Can we have a thread about this game without it being derailed?

Can we have a thread about this game without it being derailed?

Today it was confirmed that Trigger would be animating an intro sequence for Indivisible. This was a stretch goal, not something arbitrary.

I thought I read it would be three minutes but I can't find a source on that so I'm probably imagining things.

Please be civil.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ah, it is three minutes!

2018 is a long road but I can wait, this game will be good.


am I doing it right?

all im excited for is shawnty in game and all that sweet sweet anja porn

looks like a good pic to edit with 60s spiderman

>"discussing" a game that isn't even out yet solely because of its fucking intro
Gee I wonder why these thread gets derailed, there's so much to talk about

>xcited for is shawnty in game and all that sweet sweet anja por

This. I am literally buying this game for Shanty.

Once I see all of the Shae Shae content, I will not play any more of the game.

I just want genies.


Must be devs shilling.

It looks like it's going to be a good game, but there will always be triggered, hypersensitive faggots posting shit like "SJWS REE".

Trigger? for real? that's pretty neat.

release date when?

I mean, shit, even Shantae has been officially announced for a December 20 release this year.

Why do we care about Anita's game again?

It still won't be as hype as Namco x Capcom or Project x Zone's OP

Let's hope they animate it as Ninja Slayer

>made by devs who made a gorgeous fighting game with a unique universe but wasn't at all fun
>abandon it for a new project for a fucking RPG

I doubt this will do very well

>Valkirie Profile with progressive and inclussive characters
Why does the west ALWAYS ruins everything?

>release date when?

Buying this because of my waifu

>we will regularly have salty indivisible threads with every major game update
lmao this is better than I expected

I don't know much about this game, or the controversy there seems to be around it. Can someone clue me in on what
are talking about?

underage Sup Forumsirgins are triggered because there is a big cast of diverse characters and not a big cast of cute girls again like in Skullgirls


The game stars an indian female, based off Hindu mythology.
That's it.

People are likely also bitching that some characters are both male and female (hint: historical Shiva is said to be both) or that there's a character that's fat, so the game got tagged as SJW for not being japanese.

The game features a large number of characters each representing different cultures from around the world and throughout history. Sup Forums doesn't like some of the designs, so the game is SJW cuckshit or something.

LZ removed 2 out of 10000000 pantyshots in their game skullgirls, shitposters pick up on it at a convenient time for them when LZ launched the kickstarter for their new game

2 months of daily shitposting ensued and they were all certain the game wouldn't get funded

it did

now they're BTFO

I met Mike Z and he's a pretty cool guy, but all jokes aside, he's a bit of a SJW, even in person.

Beware of the shills.

Reminder that the fact that they passed their goal at the very last minute after they needed a 30 day extension is suspicious as fuck.

Do not reply to false flagging or shitposting in general.

Razmi is really cute. I hope we get her early. Is she voiced by Christina Vee still?

are you retarded?
Jesus christ how paranoid can you get?
Hang yourself or at least take a step back from the computer and reflect on what you are doing with your life for one second.
Fucking hell

>Planning to talk about video games

The scumbags.

>Valkyria Chronicles
Wat. Valkyrie Profile?

>sjvisible being shilled again

How much money do they need?

Because this.

Kushi looks cool as fuck

Y-Yeah! Isn't it stupid!? Why would a developer, or a PR EVER visit this place which is visited by thousands of people daily to make some publicity and easy money? Th-That's fucking stupid man! I mean, no one would ever GET PAID to do that hahahaha right bros??

I honestly think that the indiegogo campaing was dhaddy as hell. Needing all that money just to make the base game with no extra content kinda backfired on them and now they need to make the game with all extras characters and shit with the same ammount they were probably asking for too much money for this shit. The demo wasnt that great and from all the revealed characters i only liked 5 or so design wise.

I honestly dont havebhigh hopes for it aside for the porn. I also dont want to see lab zero go under but it is really fucking hard when they make games i dont really like to play.

Y-Yeah! Isn't it stupid!? Why would a gamerer, or a fan visit this place which is visited by thousands of people daily to make some discussion? Th-That's fucking stupid man! I mean, no one would ever HAVE FUN doing that hahahaha right bros??

We should just delete Sup Forums entirely, then. Why try to discuss video games with shills potentially creating threads?

Looks like a pretty good cast. Only Kampan looks out of place.

>civil discussion
>first post is a link to polygon
>2nd post is neogaf link

Every thread until you like it

Exactly! Only GAMERS come here to TALK about videogames! S-So glad you guys aren't thinking DEVELOPERS come here to SELL you stuff haha xd! Let's keep TALKING about this game no one knows anything about 24/7 am I right Sup Forumsros?


Stop my penis can only get so erect

>Let's keep talking about this game

Does the prototype work OK with keyboard? I tried it once and it was pretty fucky but I didn't give it much of a chance.

Of course it does! I just got on finishing that yesterday!

I-I mean THEM! THEY just got on finishing that! Silly xD!

Um...what are you looking at?

most of the cast looks good, only a few look out of place

plenty of waifus

Did somebody really use a football player as a reference when drawing porn?

I'm shitposting because Studio Trigger is a giant fan of Steven Jewniverse and Gravity "nu-male" Falls

SJW shit by feminazis for brainwashed fuckwits

to this day I'm shocked this got funded, it legitimately pisses me off

>waifuing 3D
>3D with a boyfriend

cuckus maximum

how old is this character? I want to marry and have children with her


Surprising absolutely no one. But hey, I'm happy that the Little Witch Academia guy's gonna direct the opening, since that's by far Trigger's best looking anime.

Dude she's like 14...

>Indivisible thread
>not derailed
>the day Zone releases his new porn.

>Believing in the SJW boogeyman

I mean, it was going to get funded anyhow. The entire campaign was just to see how little of Lab Zero's employees would have to foot the bill from the San Frantwitter cult's Patreon.

Being gifted the extension, the manic level of pandering and disgusting behavior from the project's figureheads when they thought it wasn't going to work, and the utterly dull concept of the game itself are all reasons why I am only going to save sexualized drawings of the main character.

That's not even getting into Christina Vee having one cigarette smoke-addled voice she can do

>Get Skullgirls
>Beautiful animation
>Indivisible's seem good too
How hard is it to do this that almost no one else makes their games like that? It can't be harder than sprites. I'd rather see this than seeing 2d series going 3d



Sounds old enough to have a child

>Naga Rider
>Tenoch that's husbando material
>Ren what a fuckboi goddamn
Geeze I really like all of these designs. Honestly.

Narssus' design is a bit too... boring though. His fucked up left arm creeps me out which is cool but he's kinda missing something.

>Linking to Polygon

Is the gameplay literally VP? Because I only see two characters I like and in VP you had a party of 4.

I agree. Sup Forums keeps giving me cancer.
damn you, you gave me cancer
uh oh, double cancer

>the day Zone releases his new porn.

you know, a lot of those begging sites get a percentage of the money in some way.

I've seen a lot of shit get by that would normally require the bending or breaking of rules.

Ultimately it doesn't matter, whatever gives them money is better than no money at all.

Yeah, it's Valkyrie Profile Silmeria exploration with a stripped down version of Lenneth's battle system.

Really fucking dull.

Looks like typical bland tumblr art desu

It's not just that, it's also
1. The cast of the game is literally "Diversity: The Cast"
2. Lab Zero and Kike Z are very known SJW's, they are obsessed with political correctness and even if you say the word "Gay" on the skullgirls discord they all get mad at you
They dont even let you post pics of Filia in their nsfw channel because she's "underage" lol

Isn't it ironic a game that got shit on by SJW's constantly for being too sexualized, has developers that became sjw's now too?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Stop, you stupid fucking embarrassment. Your posts are making me cringe

Cults have money now

Video game boom created a generation that had no interest in contributing to society and only wanted to make creative media

Uh oh, they can't make an honest living, not even with mom and dad's paid bachelor's in design

It's okay goy, just do what we say and uphold the views we want, and you can have your dream job!

Are you referencing the sequel or something? I've only played the first.

Are you telling me you can't do kick ass combos in this? It already seems like its missing the amazing art style VP had.

It's got the basic "party member action assigned to one of the 4 action buttons" setup, and they tried to emulate purification attacks...but failed.

The stupidest shit about all of this is that the actual VP creator came out with his own crowdfund for a VP styled game as these idiots did theirs

...ahhhhh you're retarded

Well I guess I'll at least pirate it. I never even played Skull Girls so I have no idea what to expect quality wise.

>the actual VP creator
What really? Why is every jap jumping on this now? Did it turn out with anything?


Great. Can't wait for the game to be released so that I can watch it on youtube.

Well, she's of age of consent in my country so fair game.

why is it called indivisible when you can still see it?

It has a diverse cast, so of course alt righters and anti-SJWs want to bitch and complain just because much of the cast doesn't look white.

The fuck is going on with Yan?

are people just salty because it got funded? how is it even a SJW game? It's by the people who made Skull Girls

The coffee negro looks like a total pal and his design is really cool.

>It has a diverse cast, so of course alt righters and anti-SJWs
It's just basic shitposters, don't give them that much credit.

>The fuck is going on with Yan?
Help me green lantern, I have no arms!

I legit think these look uninspired as fuck.

I'll probably buy and play the game, but these designs look like something they sketched out in two days max, without any real thought, just to make them feel "exotic" and "culturally different".

From what I saw of Tungar's animation test, the attacks might at least look cool.


I know right? I love his design. The sickle things are mad cool.

Anyone else wish this game were more of a straight up Metroidvania?

I played the demo they put out and surprisingly enjoyed the combat, but I can't help but feel I'd probably like it more if they eschewed the combat system and made it purely real-time and incorporated the other playable characters in some other way.

I think some suck, but most look good. Ajna herself is my favorite design though, Heruka included.

that Yan character looks pretty armless

Anybody got NPCs in the game? They forced me to make mine a generic knight. The only thing I was able to keep was my theater mask. I still have the previous designs though.

>total pledge amount increased by $150 since this announcement
Little by little we're getting closer to the next stretch goal.

What were the previous?

i want to fuck that girl