Tfw have to write 200 words essay until tomorrow

>tfw have to write 200 words essay until tomorrow
>but instead you scroll /v and play dungeon crawl

>150 word essay do tomorrow
>Haven't even started
What do Sup Forums I'm getting nervous

Basically me

What kind of easy as fuck things do you have to do that a 200 or 150 word essay is all you fucking need.

I just finished my 300 word essay.

>really hungry
>want a grilled cheese
>no microwave

Does the suffering never end?

>10 word essay due tomorrow
>on Sup Forums instead

>19 word essay due next summer
>keep browsing Sup Forums
>think about ending it all

>have minmax AI to write for thursday project
>have HDR+bloom ray marching shader to write for friday project
>didn't meet my shitposting quota for today yet

>Have a 3 word essay due 12 years ago
>Haven't started
You're a faggot.

>been out of school for eight years
>don't even remember how to manually divide
If I ever went back I'd have to start all over.

thats nothing you fucking faggots

I'm glad daytime Sup Forums gets old Sup Forums memes

Dividing manually is a meme anyway, I've never once used it outside of school exercises where it is specifically demanded. I've forgotten about it a long time ago.

>200 words

Holy shit OP, what are you studying, astrophysiology?!

>only 200 words

>4500 word research essay
>No idea what the question is
>have to do it in 48 hours
>this is actually true and im totally fucked

oh hello newfriend
please get out asap

>tfw you have a 0 word essay due tomorrow

>tfw i forgot nearly everything i learned
this life is filled with nothing but waste

You can do that in two days, 4000+ words is chump change

The reasearch however is the real kicker, if you have alot to do then start cliffnoting now and cite out the ass

200 words.

Nigger that's like 20 sentences. What the fuck.

>getting hit with the double bait and switch
hello actual newfag

well the retard doesn't even know what to research; he's fucked.

>tfw 2 exams on Friday
>can't stop browsing Sup Forums

>dungeon crawl
motherfucker why did you have to remind me now I have to play it again
it's the best game for playing instead of doing any actual work

Hello newfriend!
You may not know this, but it is common courtesy to lurk for at least two (2) years before posting! Since you seem to be unfamiliar with "chan" style image boards, we can let this little oopsie slide for now, but please, heed this advice as soon as possible. Thank you, and have a "Sup Forumsonderful"(tm) day! :)


>falling for the tripple bait
you need to lurk more, friend

autism unfiltered

This The general topic I obviously know, but the questions are a total crapshoot.

Made worse by the fact in my five years at uni this was by far the worst teacher I have ever had.

>damage control
Hello newfriend!
You may not know this, but it is common courtesy to lurk for at least two (2) years before posting! Since you seem to be unfamiliar with "chan" style image boards, we can let this little oopsie slide for now, but please, heed this advice as soon as possible. Thank you, and have a "Sup Forumsonderful"(tm) day! :)

>I was only pretending to be retarded !!

Just bullshit then, so long as you pass the class

>200 words

that's like a few minutes of typing user.

Life can't be wasted, it is shit itself.

>5 letter thought due by the end of time
>can't stop browsing Sup Forums
Looks like it's all over for me.

>merely pretending meme
hello newfags

>driving license to get
>gf to get
>job to get
>sense of life to pretend to get
>can't stop browsing Sup Forums

Hello newfriend!
You may not know this, but it is common courtesy to lurk for at least two (2) years before posting! Since you seem to be unfamiliar with "chan" style image boards, we can let this little oopsie slide for now, but please, heed this advice as soon as possible. Thank you, and have a "Sup Forumsonderful"(tm) day! :)

>tfw scored 44% on my final
>still passing class with a B

>6 min presentation with slides due in 3 hours
>just barely finished it
>going to practice in my car

>Dish for culinary class is due tomorrow
I need tou help, Chef Sup Forums

>got double baited like the newfag he is
ill have another pasta on the house chef

wow underage 200 word essay are you in kindergarten

>2 hour hands on tomorrow
>can't stop browsing Sup Forums

>Tfw writing a 4000 word ethics essay for a scholarship
>Tfw worried it's not social justice enough to even get 4th prize

Wish me luck

I dont know if I can bullshit a whole 4500 words but I guess I have no choice

God fucking dammit I am so mad she was such a shitty teacher though

>5000 word essay due friday
>can't stop doing worthless shit

You're right.

Shut the fuck up about pancakes.

16 week semesters are fucking cancer that cause burnout

You can do the same shit in 12 weeks without making everyone get frustrated and lazy

>chose liberal arts degree despite 4chain's warnings because why would anyone ever listen to you fucks
>now unemployed

I hate you

>tfw 22 years old with no money, skills or job experience

Remember to renew your library pass. Need money? *Unzips Dick* I Gotchu

Dice tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, and an onion. White, yellow, green, doesn't fucking matter. Pick one.

Season and sear some chicken. Toss that chicken in a skillet. Dump said diced veggies on top. Add chicken broth, bullion, whatever the fuck floats your boat.

Reduce heat and simmer until the chicken reaches 165F and most of the liquid is gone. Stir the veggies and shit every few minutes and assemble a pile of veggies on top of the chicken. Enjoy.

post the questions, fag

Bullshitting is what we do all day.

>grilled cheese

What if my stomach isn't a mass grave and isn't made to contain rotting corpses?

T-that makes $20 s-sir., New customers get t-two for one

serve them a McChicken, the best fast food sandwich

Then I would suggest you kill yourself.

2 years is ridiculous I'd say around a year max for lurking. Your not learning how to make sushi here.

you should go to /ck/

you'll fit right in

Why do you give such retarded "tips"?
What is wrong with you?

>doesn't know how to work a stove top

Jesus man come on.

>inb4 he says he doesn't own any pans

If your stomach "wasn't made" to contain meat then you would you just throw up.

I come on this site for like 2 months and I always participate in stuff and do the stuff thi site says but this time is almost fucking killed me.
I am writing this shit from the hospital because I alsmost fucking died.


For me it's the Double Quarter Pounder® at McDonalds™ for only $3.79.

What happened, user?

>tfw plants are lifeforms but we eat them
>people only feel bad for eating animals because theyre treated badly and scream loud
>the truth is we're going to kill something to survive no matter what, so you might as well do it right and respect the thing youre about to kill

For me it's the McChicken, the best Fast Food® sandwich.

Food is great. Excluding something delicious from your palate because of moral reasons is dumb. Enjoy your tofu, fucktard. I'll be over here eating this delicious ribeye.

>eating sentient beings with thoughts and feelings is the same thing as eating thoughtless plants
t. cannibal

look at how fucking red that shit is. that is uncooked, period.

Explain to me how you folks can eat that red meat shit? I know it's some super special thing about STEAK, can anyone explain? Searing the outside doesn't kill the bacteria on the INSIDE.

>morality is retarded
And then you complain that you get backstabbed by your "friends", that you get mugged or someone cheated you.

But its okay when other predators do it?

For me it's the Double Quarter Pounder® at McDonalds™

>being a newfag
lurk moar, all of you

You seriously can't write two hundred words??? College is going to hit you like a ton of bricks


it makes mustard gas

Since when does having thoughts and feelings mean you cant be eaten or killed for that matter?

When you boil it all down a life is a life, but for some reason we want to make all these cute distinctions to make ourselves feel good

Survival situation is not the same thing as convenience.

Cannibalism excused with starvation is morally much more OK than killing or supporting killing of something sentient when you can just buy delicious plants.

It's all about the muscle fibers. Chicken has loose muscle fibers. That's why it can soak up a marinade in half an hour. But the muscle fibers in beef are much tighter. So marinades/bacteria/whatever have difficulty penetrating the meat deeper than the surface.

some shitface posted something to make chicken vegetable soup from some regular ingredients everyone has. If I remember it correctly it were: tomatoes, garlic, onion, chicken (the meat I needed) broth and a bit of veggies.
I had to cook it and stir with a spoon until I became dizzy because there was a lot of heat there so there would be nice flavors in the soup.
The docter said they found mustard or something in my body (WAT THE FUCK) and I was passed out for a few days.
Have to stay here for like 1 week more and my parants cut of the internet.
Thnx alot motherfuckers.. hope everyone of you die

Picture related... it's the soup he said I was going to get but instead I got something which almost killed me.

t. cannibal

Yes, that's right Boogie, only $3.79.

Vegen logic is almost as retarded as cucked sjw logic

And all is right in the world

What yhe fuck asshole? Dont open that inafe theres fucking mustard gas laced ib it. In my mouth

Microbiologist here

The only reason we have to treat meat like quarantine material is because the meat industry in America does a shit job at giving their livestock clean conditions. Had they not been living in their own shit we would not have to worry about things like e. Coli.

If the meat hasn't been exposed to bad bacteria or the animal has not caught somthing you could eat it as raw as you want.

200 words can be done in like 10 mins