Wow, they missed a huge opportunity by not making her straight and not sexualizing her

Wow, they missed a huge opportunity by not making her straight and not sexualizing her.

I wanted to play as a heterosexual, big breasted, slutty Ellie.

What's the point of making female MCs if you're just going to make them "dude clones".
Put some meat on those Ellie thighs and up her breast size, will ya?

>inb4 literal white knights and niel druckmann

Although OP is baiting, he isn't wrong.

This is what you get for supporting shitty games.

I swear I'm not baiting.
I genuinely have a thing for attractive, heterosexual females. Yes in 2011+5, I know,

>Unsexualized gay girl
>Literally the same as a normal boy but passing diversity quotas anyway
That's so cleverly manipulative. It makes you think they're progressive but it still appeals to the lowest common denominator.

2011+5? It's going on 2015+2 for God's sake!

Looks is literally the only thing women have going on for them, making a female character who isn't attractive is like trying to lose weight by eating a lot of chocolate, it's pointless and counter counterproductive

I won't be making the leap to 2013+4 if they keep this unsexualized, gay female shit up.

Fuck off with that everyone has to be straight shit. I'm a girl that likes girls and having a girl that likes girls actually be a leading character in a relatively prominent game is nice.

I wouldn't argue against her having bigger breasts and thighs though, or for her being a bit more lewdly dressed. But don't you dare fuck with a lesbian waifu. They're rare enough in video games as it is.

I agree, but it's kind of hard for Ellie, or anyone to have extra meat on their bones in the apocalypse. Ellie just has skinny genes.

be my gf

i'm a guy (male) btw

>Was more attractive when she was 14
I think they are trying to tell us something

well get get started in the culture war OP to completely destroy sjws

getting Trump elected was the first big step to return things like the used to be

but she canonically had b-cups in TLoU

Really? Well, she was 14 also so I wasn't really paying attention.

She is dirty and dressed in rags nigger, still looks fuckable enough for a 19 years old girl
Blue haired hambeast not detected.

>I genuinely have a thing for attractive, heterosexual females. Yes in 2011+5, I know,
Holy shit. You also like a sexy version of the typical female? shiiieeeet.

>straight shit. I'm a girl that likes girls

>she was 14 also so I wasn't really paying attention
What kind of fag are you?

The selective tastes kind....?

>19 year old ellie has no-cup

this was not the way it was meant to be

>implying I'm baiting and not being brutally honest

If you fags get to whine about not all games catering to your straight male fantasies now, I'm entitled to whine about when you whine that they've catered to mine for a change.

forgot pic

She isn't lesbian you piece of shit.

I find it hilarious how feminists basically want women to be men: strong, small breasts, dominant and attracted to females. Why do feminists hate being a woman?

>Males hate lesbian waifus
Also, Joel gave her the D in TLOU, she is Straight or Bicurious in any case faggot.

Holy hell, I like you. We need more of your kind around here.

>minorities having a voice all of a sudden

I do love lesbians though. But idk how I feel about lesbian Ellie. I'm not too fixated solely on her either. I'm thinking of Joel, his brothers place and what new characters they will introduce. Also wanna know who Ellie wants to kill off so bad. The fireflies maybe?

yes she is

Lmao if you think teenage girls kissing each other is a sign of homosexuality you are wrong. They were in a close friendship.


Miss the ponytail and innocent face. Looked so much better as jailbait but now they made her into a female (male) and ruined her with tattoos, edgy attitude and boyish clothes.

What a waste.

>Also wanna know who Ellie wants to kill off so bad.
fireflies probably raided his hometown searching for her, killing her waifu/husbando in the process, now is time to kill again.

Um.... wow....

The tatoo thing makes sense with the lore, she has the infection mark in her arm, a tatoo can hide it.

>implying these are real people with real feelings

The writers wouldn't have even put that scene in if they won't trying to push some progressive agenda. I agree with you that perhaps some younger girls might show affection by kissing or exploring out of their boundaries, but this was clearly written to be an act of homosexuality to established upon further in the furture

That's... Not deep enough. I want another rape attempt to pull on our heart strings. I remember in uncharted 4 there was a teaser that showed a woman like Ellie (rumored to be her mom) being pregnant. What if she was having a baby and the fireflies kidnapped it to get try and make a cure?

It is pretty odd.

>goes with the lore

Atleast they could've chosen a better looking one instead of some prison inmate tattoo.

Either way tattoos are disgusting and only ruin the body.

>rape attempt
TLOU did that already
>baby thing
Coul be, fireflies killing a bunch of Tommy's people and kidnapping the baby.

>Apocalyptic wasteland
>Professional tattooists
That's not how the end of the human race work user.


Boy I find more disturbing why would you prefer a woman with childish body

I did use the word "another" before rape attempt...
It would be interesting to see what the game ends up being about.
I just canceled my ps4 order because I bought that shit on impulse. Anons gave me good advice so I'm holding off till next holiday season for a pro.

Once this game drops in the next 2-3 years, I'm gonna ditch this place and some social media to be spoiler free.

Fucking CIS shitlord check your privilege

Then have no tattoo at all then, if you can't make a pretty one why even make one in the first place?

Could just cover it with a long sleeved shirt or something, no need for a tattoo.

>Girls kissing
>"trying to push some progressive agenda"

LOL stay mad

You're right; why didn't they treat Joel like this?

Oh, that's right: because not every story ever revolves around someone libido.

t. lonely little boys

>I'm gonna ditch this place and some social media to be spoiler free.

That's not how it works.

But I'll wish you good luck, I've tried that one before.

She is bi at best.

>I did use the word "another"
Yeah, I know, I mean, using the same trope twice in a row don't make much sense to me in a story.

She's gonna take a dick in this game

I hope she shaves her head by the end of the game and goes full butch

Well, there's like 2 clichés of the worst things that can happen to women. Rape or harming their children. So I guess we figured it out.

Go back to your anime games then

fuck you, i threw up in my mouth a little

She's going to have a revelation that being lesbian in the post apocalyptic world is selfish and that she needs to do her part to save humanity. It's going to tug at the heart strings.

I want attractive women with thick thighs and big boobs and tight ass in all my games.

>in uncharted 4 there was a teaser that showed a woman like Ellie being pregnant.
That theory has potential.

Bad thread.
I give Sup Forums -3 points for this thread.


why is joel so texas?

It's a male power fantasy

All i know is Joel better turn into a zombie. I don't want no sappy bullshit. And make him a boss fight.

Not gonna happen Joel is Ellie's baby father

Its interesting because its still up in the air wether or not Ellie was being extra friendly to Sam because he was a kid her age and wanted a friend or if it was because she was kind of into him.

Found the sock puppet.

now can someone please explain to me why this needed a sequel? didn't the first game wrap everything up and they raked in all this next gen cash with a HD version?
There must be some sort of explanation other than a cashgrap right? What has the developer said about it ?

Then stop playing good games if non retarded Japanese proportions of characters that don't exist sorely to jerk off to bother you

ugh people like you are disgusting HOW DARE YOU

>no story where she becomes Joels fucktoy
>muh daughters memers


OP isn't wrong. Sexualizing chicks to the the larger demographic , heterosexual males, would sky rocket sales. Unfortunately gaming companies want to try their hand pandering to the smaller group of the demographic the last few years.

>acoustic guitar
basically the instrument for basic bitches who don't think they're basic bitches

No because it also had a black stallion icon on it.

It was Ellies mother with 100% certainty.

I will drink Sup Forums's tears when she is still gay, and the "just friends xD" memers throw a tantrum.

You cunts are hilarious.

Why are you being problematic you racist fascist sadist bigot?

So much this.

>Sup Forums in panic mode everytime some hint of homosexuality or lesbianism is thrown around in a game because they are THIS sexually insecure
>not simply enjoying the idea of the no-fucks-given murder machine that will be Ellie in TLoU2

Even of they're a big strong woman I make them look like that bitch from Viking. So sexy.

literally noone cares what 1% of 1% of 1% of people who play vidya want

That looks like the window from the Main Menu

how did this ever get released? is there no quality control?
this is disgusting and I literally want to throw up when I think about people under the age of 18 are playing this game

I don't give a fuck what Ellie wants to suck, if they don't hint at sexual tension between her and Joel they can promptly fuck off.

i agree, not being skinny in a post-apocalyptic world is weird. It's like having fat people on The Walking Dead, it's just wrong and breaks the immersion a bit (and it's a very avoidable mistake).

>I will drink Sup Forums's tears when she is still gay,

I would like for someone to explain to me why this, exclusively this, is the biggest thing that needs to be pushed in video games in the current year. Or any year for that matter.

>omg more gay characters

Who. Fucking. Cares.

And there was already a gay charater in TLoU. There was no reason to make yet another one by making Ellie a lesbo

>What's the point of making female MCs if you're just going to make them "dude clones".

fuckign this.

>What's the point of making female MCs if you're just going to make them "dude clones".
he's not wrong, you know

The creators can make any kind of character they want, it isn't really your decision.

>that trashy tattoo

I'm so triggered right now!!!!
#cisnormativity #queerrights #lesbians #flatchested #triggerwarning #femaleassexobjects #naughtydogs

kinda how the fat dude at the wall in game of thrones is still a fat dude

Yes, she is. There was an interview with Druckman, Baker, and what's-her-face recently about part two. Druckman was talking about touching on Ellie's sexuality in the DLC. Not something you would need to mention if she was straight.