Has Mafia 3 allowed you to connect with PoCs as well?

Has Mafia 3 allowed you to connect with PoCs as well?

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Why is he allowed to say colored people?

>be part of dev team
>budget is millions
>use it for selfish reasons, to cuck yourself into poc society

The fuck does he mean "connections"

>"hey senpai i made a game with some niggers once. we're practically brothers"

inb4 hes a kike who talks about jews being oppressed when its convenient to him elsewhere

These nerdy guilty white people are a million times more racist than anyone on Sup Forums will ever hope to be

this, pretty racist term to be honest

This is the face of a man who likes to watch his wife get fucked by other men. Disgusting.

inb4 that voter id vid

PoC isn't offensive.

I was at a liberal summit and a room exploded with hurls of PC blasphemy when a European foreigner accidently screwed it up and replied with "Colored people weren't used for this survey" when a black person was asking "Why are there not more people of color studies in this presentation?"

It ended with black women yelling at each other as they all had a very loud The View moment on whether he was allowed to say colored people without it being offensive, given the obvious room for error for a foreigner.

"Yo waddup my African American brothers. I'm the dawg that made that totally lit game mafioso 3, ya dig? You can kill whiteys and honkies in it all day long, nam sayin? Yall Goin on down to the black pride rally this afternoon? Sheeit I know ima drop by after I get me some Popeyes and crawfish mhm just like ma useta make em. Piece homies"

>"allowed me as a white developer to make connections with people of color"
>"...by finally reversing the roles and being the one who takes their money"

It's allowed him to connect with them because now he gets to stand in line waiting for unemployment money since his game flopped.

>Haden Blackman
>using videogames to talk to black people
>literally calling them colored people

what the fuck is happening. it was easy enough when retards were calling videogame characters sexist because they were too pretty, but 2016 has gone way too meta for me to keep up with.

my coincidence detectors are tingling

The current trend is to whine about Palestinian dindus being oppressed, not Jews

They fucking call games sexist and racist when the main character is a white male. There's no pleasing them so might as well make the game you want to make

Why are non-whites considered "people of colour" when whites are the most naturally colourful people?
No other people are as diverse in hair or eye colour.

>As a white man, I made a game about a black man killing people.
>I'm so progressive.

>PoC isn't offensive
As determined by the very same left who said it was offensive two decades ago?

>politicuck correctness
Not even once

The left is a running joke that doesn't end. How do people not see this?

>People who major in game design

look at this fat old cuck and laugh

but its a video game. fuck these people that make video games as their political statement.


>Hangar 13 still exists

There's no way they broke even.

literally every enemy in the game.

"Colored people" is offensive but "people of color" isn't. Ha, why is PC stuff so fucking retarded.

Also, talking about race is really boring and stupid. Black people have issues in America, but no other race does.

I love how these fucking faggots talk about THEM COLORED FOLK like they're some sort of fucking alien civilization that shares the planet with us.
They're not so exotic that they're beyond our comprehension, they aren't fucking elves.

I could go to a black dude and strike up a conversation about Street Fighter at an event, bam, I made a connection.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas did 12 years ago what these faggots killing themselves and their companies are trying to do.

Black people don't have issues in America. Black people are the issue.

>hair or eye colour
>skin still equally white

>Allowed me as a white..
When will this embarrassing Self-flagellation for virtue signaling points stop?
Dont they realize how transparent this crap is and how embarrassing this is for everyone that hears that crap?
They are fooling no one not even themselves.
So fucking childish.

Does this mean all the H-Games I've played make me a sexpert?


It'd stop the moment they hit the gym and sort out their vitamin D and testosterone levels.

Not really

>i wont interact with blacks unless its for work

And we're the racists somehow

Uh no, there's plenty of shades of white.

Mafia 3 is the cringiest, most hamfisted approach of making a "inclusive" game I have ever seen. And yes, I actually played it.
>cops potrayed as complete assholes who make shout racist remarks
>white people are literally a races of devils that feed black people to their dogs, with some exceptions
>"White people be talking about some kinda race-war, but let me tell ya there has been a race war going on for 400 years!" Actual quote from the black radio guy
It really gives you a reason to cringe every few minutes. The rest of the game isn´t good either, repetitive as hell, absolute shit PC-port and lots of bugs

PoC is the most offensive term in the history of mankind. It reduces someone to a single shade of brown, nothing matters, only that single shade, your culture, your identity, its completely eradicated. Nigger, spic, gook, taco, rice monkey, basketball america, they'll tell the tale of a culture, of a struggle, of an identity.

PoC reduces the world to different shades of brown VS white. Right wingers will always struggle to be as racist as this liberals.

Besides PoC=Piece of Crap.

>skin equally white

T sub saharan

>racist cops don't exist
>racist white people don't exist
>slavery and the triangle trade didn't exist

>is actually white

what the fuck

When he says "connections" he's probably talking about taking selfies with the nigger voice actors and feeling "like one of the homies"

>there were no white slaves
>racist black people don't exist
Fucking niggers and their black only holocaust.

>every single cop is a racist that wants to kill dem poor black people
>white people are literally demons
>that comment wasn´t cringey as hell

Indentured servants

>black people
>people of color

Aren't white and black both not considered colors?

>people actually believe the 1960s south was like this
I truly wonder whether or not they are intentionally rewriting history to fit their agenda.

>slavery and the triangle trade didn't exist

It still exists in india, arab countries and africa

>Diversity in video games will help save the real world! You nerdy bigots just need to go outside and understand the REAL WORLD

Technically we're all just shades of brown or beige. So literally everyone are pocs.

No anything non-white is colored due to white supremacy.

>white slaves
the master race cannot be enslaved you fucking nimrod.

Thank god trump won

>you will never be Anthony Burch

Honestly, it's both. Schools literally teach kids that slavery was still a thing in the 40s.

The game has a literal trigger warning at the beginning, it´s a fucking embarrassment for the series. Mafia 2 had a way more realistic approach to racism and was unapolegetic about it.
Mafia 3 had nothing to do with the series except for Vito making a cameo.

Honestly now, if I were black or a woman I'd be fucking embarrassed, if not infuriated, at the patronization white north americans are perpetrating lately. When they push for diversity and inclusiveness it's the same thing as saying "you're not as good as us but we're going to bend over backwards for you so we can fellate ourselves in how progressive we are".

Sage, I am tired of politics popping up on Sup Forums.

>Some weird euroaccent attempting to do a southern accent

I like to fuck around with voice acting. thanks.

yeah like a baseball bat to a niggers head

Is Mafia 3 worth pirating?

Not nearly enough baseball bats for this purpose on the planet.

>well, at least they weren't Anthony Burch

If only to make them lose a sale :^) topkek

Why doesn't this cuck just let his wife get fucked instead of making shit games?


The left is so fucking embarrassing. There are real problems all around the world that the social justice movement could be rallying against. But they pardon them, they say it's okay to murder homosexuals and enslave women, because you're just backwards brown people excising your culture, and we can't hold you to the same standards we hold ourselves to.
And then they fabricate fake problems to fight in their own countries, so they can pretend they're making a difference, when they're really just trying to oppress their own race. Absolutely disgusting on every level.

does anyone on Sup Forums have any black friends?

>People of color

Can somebody explain how such a racist term came back into use by the people who defend minorities?

how is people of color not exactly the same as saying colored people?

Typical liberal mentality. And they wonder why the socialists hate them.

>Artistic integrity is a joke to these people

Funny when they constantly push "games are art."

>4 * 4 bingo card
>Not 5 * 5
>No free space
Shit bingo card
made me reply

I do. He was born and raised in Canada. His family is well off, he has no accent, and he's doing pre-med right now. Smart guy.
Makes me wonder what the fuck is wrong with America's black community and why no one is trying to fix it

I cant wait until all the white cucks are killed and dont pass their cuck genes on. White liberals are worse than any nigger or muslim

You get it.
Its all childish pretend activism with real consequences.

>Historical accuracy is bad

PoC is as offensive as it gets.

Not for the least that it implies that white isn't a color.

It's genetic, and your friend is in the top 10th percentile

Yeah, with a French name and working in IT.

I connect them straight to local law enforcment

Back in secondary school, I mainly went to karate classes with him.

traitors are worse than enemies

It sounds more formal, that's all I can think of.

>i have one black friend because im a canadacuck, what the fuck is wrong with americans?

what the fuck is wrong with you, thinking you know what black people are like when you have one single black friend, jesus you're stereotyping them harder than any racist ever does because at least we have lots of experiences with them before becoming this sure of oursevles

I live on a small island on the west coast of Canada.

Seeing a black person is something to be shocked by.



I did, he was American, he was a dick, and I'm pretty sure he was a car thief

There's not a lot of black people around here, friendo. Most of them are immigrants from actual black countries, and not 5th generation american welfare families. What conclusion was I supposed to come to other than "treat people like people"?

You say person/people first. Apparently that's really fucking important.

"Mafia III has allowed me to find the bull that i always knew was out there. "

no, black people are rare as dicks here, lots of indians though

>passive voice of colored people
>ignores struggles and identities of actual races, just groups them all together as a non-white "other"

t. Sup Forumslack who who can even see how this should be offensive to actual liberals

I especially feel bad for asians who exist as a quantum superposition of white and nonwhite depending on when leftists need a little bolster to their ranks but are too successful on average to warrant actual concern

Yes, you are.

Stop being difficult, user.

Not friends, per se, but a good number of associates I guess.

I always thought it was funny how they never bat an eye if you prefer brown eyes over blue or some genetic shit like that, but suddenly it's a problem if you don't want to date a "woman" who has a dick.

Do some trannies not understand/foresee that fucking with their gender is going to cause problems dating, or is this another case of "I have a personal problem and the world should change to solve it"?

They may laugh now that World Peace got canned, but they won't be laughing 2 years from now when Trump gets rid of all these cockroaches.