Sup Forums unironically gets triggered by female protagonists

>Sup Forums unironically gets triggered by female protagonists
>wtf games are SJW now muh safe space
>meanwhile in the 90's

Sup Forums is full of underages

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Completely forgot that game had a female protag, probably because she was shit, and nowhere near as memorable as doomguy or the dook.


if not for that Doom comic which started rip and tear meme no one would remember him

Doom guy was always relevant.

>female protagonists then
Good, varied designs
>female protagonists now
Feminist friendly manwoman with sidecut and Marxist ideology.

Its not that hard to figure out.

>he doesn't realize you could change your character
That's cute

It's the attitude

>Hey, let's have a female protagonist to shake things up

>Umm, hello..... it's CURRENT YEAR! We must have a female protagonist because it is a moral imperative to make video games more feminist and inclusive and if you disagree you re a horrible bigot.

Pretty sure everyone in the 90's loved Cate Archer


Good thing NOLF isn't from the 90's.

>female protag
>official expansion makes protag male
Fuck off

849 was canonlogically a guy though

Play Return to Na Pali

Fair enough. The lackluster expansion had only her as the playable character IIRC.

>screams and grunts
>his mug is plastered to the HUD the whole time

yeah those pain sounds really gave him a lot of personality

Oh yeah as if January 1st 2000 at midnight changed absolutely everything, generations and cultures shift a few years after the decade

your ignorance and underage are showing
doomguy was always considered cool


No he wasn't. Let me guess you started playing after Brutal Doom relase?

Man the false flagging just won't stop will it

That's blatantly wrong though. I played through Unreal again only recently and I can tell you the default skin is female, and the default name is Gina.

In Return to Na Pali, Prisoner 849 narrates her story and uses a female voice.

>Good, varied designs

Well they weren't hideous to look at

Dude took revenge on hell because demons killed his rabbit

Is E4 even canon?

>We'll never have a NOLF3

Who should I blame for this?

games back then like silent hill and beyond good and evil didnt have agendas behind them you fucking idiot, go suck anita dick n buy ND products if what

Couldn't understand shit from your autistic rambling.

Still do! Woof Woof!