Another half-way decent rpg series ruined. It's the end of times boys

Another half-way decent rpg series ruined. It's the end of times boys.

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I've never been a fan of the series myself, but from what I've heard the general consensus is - it was actually saved.

Don't know about that user. We'll have to see the sales when it releases.

But it got released this august.

Releases on the ps4 in 2017 here.

I've played it and it's not that good desu

series hasn't been good since versperia


You mean a massive improvement over the pile of dogshit that was Zestiria, right?

Yep, as expected, it isn't doing too hot in japan.

2009) Tales of Vesperia – 216,593
(2010) Tales of Graces f – 215,187
(2011) Tales of Xillia – 525,605
(2012) Tales of Xillia 2 – 364,439
(2015) Tales of Zestiria – 340,891

Tales of Berseria – 173,537 (ps4 copies)


Zestiria sales blew it out of the water mate.

I guess Zestria was one of the best games in the series then, and Vesperia was shit.

Next game will sell ~400k easily.

If they go back to male lead maybe.

That's what happens when 340k people buy a shitty game from a beloved series. They lose faith in it and don't buy the next.

Why the fuck are you lying about sales?

If you include PS3 sales it sold 249k at launch

Why did you only include PS4 sales?

How is he lying?

Nah, that's what happens when they change up the status quo and attempt to do their first sole female lead.

He didn't technically lie, user. He did say that it was (ps4 copies).


How insecure can you be?

You're right I forgot the ps3 sales. Even then it still low.

You didn't play anything desu

Sales don't lie user.

People were wary of Berseria because Zestiria was so damn shit.
Mentioning Zestiria still create shitstorms in japan

No user, I really do think that people are just tired of getting shitty entries to the series.

needs more fucking belts

I didn't lie. I put ps4 sales in the quote mate.

Doesn't include digital (which makes up a larger portion of sales now)

Tales of games had other bad release. It didn't stop the sales from skyrocketing the next release. Thinking it more to do with the protag

But why?

"Whoops forgot sixty thousand of the sales lol"

Zestiria isn't just bad, it was considered a huge betrayal of the fanbase.
The Tales series NEVER had a shitstorm as big as this, many people thought the series was dead

Why wouldn't it include digital??

Why wouldn't you include PS3 sales??

Because media create only includes physical copies

Um mate did you ever play grace ??? Zest was leaps and bounds better.

I don't care about what you consider better or not, I am talking about japan's reaction to the game

>female MC
>tiny ugly shota companion
>it bombs


2009) Tales of Vesperia – 0 (ps4 copies)
(2010) Tales of Graces f – 0 (ps4 copies)
(2011) Tales of Xillia – 0 (ps4 copies)
(2012) Tales of Xillia 2 – 0 (ps4 copies)
(2015) Tales of Zestiria – 52,000 (ps4 copies)

Tales of Berseria – 173,537 (ps4 copies)

I didn't include pc sales of tales games or the ps4 downloads of old ps3 tales games. The numbers are small and don't boost the total by much. Even with the ps3 added the series has hit its lowest sales since grace.


well, hopefully they reused enough Zestiria assets that it doesn't need to sell a whole lot to be financially successful

>massive improvment over Zestiria
m8 that's not saying much at all.

Can I use her prison costume throughout the game or is that even a costume? I wouldn't be surprised if it's DLC.

Keep the hope alive I guess.

Why are all Tales Of fans so insecure about their sexuality?

You can, her village girl clothes too

You get it at the very beginning

>add a female MC to a fujo series

>Why do heterosexual males cross dress or play female characters.

Good question mate.

Thank you

It was well received in Japan though, unlike Zestiria. Not sure why people are acting like the series is ruined.

Is it because the MC is female? Reading this thread, it seems that's the main beef people in this thread have with the game.

Why do heterosexual males prefer to watch the ass of a woman forever rather than some random guy?
Great question.

Or what, do you self-insert in the Tales protagonist?

How else would you account for the poor sales compared to other titles in the series?

Velvet is cute.

People act like the series is ruined because it feels like a shell of what it once was.

Who doesn't play games for immersion?

Zestria was the FF13 of Tales.

Huh? I haven't heard one complaint about the game until it came out. The fuck are you going in about?

Read the thread, the reason is obvious for anyone who is a bit familiar with Zestiria's reception in japan.
Also by now Berseria probably sold more than Zestiria on consoles, it was getting much better sales week by week basis.

Good thing Berseria is the best Tales in forever then

You can be immersed without self-inserting, I mean did you ever read a book?
Stop being 10

I just have an issue with how fucking stupid she looks. From a thread a long time ago:

>It's just the fucking boob window the bothers me, more than anything else.

>Like, I can get behind an edgelord outfit. I'd have fun with that. But I can't take her seriously in her edgy-looking-ness when she's afflicted with a pointless underboob window. She's trying to be a grim badass, but (judging by her costume) still wants to look sexy for the audience.

>I get that she may be so grim and edgy that she doesn't care how much skin is showing, which is totally fine and I don't mind at all, but that perfectly-shaped underboob window is just too convenient and arbitrary. It's not that I think she's too sexy or needs to cover up; I'd honestly be more okay with her design if one of her breasts was simply hanging out in the open.

>It's just that the boob window doesn't seem consistent with her character (as in, why Tsubasa from Symphogear wearing super dainty and fashionable clothes always seemed out of place to me) or reality (as in, I remember a Dead or Alive game for the 360 that had a female character whose only garment above the waist was an open jacket; there was nothing keeping her jacket from flying open and showing her breasts, but it always stayed just closed enough to not make her nipples visible. The costume is only there to show cleavage and be sexy for the audience despite not actually making sense. Either have her breasts bouncing in the open or give her a costume that isn't just blatant pandering).

>Having a character be hot and attractive is fine, but a serious and edgy character having part of her design be blatantly sexy and show-off-y just clashes horribly and looks really dumb.

>70k sales are small
>80k from digitial sales are small
Admit it. You're a shitposter trying to mislead people.

When a contiversal game releases in a series, people are hesitant to pick up the next game, especially when it's a direct tie-in. Example, XIII-2 is a better game than XIII, but it still sold worse than XIII since people didn't want to give the series a try again. If you look at the Media Create sales for Berseria, it actually had pretty decent legs for a Tales game. It didn't drop like a rock after the first week like Zestira did.

The series has been a shell of its former self ever since Graces f and Xillia came out. People in this thread are treating Berseria like it's the thing that caused the series to be ruined, yet I keep hearing from importers and it's the best overall package Tales game since Vesperia. If it's actually bad, then okay then. But so far, the only bad things I've heard about it in this thread is that it has a female lead, which apparently automatically makes the game bad.

I'm a guy, I only read male protagonist books. Only a few select people can immerse themselves with sex swap. Would be a mental transgender surgery.

The main character's boobs don't disturb me as much as the fact that you bothered saving this (yours) pasta.

It's one autist who literally has to lie about sales to make it seem like Berseria is doing bad

Watch, any minute now he'll post his autistic greentext about not liking Velvet's outfit

This is literally not true.

the PS3 is more popular in Japan, they still release PS3 versions of new JRPG's in Japan because the PS4 install base is so much smaller than it is in the west.

In the West you won't get a PS3 release, just PS4 and PC (and PC port is ONLY released in the West, because the PC market in Japan is not worth it)

So Berseria has roughly 450k sales in Japan between both versions.

The PS4 version will probably sell about 150-200k and the PC version about 100-150k.

So all told Berseria will probably sell about 800k copies which is pretty fucking good for the series.

After you admit you're a sjw.

>I'm a retard
You could have summarized your post like this pathetic fuck

Very true I'm afraid.

They messed up by having a shota instead of a loli. Would have purchased, but they blew it.

Velvet isn't trying to be grim, edgy, sexy or anything.
She just grabbed some random shit from the prison and put it on. Velvet doesn't give a shit about anything besides getting her revenge and later on the party, much less what she is wearing.

If you get triggered so much by her costume you get to keep what she wears in the prologue.

Keep on keeping on cuck.

Hmm? SJWs hate Berseria. They think Velvet's outfit shows too much of her tits and ass.

But since I've got your attention, I'll repeat what is objectively true - you left out 80 thousand sales deliberately to mislead people. Quite possibly more with digitial.

The only thing you are is mentally challenged.

now fujos can self insert too.

You should be.

Apparently you haven't been on Sup Forums very long then. People were bitching about the MC being a girl since release on here (and only here really).

Even ignoring that, only has mention a reason for not liking the game (which is valid and I actually agree with, her costume is shit), while so far the rest of the thread has a bunch of people saying "the game sold poorly because it didn't have a male lead" which isn't even the reason why it sold poorly.

My original post was for Western sales. Someone mentioned it was out so I posted the sales in japan. Didn't know about ps3 being the dominate system there. So that's my bad. I still don't see the sales doing to well in 2017 when it releases here.

>Velvet doesn't give a shit about anything besides getting her revenge
That sounds pretty edgy.

>People were bitching about the MC being a girl since release on here (and only here really).
Here you go again, talking about yourself in plural.

Another good example would be how Devil May Cry's sales dropped a bit from 2 to 3, but then jumped back up for 4.

Japan hated Rose for being such a sociopathic moralfag authoritarian shit.

Japan is warming back up since they "promoted" Baba into one of those disgrace-type positions which are used to try to get someone who fucked up real bad to resign from the company out of shame (they HATES Baba) and also they made Rose into Alisha's bottom bitch in the animu adaptation that made the story less shit. Fuck yeah, Alisha putting a leash around the murderhobo's neck.

It will do well since it's going to be released on steam.
If a pure shit like Zestiria can get a 9 on Steam and sell really well I can't imagine what an actually good game like Berseria will do

You like to pretend to be a girl and I'm the one with mental issues??

Tales series hasn't been good since PS3 Vesperia. Even Star Ocean 4 was better than the trash that was Zestiria. Berseria is better than Star Ocean 5, I'll give it that but it's still kusoge.

>half-way decent
LOL. Everything except the combat is mediocre as hell.

Why do you talk about a game you didn't play?


You're a retarded faggot, bro. Sorry.

So uh, PS4/PC Vesperia when?

What were the total sales for Zestiria? It sold about 120k copies on Steam initially before major sales started happening for it and now there are about 240,000 owners on steam (though about half of them bought it on sales)

I imagine Berseria will sell at LEAST 100k on Steam. PC users are desperate for more JRPG's even if they're bad afterall. It should sell as many copies if not more on PS4.

>pretends to be a girl.

Yes, I'm the faggot here kek.

>Here you go again, talking about yourself in plural.

Wait, what? I'm one of the people defending the game. The way you phrased it makes it sound like I'm bitching that she's a girl when I wasn't.

I'm out. It's too early in the morning for this shit.

I like the story in most of them.

You know the rules:
It's not gay if its pretend.

why do you praise such a shitty series now

Nah it's still pretty fucking gay. Cross dressing is pretend, but still pretty high on the gay bar.


>enjoying fictional story with a female protagonist is the same as crossdressing in real life
Inability to tell fantasy from reality is a signature symptom of schizophrenia, you know.