Post strong independent female characters

>Post strong independent female characters

Other urls found in this thread: skin blue eyes&safe=off&tbm=isch


I love Reisen!


>parents killed when she was young
>village burnt down
>raped repeatedly by a baron
>watches her brother die



>dark skin
>blue eyes

is that possible?

>You've been tricked!

Where's Jade?

You haven't been out much have you?

my cousin had dark skin and blue eyes. was hot as fuck. if i was a disgusting american i would have fucked her so hard skin blue eyes&safe=off&tbm=isch

Fucking wow

Yes, they're called Mediterraneans and they are all qts

Are you familiar with having tan skin, like going to the beach.

>12 replies
>Still not posted
Fucking neo/v/

>leaving basement

new laura is better

Opinion discarded

I'm not sure you should be speaking up, if you don't even know her name.


her games suck so who even cares

auto-aims for you

>she goat
>gets turned into a cum sock by a French guy

>mindless slave to a useless NEET
>not even a real rabbit, her ears are stapled on
>even her creator agrees shes weak and sucks

>new laura is better
>is better
It speaks volume about your relation to the franchise and power of your argument.


First, Lara
Second, the thread asked about strong idependent female characters, not whinny bitches with daddy issues

>no forceful onee-san that takes care of you

I swear to God everybody in Sup Forums has no idea how genetics works



Is "female character" synonymous with waifu?



But do you know how Witcher mutation works?

Criminally underrated game with a badass female, black protagonist.


Nigga, she does nothing then gets bopped in a cutscene against a fucking wuss, gets blown the fuck out, and leaves the game, and the only other time she shows up after that is getting harassed by fucking goblins if she was your waifu.

Is this Maria Hill?

Dragon's Dogma is a weird fucking game. At the beginning Mercedes seemed like an important character, but after you arrive at the castle she becomes completely irrelevant and then this cutscene where she gets BTFO happens after which she disappears.

Or the time when you snuck into princesess room for some good fucking, but the king comes in, tries to strangle her, and when you save her she says you wanted to rape her and you get thrown in jail. The she comes to you cell, gives you a key so you can escape, and when you bo back to the castle nobody seems to remember any of this happening. What the fuck.

Fucking Emma. I put her in my party all the time because she was my waifu.

I was so mad when she died.

I think that was the point and OP was making a joke. I liked how she wanted to be strong and put on a show because 'muh honor' but reality slapped her down. Tragedy makes a character more likeable, and I approve of this route. This would have been very different if handled by a westerm dev, sadly.

It's Stacey Forsythe from Dead Rising 2: Off The Record.

Game was rushed and unfinished.


>leave the duels to me
>proceeds losing

Fucking newfags. Familiarize yourselves with older memes before you pretend to be smart.
Stupid dolts.

How come everyone shits on every strong womyn but not on lara

Saddly DD was incomplete as fuck. It could have been much better but apparently Crapcom was very stingy with their money.

The initial design documents of the game wanted you to go to the fucking moon. They did NOT finish making that game.

>Immediately replaced with her daughter who is the exact same

I honestly don't know why they even bothered.


it's strength of will, not physical strength. she readily admits she's a fuck-up after losing, and promises to go back to her own land to become a better knight and send more support to gransys and then finally none of that happens because it was cut content

>mfw Mercedes for Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

>Immediately replaced with her daughter who is the exact same

Except I didn't like her voice or demeanor at all. I would've loved if it was reversed and Emmy died and gets replaced by her mom.


>tfw no fishing waifu

That's a shame. I couldn't force myself to finish it, it seemed so bland and pawn AI was pretty bad very often.

>see her take that gutpunch
>oh she'll be okay

years of vidya have desensitized me to "realistic" damage, i was super shocked when the next time you see her is laid out at a funeral

She specced her points into dex not str

>tfw no dangerous 99 rooms to go through on a dungeon on the moon

It is still a pretty solid game. That's why it's so sad we'll never see the full idea.

why is she making that stupid face?

Its called resting bitch face, user.

>that blonde

And she's not a shitty bitch with an attitude about it either.

"You'll go through me before anyone else."

who is this memen semon demon

Many people said Isabelle was a ho but no one was as whorish as Aveline. She's alright though.


Emma Honeywell from The Last Remnant

>as whorish as Aveline
Her husband died and it took probably 8-9 years before she remarried right before the start of act 3. Issbella on the other hand got railed by everyone on the hanged man and the docks.

Oh yeah, I forgot how the time jumps are so frequent.

hmm ive even played this

mustnt have reached her. didnt like the game it. it required thinking

And she's going to be the mastermind, too.

If you play the game for more than 10 minutes you meet her.

The tutorial must have turned you off something awful, I guess.


You know you might need to turn down how much you go to Sup Forums


I hate this meme, all 'strong female characters' now days are just made to appease SJW. Lara Croft is the only pure and wholesome female lead.

this, it's a shitty trend that needs to die

yes it told me to think

also looked up her death. looks stupid. guy she was fighting better be the big bad to justify the level of bs catching that sword was and not being knocked down when a house sized sword fell next to him even though she was.

I had a niece(native american) who had dark skin and blue eyes. Cute af

Resident Evil has more than enough and they're better written than male counterparts anyway.

>Wants to always be besides you but is very capable of her own
>Wants to be the perfect house wife
>Always reaching for new highs
>better than duvalie
How can other girls even compete?

dominant women are best women.

Not really. All RE characters are poorly written with forgettable personalities. Well except maybe Barry and RE4 Leon.

No way fag

fuk u

chris is my waifu

Chris's personality is the worst of them all.

fuk u

fuk u're waifu

shes a shit

Is this a waifu thread now? I hope it is.

>implying it was anything else


>Spoiling yourself
The bullshit is she surviving more than a minute, the guy she fights is the big bad.


She was just given a gun.

>mom says it's my turn to play with the gun

thanks mom

it counts


Seriously? No one?

I like this.
What the fuck is wrong with me?

She rescues her love from the bad guy.