Is this some kind of Resident Evil 4 2.0?

Is this some kind of Resident Evil 4 2.0?

I like how this game looks somehow scary and interesting, but the game itself doesn't look like a RE game at all.

I feel it would be better if the game had been a new IP...

That's Capcom for you, they actually have balls to make something different with the series.
Anyway, it looks closer to old RE games than 4, 5 and 6.

PT with combat. The producer even admitted they're copying PT.

I feel it would be better if they weren't copying PT so hard.

>Is this some kind of Resident Evil 4 2.0?

In the same sense that they both tried to reinvent the series? I guess.

Why does everyone feel the need to copy Kojima?

>poster count didn't go up

Why are you samefagging?

No, he didn't. He just said he liked it and it could inspire them to release a demo. RE7 was in development before PT reveal, no way they would make sudden 180 turn after P.T.

I wish games would stop copying PT.

Imitation is considered the highest form of flattery. There's nothing wrong with imitation as long as what is being imitated is of the highest quality. I'm not even a SH fan but PT looked amazing and I watched every demo playthrough on youtube in 1080p.

Since PT was cancelled why not take up the reigns? I'm okay with this and it would be easy to do with the RE universe.

I'd prefer a RE branded PT clone with guns to another rehashed RE4-6 blunder.

At least its something different from an RE perspective. And hey, I understand some RE fans only started with 4-6 so they want more of that, and I'm here to say you think you do, but you don't.

the first RE ripped off alone in the dark
RE4 ripped off splinter cell
RE7 ripping off P.T. is nothing surprising

PT Clones should be ignored. RE7 included. There is only one PT and no one will ever recapture that lightning in a bottle.

No, it has to be good for it to be a resident evil 4 2.0.
We don't know yet if resident evil 7 will be good.


This guy is a samefagging shitposting machine.

Resident Evil has been all kinds of games.

RE7 isn't some kind of ridiculous departure for this chameleon franchise, it's actually business as usual.

Well I don't know about that guy but personally I wish games would stop trying to copy PT

>RE4 ripped off splinter cell

In what way at all?
RE4 is ICO with guns

It hasn't aged well. Time to let it go man.

It's going to to be closer to RE than 4 ever was and you'll shut the fuck up forever, faggot.

I agree with this poster a separate person than myself that this game is just a PT clone.

>It's just PT
>People say this like it's a bad thing.

Especially since we're not getting PT anymore.

but yeah i just played the demo today, I usually hate soft reboots but this one seems like it might actually be good for the series.

they really needed to clear the convoluted as fuck story, introduce new survivors and locations. The worst thing they could possibly do is throw in umbrella or w/e the other companies were in the sequels.

It has that sense of mystery that the first resident evil had and i don't really think the series has been interesting since the 4th game, possibly even as early as Code veronica.

as someone who used to enjoy resident evil i can't see how the 7th can possibly be any worse than recent titles. I enjoyed the demo more than I enjoyed the entire game of 6

There's already indications that Umbrella are involved

well that kills my enthusiasm somewhat, as long as they can keep the tone and atmosphere as consistent as the demo the game will at least be fun to play through, 6 just felt like a chore

>RE4 ripped off splinter cell

It's RE: Survivor 2.0

Since you didn't know about umbrella being involved I'm going to assume you didn't find the way into the attic. There is still a good chunk of the demo you haven't found yet. I'll give you a hint go into the secret passage before watching the video.

Game looks more like RE + Clock Tower/Haunting Ground than it does PT.

>27 replies
>15 posters
guess the re shills are here

Is shills the new fanboy?

>wow, an entire thread full of people discussing something they like
>must be shills

Resident Evil 4 2.0 blaze it

Truly a moron right here