What games lets me make the coolest traps?

What games lets me make the coolest traps?

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Probably orcs must die

Looks like he electrified the sign

Don't know the source, looks like he put a small electrical current through the sign. I wish traps like this were legal because the vandals deserve it but any trap not meant for animals is extremely illegal in the US

This or Dungeon Defenders

Looks like the owner electrified some wire on it.


It's sad that so many people had to do shit like this.

Anti Trump supporter tries to remove sign
Gets electrocuted
It's funny but pretty dangerous considering they could kill someone if they had a weak shitty heart.

>if they had a weak shitty heart.
So all liberals?

The sign is electric, Anyone who touches it will get a shock.
Trump supporters have been doing this for awhile
Some guy put out a sign near his lawn and put nails at the bottom of it
Someone tried to run it over and popped their tiers.

What would happen if a dog pees on it?

News did a story about it

Police said the sign was legal because the electricity wasn't harmfully strong

Korean BBQ.


>some shitter wanders onto my property and attempts to steal and destroy my property
>fault is on me if he somehow dies

wtf i hate us law now

Mythbusters says not a thing

So only liberals, children and the elderly are in danger.

Children and the elderly know not to touch other peoples property, so no unfortunate loss of life would occur.

It really is honestly.

>things he did
>traspass and destruction of property (maybe)

>things you did

Someone post the webm of the niggers trying to steal a bike that's secretly tethered.

Electrical current not strong enough to jump from urine droplet to urine droplet in order to electrocute the dog.

Not to mention urine isn't particularly conductive.


>literally kill someone over a yard sign

as much as I dislike our current pres elect, I dislike vandalizing, trespassing, and infringing on free speech more.
this amusing me greatly

it would be his fault for being on my property. had he not illegally gone on my property, he would not be injured

Kids are shitheads that do stupid shit all the time, they don't deserve to die for it.


It's kind of surreal watching grown ass men trying to steal a bike. I haven't touched a bike since I was like 13. What are they going to use it for?

Orcs must die

So if I had a set of pitchforks in my yard and a trespasser impaled himself on them (somehow) I'd be charged with murder?