If they rule so much why did I shoot them all in the face as soon as I got a gun???

Also i let his mom die.

watching his mother getting eaten alive while that piece of shit was forced to watch was fucking satisfying

bashing his skull in with a baseball bat after that was the cherry on top of the cake.

School/mall/movie theater shooter material right there.

If they rule then why is their jacket such garbage when you leave to vault

>not saving Butch and having him as a companion


Waiting for the inevitable Obsidrone arguing that New Vegas was better...




Beat the mom with the bat, let him live. Kill the rad roaches anyway.

>Beat the mom with the bat, let him live.

what was the point of this character


Good God, the game aged like fucking milk

> t. socially akward beta nerds who were bullied in school

>arguing about facts
eveyone knows its better

Todd's childhood bully who always pick on him for playing video games and being a midget

And there he is

>t. armchair psychologist

>projecting AND self inserting
oh wow

He's right though. It's not because of what you did to the dudes, but only retarded people who got bullied would post about FO3 in the first place
Mentally well-adjusted people know it's a shit game

calm down little nerd
The bully is gone now, it's a part of the past

I will never not enjoy killing Oliver Swanick in New Vegas

Why is Todd so feminine sounding? The first time I heard his voice, I didn't see him. So i assumed it was a woman speaking

You should listen to your own posts you schizo.

Go to the NV thread, please. We're trying to discuss the best Fallout game in peace.

You guys take everything here posted this seriously? I didn't actually do those things, it's called a joke you fucking numbskulls.

>only retarded people who got bullied would post about FO3

Yeah faggot, New Vegas For the Lose, Fallout 3 all the way

should be the ability to bone his mum after you save her

Hey you're not me, I always would hit her with the bat, fuck whatever his name was, I'll never see anyone in that vault ever again and shit was poppin off.

I still get goose pimples when thinking about the emotional story. Never have I experienced such a dramatic story of loss and redemption.

>he didn't call her fat to get in with the cool crew

>Fallout 3
>Best fallout game

>The original Fallout was a setting where we were just a single generation away from the Old World. People still remembered it, and it still shaped the way people thought. People were still sifting through the ashes, trying to cling to the ruined world. They were still dressing, speaking, and thinking like people from a retro-50’s future. But that tension between the old world and the new can only last so long. It certainly isn’t going to survive for 200 years.

>Two hundred years ago, men wore knee-high stockings, powdered wigs, and got married at 14 years old. 200 years is a long time, and technology has transformed us and our culture in countless ways. The change would be at least that dramatic in the other direction, moving from a world of plenty to a world of ruin. To put it another way: 200 years after a nuclear war, people aren’t going to be forming greaser gangs.

>200 years after the bombs fell, the old world should just be gone. But no. In Fallout 3 people still dress the same, stores still have Old World food on the shelves, the old machines still work, and people still talk about the war the way we discuss 9/11. Nobody has made any new music, culture, customs, clothing[3], or tools. They haven’t even swept the dang floor.

>In this world the bombs fell, people crawled out of the rubble and formed little towns, and then nothing happened for the next 190 years.

>one girl in the entire vault
>fuck up your chances

If this was New Vegas then you could've killed them right there. New Vegas is so much better than this railroaded trash.

>only girl in the vault
You clearly see other girls in the classroom

I'm assuming the vaults forced these ideals on the occupants

But I was also a girl.

What trite and pedantic criticism. Don't copy paste this ever again.

What's your favorite wacky vault? I like the one with Gary


i also enjoyed the tree people

Fallout 3 was a comfy game, not sure if i should replay it.. I played it at launch and im not sure if the game aged badly and i will ruin my memories

The one thing I liked in Fallout 4 was how there were still vaults with living people in them, not just super dead or scary monster vaults like in 3 and NV.

are you being sarcastic or do you really want to discuss vaults?

Sup Forumsault

Introduce a jerk who bullies you and your friend so that when you are presented with the situation to save his mother, your previous experiences with him play into whether you help him or not.

Look at it this way: you can call her fat and the cool kids will stop bullying you, and then you'll be cool. Meanwhile, she'll have the same gene pool of dudes to work with, and the Vault's survival requires breeding. If she's smart, she won't hold it against you. If she's not smart, she still doesn't have much choice.

On the other hand, you could NOT call her a cow, which means you're either just as much a dork as the gang thinks you are, if not more so. But I suppose you spared her feelings for the day. Maybe some amount of time later you and she could hook up and be the weakest, uncoolest couple in the vault until she realizes her mistake.

I want to fuck Amata

>[muffled pumped up kicks in the background]


>Fallout 3 was a comfy game, not sure if i should replay it.. I played it at launch and im not sure if the game aged badly and i will ruin my memories

Fallout was comfy as fuck
I dont care what people say, I really do prefer Fallout 3 over any other Fallout

You should replay it, exploring the wild parts of dc (not the urban areas) is the best thing in the world

And the clunky old bethesda feel makes it even comfier

Honestly 101s vault tec experiment was very unique and interesting, while most vaults just had, ooh mind control, or cloning, or scary monster, or torture experiments, vault 101s experiment was, don't give them a G.E.C.K. and never open the vault.

In New Vegas the NCR and Caesars legion have full blown governments, the strip is up and running just as it should be due to a smart dude who lived in the old world and preserved his own little piece of it, all the more reasons that it's so much more lore friendly than 3.

As soon as Butch's balls drop Amaya is going to rip off her panties for that alpha male. You never had a chance with Amata.

Or just beat the tunnel snakes to a pulp with your fists, manlet.


>And the clunky old bethesda feel makes it even comfier
Just like a hot glass of piss is the best thing to drink every morning

Thing is

DC is a warzone
Way more than the mojave

Way more raiders and supermutants everywhere

The brotherhood is there but they just hide in their little safe fort

The rest of the settlers and farmers struggle to survive every day (The toan big town for example)

DC is like the Fallout version of africa whole the mojave is a more civilized place

Town* not toan

Big Town and Lamplight are pretty fucked up. Kids appear from nowhere, play fort for 16ish years, go to Big Town and are immediately enslaved/eaten.

Fallout 3 threads should be banned from Sup Forums, Its obvious no one likes this shit and all of you are just here to bait each other.


>The brotherhood is there but they just hide in their little safe fort
The fuck are you talking about m80? that's how the Brotherhood are supposed to be, but in Fallout 3 they're like superhero squad out to save the wasteland and stop the big bad enclave.

Also the whole Supermutant thing in Fallout 3 is retarded, they just threw them in as generic monsters.

>install porn mods in Fallout NV
>all the guys hanging on crosses now have huge boners

> butthurt NV fan who is shocked by seeing people with other opinions

>the new vegas fan is a porn freak and a weeb

what are the odds

>the fallout 3 fan is a fag

Because the elder who led the operation in DC went rouge and started saving people instead

There is a faction called the brotherhood outcasts who say that they're "the real brotherhood" and follow the real goal of the brotherhood

Add eachother on Steam and E R P

I'm not a perverted weeb tho

Who said I was a fan of NV? I didn't even buy games back then. I had pirated Fallout 3 and then pirated NV. I didn't even give those developers any money. Calling me a fan just because I played the game is stupid. You're just putting words into my mouth because youre a retard.

>install porn mods in New Vegas
>get fucked like a jackhammer and ctd

Before the bombs the world resources were dwindling and the government used 50's culture as a propaganda device to keep people occupied and complacent.

Not only would this propaganda been in the vaults to an extent since it was the culture at the time but after people left to vaults to discover remnants of this propaganda; the clothes, adverts, music, etc. They would have taken it up as something to strive for again. Not knowing the actual state of the world back then they would think that culture would be something to strive for again.

Lets say there was a disaster in 1800's America. And lets say somehow people survive underground for two hundred years, this is ridiculous but please suspend your disbelief for the argument.

When people emerged from the underground and set foot in the desiccated towns they would find remnants for colonial clothing and rifles and the tools to build more of them. After two hundred years they would only have stories of the forests and bounty of the culture of their ancestors. Just like the vault dwellers would have stories of the grandeur of pre war America and attempt to rebuild the society that has always been on a pedestal.

If i could nuke everyone in this thread i wouldnt hesitate to smash the button

Don't do it buddy, you're in it now too!

I feel that. Its not the best, but its my favorite. kind of like oblivion

>getting bullied is supposed to give you a reason to leave his mom to a gruesome death by radroaches

It's just a video game character, relax



Oh fuck off with your shitty game already, go play new vegas instead

NV is literally just Fallout 3 with an orange coat of paint

See? A minor change but so much better than coating everything in green

You know fallout 3 isn't set in a world where everyone alive lived in vaults until 10 years before you escape your vault right? Quite a large number of survivors didn't live in vaults.

>not saving his mom and then killing her after he gives you his jacket

But that's just it. People weren't underground for 200 years. Fallout 1 is under a hundred years after the great war, and there are a lot of established towns and even cities by that point.
