So I picked up Apex and decided I wanted to check it out before going online. I've never done the campaign...

So I picked up Apex and decided I wanted to check it out before going online. I've never done the campaign, so I'm burning through it right now. Are the Apex missions any good? Is it better solo or is it fun to pick up with pubs?

Also online I usually just dig up a domination game and dick around on that. What are some other good game modes?

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Sup Forums is too casual and memespouty to play ARMA.

Go to /k/ for Arma.

Pubs is complete garbage.

But video games have nothing to do with discussing weapons.

I would play it solo then do coop shit, but that's just based off what I heard from friends who own it. I'm too poorfag to buy it myself at this price.

Sup Forums can't seem to handle a real game like ARMA since there's no waifu and it takes skill to play.

>tfw never any good ARMA discussion
>tfw Sup Forums is starting to accept Halo and CoD as good games

>Arma player
>Furshit image

Yeah, its about right.

It's a dog. There's lots of dogs out there. Here's my dog.

Wtf? What kind of mental gymnastics one have to do to tie those together?

Oh look a troll

If you can get it to work, King of the Hill is a blast to play

When it comes to ARMA 3, I love it for the workshop missions and that's practically all I do.

My PC isn't all that great, so I usually get kicked out for low frame rate whenever I start a multiplayer game. But once everything loads, I just go and have fun (assuming I don't get kicked)

>tfw not good enough to play arma as a simulator
>tfw hate putting up with the nonsense and abusing mechanics to play with casual players and pubs
Being mediocre is pain

>load up the server list
>1000s of Altis life
>See a king of the hill server
>30fps in 1070 and insane stutters


>Altis Life

God I wish that shit would just die.

Play workshop missions, there's tons of really good ones out there. Shit like KotH and Wasteland are what most people play but it's probably the worst way to play ARMA 3.

For workshop stuff I'd suggest Dynamic Recon Ops, Green Draw, Dynamic Universal War System - Rebirth, and I've heard some good things about a few OPTRE missions if you like Halo.

It could always get a spinoff containment game like DayZ did, but that didn't get them to fuck off for long.

So I've dipped my toe into online multiplayer and I want more but I'm just real new to it. Are these all online game modes or single player missions?

If anything the arma discord has a lot of groups that are more than willing to tag you along in some matches. That's how I played some OPTRE missions with these guys

This, have a group of friends that play it too. all they want to do is play Dayz

I just want to shoot some isis in iraq

i've been playing invade and annex since day 1 of the alpha. I cant do it anymore..

Arma general still up? on vg?

Haven't seen it in a while

I just joined a discord and there's tons of people last time I checked

Semester has been a bitch so I haven't played in a while

Nope. I checked there first

Are you 11 years old?

Which discord? Is there an ARMA one?

Is your mom?

>Got into arma with arma2, Day Z
>Have fun with that but it gets old
>Arma collects dust
>Bored one day, spot it on my game list
>Google and poke around since it's kinda complex sometimes
>Play some Domination/Invade and Annex
>tfw non-Day Z or non Altis Life ARMA
>Explain some of this shit to all my friends on steam that play Day Z
>Get a few of them to play actual arma

God damn this game is so good.


I was invited when I went to the subreddit asking where to find people to play with since everyone seems to do Sandbox or KOTH.

Hell the link to the discord should be somewhere on the right panel of the page. This was a while ago, so no promises

So every time I play some game mode in 3 it always bitches at me at some point about mods. I'm not really too sure how modding works with arma.

Is there some mods you just have to have that almost every server uses? Do some game modes only show up on the list if you actually have the accompanying mod?

>People still trying to use voice chat over the global channel

Why do people still do this? That shit has NEVER worked.

The dynamic ones are coop if you want them to be but Green Draw is singleplayer.

If you want good multiplayer stuff I personally like Iron Front: Liberation KotH cause being limited to WW2 tech makes for interesting battles, especially with no tanks. Not sure if anyone plays anymore though.

Breaking Point is really fun if you're into DayZ style stuff that isn't stupidly convoluted like the standalone DayZ and oh my god does it ever run well. You can expect good FPS in Breaking Point despite it being multiplayer. Some parts are kind of meh like the housing mechanics which really require a group to get up or the sometimes frustrating vehicle repairing. Once you learn the maps and figure out the unique loot spawns like BPHQ, Ghost Hotel, Ranger Barracks, etc it's really fun for some classic DayZ style gameplay.

Another mod similar to DayZ, or atleast DayZ: Epoch, is Exile. It's got the kind of stuff you'd expect from an Epoch inspired mod like stores to buy everything you need, AI missions that get camped to no end, and groups of kids sniping you from 2k out with a anti-material sniper. If you liked Epoch then Exile is probably the mod for you. There is an actual Epoch mod for A3 but I barely played it as it wasn't all the fun for me.

Invade and Annex is really fun if you don't mind joining a random Teamspeak and cooperating with some random dudes on the internet to accomplish random ass objectives in an almost milsim style of gameplay.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head right now.

load up arma vanilla if you want play MP

if you click a server bottom right it should say what mods that server needs. Most of the time you download it from the server anyway

What is a good mod with all the modern vehicles and weapons?

CUP is what you're looking for. I would pair it with TryK.

Community upgrade project

then search "Dynamic" in the workshop

you should get a thumbnail with a map and a white filled pic of a soldier.

Tried looking on the workshop for you but its down/ basically it generates missions for you

also look for personal arsenal

i'll try CUP then, thanks

is CUP better than the RHS mods?

depends, few specific missions for RHS.

get them both. fuck it

This man is right, get them both cause lord knows you'll need them. NATO_Rus_Weapons is also good.