don't like is getting money


This was the guy that made a video to shit on Dark Souls for being too hard when it first dropped, going off on a tirade about when you buy a game you're entitled to all it's content. He then did a total 180 on that later when the majority opinion of the game hailed it as a masterpiece, and than started criticizing othet games for being too easy.

He's a fat lying fuck that goes where the wind blows and has no worthwhile opinions of his own.

so he's literally Sup Forums then?

I don't hate him, I nothing him. He parrots opinions that already exist and are well founded, then pretends to be the innovator of that opinion.

He's a mouth piece that tries to discuss nothing new and thus doesn't get my attention.

Sup Forums only shits on games when the majority opinion on a game is good since they are a bunch of hipster cunts.

Except Sup Forums does the opposite. Opinion is made, normies share that opinion, opinion is changed against the normies.

>I don't hate him but here's a list of reasons why I hate him

Nigger, hate requires some level of investment. I gave you reasons why I have zero investment.

>pssh hate takes effort and time, kid
>btw here's me taking some time to tell you why I hate Jim Sterling

I think he's too fat and pretty sure he is a cuck, but I agree with him on many points he makes in general about video games.

You can like some parts of a perpsn and not enjoy other parts. I still enjoy listening to Chris Brown even though he's a coward woman beater.

I still like Micheal Jackson music even though he was a kiddie diddler.

Same reason I voted trump even though I thought he was treading way too close to the racists, I feel he can bring new life to the gov. We will see.

I like listening to Jim talk about video games and opinions on the industry, I have learnt a lot I wouldnt have otherwise and maybe it's because i sometimes get jobs in the industry it interests me, he can be as much of a cuck in his personal life as he likes.

I don't agree, especially considering his income comes directly from his audience. He had brought to light many things, he's in a similar basket to total biscuit. They have huge audiences because they dont shill for the AAA companies and actually call them on shit when they do it, as opposed to many game journalist.

his wife looks just like him. proves how much of a narcissist he is.

He's an SJW. That said, he's usually on the money when it comes to corporate bullshit.

No. Sup Forums liked Demon's Souls and Dark Souls and didn't cry because it was too hard for the fee-fees, because they aren't gigantic pussies.
Imagine having a conversation with someone who would be willing to harbor such strong opinions and then change them without notice?
Also, he's just fucking dumb:
>"If you buy a game, you're entitled to all the game's content! There should be no difficulty barrier for entry!"
Videogames are interactive, they're not like other media, and the origin of arcade games and old Nintend/Sega shit was you would repeatedly attempt, fail, and improve from the motivation of seeing more of the game. By Jim's logic, buying a guitar should allow you to play anything on it.

I've actually spent more time explaining why I don't hate him than I did on explaining what you claim is hate.

Stop getting upset because I don't either hate someone or suck their dick.

that video right there. his opinions are idiotic (often SJW shit), his analogies are false, but they're presented with the right type of edgy cynicism that directly appeals to neo-Sup Forums 14-year-olds.

He's taken on the dictator kind of theme for himself. He's dressed in black and white. He stands behind a podium. To me it seems like he used Nazi Germany as a influence for his look. Like Hitler standing behind a podium when giving his speeches. But yet he's an sjw.

The critic is the real artist, ofcourse they should

Black and red i mean

Why do so many youtubers have punchable faces

I'm surprised he didn't shit on The Last Guardian more for the protag not being a black, fat, paraplegic, muslim tranny.

He's fat. There has never been a fat person worthy of respect

Because you associate their loud and annoying opinions with their faces.

Broken clock, etc.

>why do we hate this guy again?

You tell me

Team Ico have too much art street cred, you can't criticise their artistic style without fear of being called wrong by your echo chamber.

Because he's a fat piece of shit and a cuckold?

by the apperance yes

>15 mins just to say i hate the free market
how the fuck can you be a SJW and a communist at the same time???

he is the perfect example of everything wrong with single mothers

Because dictating you their shallow opinions like gospel while simultaneously begging for money. They're all unsavory characters attempting to profiteer from this weird cult of personality thing that very seldomly comes off as genuine or interesting. They're a lot like sleazy televangelists in many respects, but usually fucking ugly/fat or obnoxious and not at all likeable characters.

what is the context of this

>15 minute video of him just saying LOL GUYS I'M RIGHT I WAS RIGHT ME ME ME I'M THE ONE WHO WAS CORRECT

>"Jim you're not a real fag, you're just doing it for attention!"

And that was the day he proved beyond all doubt that he was a huge faggot.

If you have bad genetics, you shouldn't be able to monetize videos.

Who is worse, Jim Sterling or Marcus Beer?

what. the. fuck.

Jim. Marcus actually came up with his own opinions, and his last name is beer.

Are you an Anita Apologist, too? Giving someone money for getting yelled at when they're being a shithead is how she turned it into a career. Her and Wu can sit there and say Gamergate raped their dog and pocket a few thousand on the spot because somehow this money is supposed to fix their made-up bitch feelings.

These people need psychiatric help, and that shit is cheap, even in the states.

Judge for yourself

He's never done that desu, now you sound like a CTR shill making shit up like oh I bet him and his friends mock niggers

No, wtf?

He helps the game industry z they try to censor shit they don't agree with. There's a huge difference and are pretty much polar opposites

Wait, People feel the need to prove they're a faggot now?

She fucking looks like that fat chick from Watch Dogs 2. Man I'm disappointed that the fat chick wasn't the main villain of the game cross dressing ala Jim Sterling and 'his' 'wife'.

but he is for censorship if it counters some imaginary sexism bogeyman.


I'm retarded, was meant for

He actually used to be a pretty sexist before meeting her.
Not in a
>Woman on the moon
kind, but a
>Woman shouldn't be aloud to vote
Still, The guy isn't Gaston but he could do way better then her, Should just cut his losses and find someone else.

He's a fat SJW. His opinions on video games are so-so.

Is Destructoid SJW now?

Is Sup Forums the only non-SJW video game website left?

I enjoy Jim Sterling's perspective on vidya but I don't always agree with him.

/r/The_Donal-- I mean, Sup Forums wants to play identity politics with him all day though.

Because we're children who only think in extremes and judge someone's value as a videogame critic by how attractive their wife is

Fatboy hasn't worked at Destructoid for a couple of years now. He lives off Patreon money.

No, Jim is just one of those people that you're never sure when to take him seriously when he's talking about himself. As such, he has to jump through hoops to finally settle debates over whether he's rusing or not.

Destructoid still has that SJW faggot Jed Whitaker.

he is literally a cuck, fat manchild and a COMMUNIST

Personally I don't hate him, and I often watch his stuff. Then again I am astoundingly out of touch with vidya commentary in general, and he's basically a summary bot.

only thing sleazy in his life is his whore of a wife

I'm starting to think it's Jim himself posting this garbage when his wife is out fucking some other miserable bastards

literally the worst that can come out of this board

almost all SJW are some kind of communist or socialist at the same time

Siliconera and NicheGamer are both pretty good, NicheGamer sprung up as a result of GG though so neo Sup Forums thinks it cool to hate it.

Even personality meme arguments (fat, cuck, SJW, try-hard Nazi imagery, etc.) aside, there's plenty to hate.

> Yet another YouTuber with the overdone angry reviewer gimmick
> Curses like he has Tourettes in an attempt to add character to his videos - every other phrase is "piss SHIT fuck CUNT CUM ass COCK FUCKING dick", making him sound like a 13-year-old. Don't you know any other words to add impact, Jim? Ever fucking CUNTsider looking at a fucking ASS thesaurus?
> Does way too many immature, dumb skits
> Entire channel is dedicated to "punching down" at Steam Greenlight devs with some small detours to rag on the circlejerk target de jour (Konami, microtransations, etc.)

>I feel he can bring new life to the gov. We will see.
Yes I agree, which is why he isn't draining the swamp. He is filling it with toxic waste. USA USA WE DID IT