This is your Player 2 for tonight

This is your Player 2 for tonight.

Well alright then.
What games do hamsters play?

CUTE! Umaru is also pretty good at video games, so that's good. I wish I had a little sister who liked video games.


Umaru is so fucking cute.
I wish I had a little sister to buy video games for

What games does she play?


xD ahhaha XPp

Fun colors and cool animations and CORA and POTEITO CHIPPUSU and Umaru will gladly play it.

Umaru thinks user-kun is cute! CUTE!

"Fuck the nug"
"Violate the hamster"

Can I trade her for the cuter one that's better at video games?

Here's your controller senpai

I wanna fuck that hamster
I don't know why I wanna
But I wanna

is she okay with pc games?
i've been playing a lot of lethal league lately, that's pretty local multiplayer friendly

why is there no chibi uma lewds
i really want to inseminate that cunty little nugget

Can she be my player 2 for the rest of my life?

Monster Hamster


this is your steam friend for tonight


>an overweight greasy basement dwelling degenerate disguised as a shota will never ask this of you
feeling sad tbdesu



Which one do I get, the one that jizzed on his monitor, or the one asking? Regardless, I wanna bully and hatefuck both
