Can we trust her?

Can we trust her?

Trust nobody, not even yourself.

is she thicc?

>Oh hey babe i work at nintendo. Wanna go round back and blow me in the alley, and i'll tell you what you want ;)


>Yeah well my unc...boyfriend works at Nintendo.

*teleports behind yourself*
heh... foolish boy...
*holds gun to your head*
any last words fuccboi?

It does look like your standard SIF picture.


she looks like sarina valentina

I want "leaked" "nudes" oh her.

>Mother 3 english release confirmed for 2014
>I mean 2015
>I mean 2016
>i mean 2017!

Getting real sick of hearing about this woman. Also, if she is legitimate, wouldn't Nintendo start telling her to fuck off?


That's sarina valentina's face...


>b-but I finally got the switch reveal month right ecks dee


I thought the same thing

>trusting some twitter twat

>correctly predicted a mario game on the switch

Did she really?

>not already predicting a mario game for the switch

holy fuck i haven't seen that used since like 2010. how do we bring it back

>predicting a mario game on a nintendo console

Now this might sound completely insane, but I predict that the sun will rise tomorrow

>Zelda will be a girl this time!
>20th anniversary release of the Mother 3!
>New Paper Mario isn't Sticker Star 2.0!

I think she needs to lay low for a while. If you really are someone who leaks information that actually has merit to it then the last thing you wanna be is "famous" for doing so. I feel like she's gonna be cut off soon.

holy shit the sun just rose where i live, wtf is this




Am I going to get laid tomorrow?

Look at this retard right here, the sun doesn't "rise", it spins around the flat earth!

This is how you know she isn't legit

Making Star Wars got the entire VII plot but this past year have next to nothing on VIII, not even concept art

you had this same thread, same picture, same op. fuck off faggot.

Old term, secret internet fatty

With ,
this needs to come back

I would be pissed as shit if my girlfriend tried to get net famous by putting my job in jeopardy, esp. by telling people up front that she was fucking her way into it.

I'm sure that's not how she means to come off, but that's exactly what it sounds like when she puts it that way. Wonder why the bf would put up with this?

He doesn't exist, her "leaks" aren't real.


Is Emily a tranny?

Can we trust him?


quick user, what are your lasts words?

tch...yare yare daze
*splits into four clones* never thought of who it was you were facing...alas you will have no time to do so...
*omnislashes (You) to oblivion*

That's a girl tho....

JUST CONFIRMED: There will be a power on/off button on the Switch. My sources are in danger here and risked a lot bringing you this information

are you blind?

Nah come on blue hair, and her name is Laura

Now that Switch is confirmed to be a hybrid of console and mobile, everyone and their mom believe Emily and Eurogamer's leaks to be true.
Despite a hybrid being rumored way ahead of their "leaks". Even Sup Forums talked about it in 2015.

JUST CONFIRMED: Using this device outside being older than 13 will grant you +10 resistance to the opposite sex.


Haha, I salute you, sir. +1 Internetz :)

With that logic you could trust yourself's self over yourself since he is preventing yourself from killing you.