Dark Souls 3 Running on Switch, From Software Considering Trilogy ReRelease

>Development on a Switch port has been underway for several months via a small team, with From Software waiting to see initial sales data before committing to producing ports. The plan would be for a Switch rerelease of Dark Souls 3 if greenlit to release the same day as PS4, Xbox One and PC receive versions with all DLC included.



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I understand now, nintendo is going to hit a homerun with the switch amongst normies

Literally nobody would buy this.

I would

You have a friend named Nobody?

>souls on the go

you underestimate the fanbase of these games, some people play nothing but

>multiplats on a Nintendo console
Enjoy your zero sales, From. Games need to have the word Mario, Zelda, or Smash to sell on Nintendo hardware.

At 15 fps?

Salty Sonycuck

Yes at 20-30 fps on medium, just like the ps4 and xbone.
FFS console Lads. FFS.

Try 5

>yet so many million (or close to) sellers on the Wii that don't have any of those names

really makes you think.

>with a level of performance they are happy with
How low do these games go on other consoles? 15fps at times?

>Sup Forums doesn't trust Emily Rogers even if she was right on several things

>Sup Forums trusts a tranny with blue hair

Really makes you think

I haven't played 2 and 3 yet.

I wanted to get 3, but only once all the DLC is out.
I hate buying games with upcoming DLC, because I won't touch the game anymore by then.

It will look like absolute shit.

Do normies even know Dark Souls exists?

>Bayonetta 2

It would easily run DS 1, hmmmmm

Litterally every nintendo console has had about 55-60% of its total software sold by third party games. N64 and Wii U are the only exceptions, where more than 50% of the software sales are from 1st party games.

Souls is a pretty normie game, when it came out everyone talked about it because it was "omg su hard"

People just dropped it because it was a shit game

I would

When is the version with all the DLCs being released? The 2nd DLC isn't even announced.

>Nintendo doesn't have multiplats
>This is why Nintendo fails! They have no multiplats!
>Nintendo has multiplats
>This is why Nintendo fails, nobody buys multiplats on a Nintendo console!

but I don't blieve that bullshit

Holy shit, I'm having major deja vu here. Like, I'm remembering another multiplat that was announced for Wii U and someone posting this word for word.

Not even fucking meming, this moment feels unreal, like it's happened before.

>Implying the normies aren't the main audience for vydia

Nintendo should just stop making hardware.

Name one

>muh sony boogeyman

Well, keep waiting for that day. See you in 6 years when the next plat comes out.

thats what he meant though, they want another wii hit

Fuck yeah.

>all post-launch DLC
>steady frame rate, no Blighttown/Seath frame drops

That's all I'm asking for.

>literally who site

You deserve a ban

it's laura k dale's website

this is the only reason to buy a switch desu


>They have not committed to releasing it yet

When they say this, they've pretty much confirmed they are going to release it for Switch. They're just hedging their bets in case something goes horribly wrong.

This. Emily Rodgers is our girl! I'm with her


Thats still a lot more than DS1 on PS3/360





Epic Mickey, Resident Evil 4, Xenoblade, Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest Swords (not a million, but close), Metroid, All the Lego games, Disney Infinite, The Umbrella Chronicles, Goldeneye 007; shit the list goes on.

Yeah that turned out well with Mass Effect

the transgender crybaby who allegedly predicted the NX's main features and other stuff, formely on destrncutoid and sterling's posse
videogame journalists love relay her mentalist-tier cold reading to generate clicks because it's a tranny

Souls on the go? I knew there was a reason I was waiting to pick up DaS3...

Yeah just like the ps4 version, and console cucks eat that shit up just fine.

The trans is actually right 99% of the times.


The ps4 version runs at steady 30 fps, retard.

That better than 0 fps on all the other Nintendo consoles.

Lol, watch the next Mario party or fucking tennis shovelware outsell this shit, Nintendrones never fucking buy third party





Are you a fucking monkey?

WOW, HOLY FUCK, 30 FUCKING FPS. I really hope i fell for some bait.

user are you okay?

So, do we just play the same games on different platforms, generation after generation, over and over and over again for all eternity?

It does, of course most of the time, not always. But it does. The bad framrate issue existed before the day one launch patch.

Yes, because we as the consumer asked for this. We kept buying them by the millions.

Huh. I'm having a hard time seeing this selling well, the games are quite old already.
But then again, didn't the boderlands collection sell really well this year?
It just makes me wary that this is what they meant with "support", and not actually bringing the new games they develop.

Normies love Souls where have you been?

as long as fucksticks keep buying rereleases

Nigger I would preorder this bitch right now if I could.

This is literally everything I could have hoped for for the Switch, Skyrim and Dark Souls on the go.

>souls outside the house
>main draw is online mode
Local multiplayer invasions or mobile data confirmed.

I can't wait to replay the timeless classic RESIDENT EVIL 4 in 8k on the Playstation 6 again.

Link won't load. So if it isn't fake I might. I don't own an xbone and don't care for the ps4 so I never got to play it.

It'll sell like shit don't ge tme wrong, but it'd be cool.

And I can't wait to play the Phantom Pain remastered on PS6 and Xbox Two.

I would buy it in a heartbeat. All three games in one place next to my Nintendo faves with portable? I'd be so happy if this came to Switch.

>keeps getting worse at every post


I'm fully erect.

Dark Souls is a shit game

MH was selling around 500/600k in Japan on the ps2 then they went portable and sold millions, this could also happens to DS if they do it right.

When were you when the tables turned?


10/10 would play

Well, From is on the list of third parties supporting Switch so this isn't a surprise to me. It's just a rumor for now but I can see it happening.

>Sony still using those wiimotes with glowing balls on them

Jesus I thought they abandoned that a long time ago.

Have they already announced the obligatory RE4 port?

>Dumbed down 720p version of an ancient game that's been available on literally every other system for years

Whoah Nintendo literally won this time.

>some no name website managed to get exclusive tidbits
Totally real.

I would honestly buy this just for portable souls.

they dug em out again for the VR shit, and they're the same hardware sol as standalone (so shittier than the Wiimote+ motion detection-wise)

And they say Nintendo is the only one with gimmicks.

>They are gonna port it
>it's gonna sell the usual million it sells on nintendo console

They can't keep getting away with this.

>literally just say every game ever is coming to the Switch, and when one of the gorillions of games you predicted does, you become a credible leaker

Why do all trannies have horrible fucking teeth

welcome to sonygaf: it's ok when sony does it

Why would someone buy what is very likely the worst version of the game?

they already do senpai.

Guys, the only one we should believe is Emily Rogers, she's our girl!

>powered by Nvidia
>includes all dlc
it's LITERALLY the best version

I would, I have yet to jump into the Souls series, plus having the ability to take it with me is a bonus.

It's like they're always a generation behind


>Playing Vidya in public

I hope none of you fags actually do this

>According to one of our sources

Fuck off Quentin


>the plan would be for a Switch re-release of Dark Souls 3 if greenlit to release same day as PS4, Xbox One and PC receive the version with all the DLC included.
>Dark Souls 3 GOTY edition confirmed
I remember there was some guy arguing like an idiot that there won't be a DaS 3 GotY edition.

>According to one of our sources
>According to one of our sources
>According to one of our sources
>According to one of our sources