>Collaborative 3D maze game. You can edit, draw on, and explore the maze. Any changes you make will affect the next player's experience. That is, until someone else overwrites them.


bumping with old content


Can you still upload files for people to collect in the maze?

Yeah, now it has a preview and uploader comment, upload most types of media files.

As long as you can find the folder, you can upload a file.







Those are some big butts




Any news on not getting stuck in walls?


Eh I looked at the collision code and all I changed from last time it was online is that it pushes you to the last 'non collision', if you bump in to a wall it bumps you back a bit. You shouldn't be getting stuck in walls anymore

Couldn't really be bothered to do anything more about it though.




is this being moderated? the amount of dicks is surprisingly low.


No it isn't unless there's obviously something illegal

Literally turned on the site two hours ago

i never played final fantasy


I drew a dick, but couldn't find it.
Someone must have draw over it.

found one

Thank's for the Aegis lewds, user


I've found plenty of dicks

I can't find my drawing :(

lucky you. i see the one that i totally fucked up all the time.

>want to make the maze less shit
>can't make more than two modifications without the script going unresponsive


Isn't the point that the maze is going to look like shit?

I can't play this because I'm in contest fear someone will upload a virus.

pls slow down, aigis poster. i'm having hard time looking at every picture

>Find 3 files
>Aigis porn
>Aigis porn
>Saria porn

Is there a fast way to look at pictures other than playing the game?

you can place them in a single line but that would cheating



Nice addition to my terrible half done octopus


>Some little shit thought he was funny and wrote XD all over every drawing
Very nice, it's always good to be reminded that I'm sharing a board with teenagers.

I found my drawing.

Now I can stop playing.

i am just here for the porn

Nice. What are you using server side ?


just saw this kek'd

Where do the files save when you pick them up?


There's really no way to discipline these people either because ages ago some moron got the bright idea to champion "THE LULZ"

It's unfortunate.

And whoever did this, no one is impressed. Seek greater heights in your life. Wonder no more why you have difficulty making and keeping friends.


downloads folder retard

There's nothing there retard

it gives you the option to save the images, you don't get shit just by collecting them

make sure you actually download the file and you're not just presuming that seeing the preview means it's been downloaded

For some reason it saved to my documents

>Keep finding my own files
Fug. Time to take a break I suppose.

is that you boogie?

Anyone found my pig drawing ?


me too

>spend 5 mins being stuck in the maze and this is the first file you get

Sorry, I made the maze spell something. :^)


updated the layout :^)


Without an eraser I am a helpless peon.

a pig fucking muhammed? Yes, I found it.

Ruto's arm fins are floppy, they're not rigid like spines. Plus you forgot her second set of eyes
t. also draws ruto

I expected nothing less.


>Plus you forgot her second set of eyes
Are you certain?


Are you me? I love Ruto, fuck.

Who the fuck keeps putting XD everywhere, it's so sad to see it ruining other peoples work.

Yeah I'm you.

I've found that sneaky 1-7 at the dead end kek.

How the fuck do you draw?
Nothing happens.


Vandalism is a feature. Too bad some faggots do it in such lame way.

>try and find it
>someone has already whitewashed it
I don't know what I was expecting.

Most of the "art" is shit. Whoever drew Midna did a good job though and whoever drew the chao from SBA2, it was cute.

Also a fuck you to whoever thought uploading scat crap was a good idea. Your fetish is literally shit. Keep it to yourself, no one cares.

How long until people start posting CP and it has to be taken down again?

It has to be a bug, right ?
There is no way somebody just erased a random letter of my word less than 2 minutes after I wrote it.

My founderfolder had some loli artwork. I'm guessing not that long seeing how people are already shitting it up.

Fuck you Cuntpizza

The problem is the brush is garbo

like ms paint bad

no brush selection at all

Whoever drew this, nice job.

i like this one alot.
kudos to all the anons who can actually draw and make some nice looking things.


The maze editor keeps freezing on me and it's taking like 30 min just to do one maze. Lets me think about how I want to build it though, but I'm often just staring at a blank screen. Happends when I edit something 15 times or so.

Leto kun looks kawaii

what do you guys think of my first time drawfagging

>Shrek memes
Is this 2012?

>crudely drawn dicks and memes everywhere
you don't have much competition. it's literally better than 90% of what's currently in the maze.

looks like a man

I was shocked to see this image turn up on Sup Forums at some point in the past. I remember participating in the maze once and drawing it on a whim, but to think that someone took a screenshot of it and then posted it in an unrelated thread much later that I happened to be reading, unreal
