Why are "console exclusives" even still a thing anymore...

Why are "console exclusives" even still a thing anymore? All this does is harm the industry as a whole by limiting the consumer base

If you're a dev and you need cash to finish your game, signing an exclusive deal could give you the money to actually finish it.

>harm the industry
Doesn't harm anything, if you want it buy their console.

PCgamng is much worse and limits consumers even more by making it impossible for some people with shittier PC's unable to run their games.
Yet the hypocrisy of PCgamers when they defend this and tell people to fork over cash to be able to access the game, same goes for this too.

It also drives competition to make better/more games than the others of they want money.

>making it impossible for some people with shittier PC's unable to run their games
>I haven't heard of graphics settings before
The only time you'll see graphics settings fail is if it's a shitty unoptimized console port

Wouldn't competition be bred regardless? Not like Sony and Microsoft are suddenly going to holding hands and play nice with each other.

>graphic setting solve everything
>there are no PC's that can possibly be lower than the graphic settings handle
Cool meme

Exactly so I don't understand op.

And those PCs are either old enough to have IDE ports or relatively new hardware cost less than a console and are only meant for officework. Try Again

Yeah, because everyone uses a toaster from 2006 right?

>Nobody that doesn't own a PS4 can play Uncharted
>Nobody that doesn't own an XBox One can play Gears of Wars
>Nobody that doesn't own a Nintendo whatisitsface can play Mario/Zelda ect
Not that hard to understand

>if you don't pay $1k for your PC its meant for office work
Wew lad, this is why PC gayming is ded

What would be the point of multiple consoles if they all had the exact same games?


>exclusives are harming the industry
>each of those exclusives are blockbusters and sell millions of copies

So for you, it's either a $100 pre-built or a $1000 enthusiast build. Have you ever heard of the $500 dollar range?

It's LITERALLY the only reason to get a console since they are shit in every other way (overpriced, shit graphics, can't do much apart from games, shit input method etc)

Luckily they barely even exist anymore

>What's the point of multiple tv companies if they all had the exact same channels?

OP just wishes his PC had gaems.

Is this a rhetorical question or are you really that retarded? Console exclusives exist because the parties involved think it will make bank.

>some channel are exclusive to a TV brand
Samsung TVs can still tune in to the sony channel

Sony pays for developer to not make a pc port
This leads to console exclusives existing.

>As a whole
I'm not saying they don't sell gangbusters, but they'd probably sell better if they were more accessible.

But I'm not a marketer, so what do I know?

Because these PCs with DRM operating systems need a reason to be bought. Their purpose is gone. At least nintendo still makes consoles that offer something more than just power you'd find more of on a PC. the ps4 and xbox do not deserve to exist. They aren't doing you any favors at fucking all.

>buy a PC for $500
>force to play on lower setting than a $500 console

This, for $800 I bought a PC barely more powerful than the PS4 Pro.
This also isn't accounting for the poor optimization of console ports.

And doesn't include the price of a decent monitor (which I did not already own).

>can play older games with higher settings
>can emulate
It's still more capable than a console

Well than they should go and buy them if they want to play them so much.

If a company wants to lay down the cash for exclusives, why shouldn't they be allowed to do so?

If Sony hadn't put money into exclusives, how would they have saved the PS3? What could they possibly have done to challenge the 360? Why shouldn't Bayonetta 2 be allowed to be exclusive if Nintendo themselves are paying for it?

It just makes people feel like they've been ripped off.
In the 4th and 5th gen, and 6th to an extent, ports were more difficult due to hardware differences so many games were tailor-made for and finely-tuned for their particular platform. Having a game not be on your platform of choice because it's technically incapable of it is an easier pill to swallow than having a game not be on your platform of choice because some money changed hands.

They're allowed to, but I don't see the purpose of it outside of a marketing

>why shouldn't they be allowed to do so?
What if we have EU regulate that you cant pay a developer to Not make a port?

Its just PCfags.
They are butthurt that their overly expensive platform of choice has no exclusives and have to bitch and complain on how they the """"better"""" system isn't receiving any games.

>I don't see the purpose of funding games development.

Please, find a tall building.

Doesn't that basically fall under marketing?

No, giving someone money to make a game (in advance or retroactively) doesn't fall under marketing. Don't be thick.

>buy old ass game on steam

I hate that.

Instead of complaining about exclusives why don't consumers be educated instead and by the system that better benefits them?

If you seek exclusives by a console, if AAA exclusives aren't your thing and you'd prefer to play tedious MOBA garbage and MMO's then get a PC.
Don't get a PC then complain why you aren't getting AAA exclusives like I"m sure people who get a console aren't complaining they don't get MOBA garbage on their system of choice.

Jesus christ.

Console exclusives are annoying for the consumer, but it exists for a reason. Developers are paid to make their games exclusive and this can even help their studio make a better game.

$250 for a PS4 and $229 for an Xbox one

Get every exclusive this gen and have two consoles that work as well as a mid grade of


>exclusive games


You give someone money to make a game because you think it's going to be a system seller. Do you think Sony or Nintendo are doing it because they compassionate, benevolent entities that would freely give money to any dev? If they really were compassionate and benevolent, they wouldn't even be giving out exclusive deals in the first place and just give money to the devs.

I dunno, user. Civ VI is looking pretty good.

>copy and paste strategy game

Id be fine with exclusives if Mods treated them as what they are, advertisements for a piece of hardware and ban people shilling said piece of hardware.
Every ps4 exclusive thread is "BUY PS4 BUY PS4 ITS BEST CONSOLE EVER IT HAS THIS GAME BUY PS4"
Simply blatant shilling.

What has being nice to do with any of this though?

If I say, and you'll have to excuse the food analogy here; own a restaurant, and I have a special dish that makes people come to my restaurant. Am I a dick for not wanting to share the secret recipe with the restaurant over the street?

Isn't this basic capitalism? Companies pay for exclusives so you buy their products?

I doubt they'd sell that much better. Rather, I don't think they're losing money considering how it forces customers to shell out hundreds on a new console and buy into the online services.

Remember, most of the money in the industry lies with young adults and teens. They have more disposable incomes and will ask for this shit as gifts.

More like

>only one chicken farm in town
>4 restaraunts
>you own one restaurant
>you up the chicken farm to only sell to you so the other restaurants can't use chicken

It's shitty

Monopolies with no competition would be terrible for gaming. You want every company to use EA tactics and shill out micro transactions and pay for your ending dlc or superflpus hardware upgrades needed to play the latest games every six months with no other alternative company or console to buy? Under such a system they would drain you so dry that at the end of every generation you'd save more money buying every system and upgrading a midrange PC.

I, too, can say that Uncharted is nothing but a series of rehashes

A homogenized indudtry leads to a monoply sooner or later and stagnation.

Luckily, I don't subsist on a chicken-only diet. I know there are plenty of non-exclusive foods if I don't want to go to that restaurant, and I understand that the chicken farmer will be able to produce more or better quality chickens now that he has a backer.

>you want every company to shill out micro transactions and dlc?


Its already happened

EU can't do jack shit in America and Japan

>dedicated and stable game machines
>consistent and affordable prices
>consistent hardware for all users
>ease of use
Yeah. Literally no advantages.

Thank god I have more than just uncharted.
Same can't be said about you.

Why are "pc exclusives" even still a thing anymore? All this does is harm the industry as a whole by limiting the consumer base

With the shit optimizations devs do these days, you need the most up to date hardware to run even the shittest looking games.

>It's shitty

That's beside the point. Somebody offers you their product, you have the choice to pay for that product.

You are not entitled to video games.

The other restaurants can get chickens outside of town

>tlou (remaster LOL)
>weeb shit

>they cant afford to buy every system

PCs aren't a locked down system

Why are handheld exclusives still a thing?

Glorious nippon chicken with comically large beaks and talons and tastes like rubber


Total War

Really, so a $300 laptop can run crysis?

People are inconvenienced and therefore feel like that they have been wronged. They also elect to ignore the fact that exclusivity contracts help finish and polish games to begin with.

>Games exclusive to the of dating back to the 80s

>one exclusive worth even mentioning on ps4

Sonyponies assfractured they bought a $300 brick

Why do you PCfags try and insult us then proceed to make threads like this crying about not having our exclusives?

You're so pathetic.


Those are sonygger falseflag threads

There really should be separate subs for pc and consoles. Theres zero reason for ps4 exclusives to be discussed on a general gaming forum other than free advertising for sony

Some games are better suited for PC layouts. Civ, for example, plays much more smoothly on PC than consoles, even when compared to Civ Rev. which was designed first and foremost for consoles.

Halo Wars is the only console strategy game I can remember playing with some fluidity, but even then, it's a more shallow experience when compared to many other RTSs on PC.

Go back to your undertale.

I'm busy with FF15 and the last guardian.


Back to rebbit

It's why we have /vr/. Gotta contain those "modern games all suck" faggots.

>a website I dont like holds power over words im allowed to use
Truly the cuckest of them all.

Not even that guy, but c'mon.

>Last Guardian
Enjoy your broken controls and single-digit frame rate.

But they're not called subs, fag. Anyone remotely familiar with board culture would know that.
Admit it, he called you out.

See, I use words of english language as a single website doesnt own them.

>trying to hide the fact he's from plebbit
Shut the fuck up

nice meme you got there. be sure to tell your buddies over at leddit about your accomplishments so you can get upboated xd

>sub boards
No one calls /vr/ a sub board, no one calls /vg/ a sub board, no one calls /jp/ a sub board...etc you faggot.

That terminology doesn't fucking exist over here, that isn't something you'd ever get from being here.

It can always get worse.

>That terminology doesn't fucking exist over here
It exist now. Saying this sub is faster than typing Sup Forums anyways.