
Death Stranding PC version officially confirmed.

It was clear back in 2015. Decima Engine was used in Killzone aswell. And the Q&A was no lie either. Same engine runs on Horizon.

PC will have high fidelity graphics with native 4K content similar to MGSVTPP with fox engine.

It's another timed exclusive for Sony. For all the autistic never ever memers there is something more to it.

Fun fact: MGSV outsold ps4,xbox,ps3 on PC alone. You really thought Sony is going to ignore that amount of money. Think again.


Other urls found in this thread:




Why would the use of a Sony-exclusive engine borrowed from Sony first-party devs who have never developed for PC since 2004 imply a PC release?

> Fun fact: MGSV outsold ps4,xbox,ps3 on PC alone.

You're going to need a source for that one, no chance in hell PC outsold the 3mil+ sold on ps4.

You felt the need to reply to your own thread only two minutes later, senpai?


He pulled that out of his ass. PS4 outsold all the others together

those were two separate statements not related to each other

It didn't; it sold a bit over 1.1 million on Steam. Very respectable of course, but I don't anyone beyond the sorts of people who unironically post on /r/pcmasterrace ever actually thought it'd sell more than the PS4 version.

>it's real



where does it say PC confirmed? point me to kojima direct quote.

oh wait you can't

at least watch the video.

Never Ever second class citizen

It just wouldn't feel right on PC.

we already knew this from a year ago when they confirmed it themselves, it was only drones in the past few days claiming it wasn't true because ''Sony would never allow a AAA exclusive get out of their system!'', it was embarassing.

it's on fourth page, in two minutes a thread would go much further and op can't bump his own thread
also the numbers don't include op

I feel like Kojima is still bound to Konami. They used to sell their games on all platforms to maximize revenue and have still no shame to this day to milk the MGSV franchise with "definitive editions".
Sony likes money too and reviewing the past they'll follow Konami sale strategy.

>only Kojima is allowed to announce other versions
>even though this was announced a year ago by Sony themselves and now reconfirmed by GS

sonycucks on suicide watch LMFAO

>confirmed by GS

lol never ever PC cuck


>death stranding WILL be on pc says increasingly nervous pcfat

>Sony likes money too
Yes, and they want you to buy it on PS4. Which people will do.

>fell for the masterrace meme
>won't get any games next year

this is too much

can a PC play Final Fantasy XV or Persona 5 or Nioh or Gravity Daze 2 or Last of Us 2 or Uncharted 4 or Let it Die or

I could go on and on.

Two minutes for Page 4-5 is about right.

And "Posters" does include OP, actually.

>PC confirmed!

Ahahaha. Yeah, just like Bloodborne was inevitably bound for PC, too.

Sony's 1st party engine. Sony's 1st party game. Kojima may very well have intended an eventual PC release, but it isn't happening anymore.

please do but include some good games this time


The only thing that video says is "Kojima said Death Stranding would eventually come to PC."

He did say that; well before the recent news of the engine belonging to Sony, since of which there has been no confirmation of a PC counterpart. It's over, mustards, stick to Overwatch and indie junk. This is the fate you chose.


B-but Square Enix said FFXV would be on PC too.... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

i'm still waiting

Well you can buy it on PS4. But at some point the sales going to stagnate anyways.

What you mean is they bait with one big game title to force you to buy a PS4 and a game at the same time. Which happens occasionally but is not of a impact enough to beat other platforms sales.

>But at some point the sales going to stagnate anyways
After that point they want you to buy a different and newer game on PS4, or PS5.

>include some good games
Include just some games would be enough

>b-but look, we have mods and better mature community! w-we TOLD you!

Even if it will come to PC, it will likely be exclusive to the new streaming service Sony rolled out. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they tried to directly compete with Steam.

Although I wouldn't be surprised to see if it came out on Steam either. Sony's been working with Valve on the DS4 controller for support on Steam.

Sony's obviously trying to get a cut of the PC gaming pie. Whether they'll do it on Steam's own platform, try to build their own platform with the streaming service as the staging ground, or both, remains to be seen. I'm not saying all PS4 exclusives will come to PC, but I won't be surprised if SOME first-party titles do.

>Fun fact: MGSV outsold ps4,xbox,ps3 on PC alone.

Don't know what is funnier, that you believe that shit or that some retards here will actually believe you.

>After that point they want you to buy a different and newer game on PS4, or PS5.

True. By the time this game is out there will be another PS5 or something out. Can't imagine playing on a PS4 pro by year 2019-2020 whens Xbox Scorpio is going to be released in 2017 Q4.

PS4 Pro is already stealing all the sales from the Xbox scorpio.

Being a year late, the Scorpio is Microsoft's PS3. Good luck with the pricing, and try not to go billions in the red.

>console """"exclusives""""

I'm glad, sure as shit don't plan on getting a ps4 pro.

Streaming 4K content through any service is problematic. You need extremely good internet bandwidth like Fibre. And Sony's services were absolute garbage in the past. PSN down, issues here and there. Lags during gameplay. So thats unlikely.
I agree with the streaming service for some titles maybe. But as the time passes there isn't really much to it unless cloud gaming takes over.

Which actresses is Kojima going to pick tho ?

>Streaming 4K content through any service is problematic.

I don't think they're gonna try to stream at 4K. And I do agree there's obvious problems with streaming at the moment, even with just full 1080p HD.

I guess Sony's still in the middle of figuring out what to do with their relatively expansive past library.

Sony never publish AAA games on PC, and that's for an obvious reason.

Don't bother, why aren't you guys just pleased you're getting nier? Death stranding won't even come out for 2-3 years and there's no gameplay to get happy about.

Every other site is listing DS as a PS4 and PC game, why would Sony be silent about this if it was their exclusive only?

When people were speculating about a Bloodborne PC version (because just like with DS it's trailer didn't have a "Only on PS4" tag) Sony contacted the press and clarified the exclusivity, why wouldn't they do the same again?


>Kojima flees Konami due to bad treatment and limitations
>Kojima can literally partner with anyone on his own terms
>Sony offers him funding for his new studio and game
>Kojima negotiates that his games be published on both PS4 and PC
>Sony accepts like the good cucks they are and give Kojima endless resources to make a game for pcbros

Thanks for prepping the bull sonybros!

Can you not shitpost with best loli? GameSpot themselves confirmed it's coming to PC.

>they did the same shit with bloodborne before it comes out

And gamespots source is an outdated year old article which was before anyone knew sony were publishing the game.

Care to link that video where they said that?

But the Q&A was literally issued by SCE


All the sonycucks pay with their hard earned money so we can enjoy the game on PC on a superior level and experience than their PS4, hahahaha.

CuckStation 4 is awesome.

Hopefully someone who isn't Shittlet Garbagesson, the worst actress to ever appear on film.

>mfw PCucks unironically believe they're getting Death Stranding

>implying any game from Kojima is good these days

wouldn't really mind if this pos never came to pc desu

>it's another console war episode
fucking stop, Sup Forums is a fucking underage schoolyard i swear to christ

>Can you not shitpost with best loli?

I'm not, i'm talking actual facts here, Sony has never published an AAA game on PC.

If you wanna go beleive some shitty news site somehow confirms things then i bet you belived ign when they said this.

Sony are the publishers here and are the ones who decide things, not kojima or fucking gamespot

>Kojima can literally partner with anyone on his own terms
He has preferences. Sony can offer him all sorts of perks, invitations to all sorts of VIP lounges in conferences, gaming awards and other special anniversaries.
And if you didn't notice it, he loves that life in luxury, he loves the VIP pampering.

What can a bunch of PC fats from reddit and Steam do compared to that?

I kind of want this to be real just to see sony tears.

It'd be dark souls all over again.

I don't even care whether PC gets it, as long as Xbone doesn't. :^)

t. Sonygger

how does a gamespot video prove that it's coming to PC?
there's no source to the statement
anyone can make a video on youtube and say some bullshit


>implying Kojima's endgoal isn't getting closer to Gaben so he can get the reigns of the HL3 dev team and release a masterpiece under his name

Step up desu senpai

Where does it say PC?

Gaben is probably very sweaty and smelly.
I don't think Kojima has an interest in getting near him.

It's just not the same prestige as what he currently has.

You're a niggers rape baby, right?

It's the only way I can explain how retarded you are

>HL3 dev team

Things that don't exist.

Have they even come close to the black with the Xbox division yet? Just the coffin service alone for the 360 was two billion dollars.

one of those


You guys don't understand Kojima at all.
He wants cool friends he can tour around the world with.

He wants to be cool with the hollywood stars, and Sony coincidentally have one of the big Hollywood studios, and access to all of the glamour.

That's why he's with Mark Cerny and the Playstation team, instead of Gaben and the other PCfats.

Venom didn't care about Quiet.

No you are not Venom and neither am I.

Not to mention Mark Cerny courted Kojima hard as soon as he was free to negotiate. Sony has always treated Kojima right and for him going with Sony was a very easy decision. I'm happy that he's finally able to make something new.

>Eventual PC release
>It will be optimized like shit for a quick cashgrab
I bet it comes out late 2017 too.

>Gaben is probably very sweaty and smelly.
So is Del Taco

damn those sexy jap genetics

But where's the gameplay though?
