Why does Sup Forums hate female protagonist?

Why does Sup Forums hate female protagonist?

We don't, it's just that most of them are poorly written.

Also the other one is hotter.

Women simply don't have what it takes to be protagonists in most games.

fictional characters can be and do anything though
that's the whole fucking reason anyone plays video games and you're full of shit if you say otherwise

Because Sup Forums suffered a retarded backlash from all the feminism/SJW shit that was sprouted back when Anita was at least somewhat relevant.
Now you can't have a character be female or non-white without it automatically being pandering.

Sup Forums is reacting like feminists.

Because they have nothing to do with women. They are either feminine self-projections of liberal betas, or self-insertions of dykes.

Because nine times out of ten a female protagonist is a generic "STRONK INDEPENDENT WOMYN GRRRRRRRRRRL POWER!" archetype. It's unrealistic and reeks of pandering.

I tend to opt for them if given the choice.

Because women are evil whores with no depth aside from the pit inside that vagina dentata

Toobie a cute

I really don't and almost always pick fem chars unless it's a western game.

For some reason I get the feeling it's always forced to get stronk womyn points in western "games".

Westernshits usually make awful female characters, many times put in simply for diversity's sake. However, there are quite a few good western female protags.
Nips almost always create terrible female characters but at least they're cute


what happens if I poke Toobie's beauty mark?

they are scared of and hate women

Give demo now.



I wonder if the kid is aware that a choker like that signifies he's a sub/bottom bitch?

but one of my favorite games has a female protagonist

We got 10 years of Lightning. That was enough.

I've seen a lot of Sup Forumsirgins defend the old Tomb Raider games despite them being shit, and nobody mentioning anything about playing as a female witcher in the latest game in the series.

Counterpoint : you're full of shit, choke on a bag of dicks.

She'll probably ask you to cut it out

Sup Forums hates pretty much everything.

Depends on the game.

Mostly taste. I almost always prefer playing male protagonists.

One thing I really dislike about female protagonists is that they are more about pandering and creating "an independent strong beautiful woman" than actually just simply creating a female character.

Also, I really dislike all the feminists and SJWs (who DON'T even BUY these games they complain about and expect to be treated) trying to invade gaming. Come on...

This. When Western devs make a female protag it's to push some agenda. When Eastern devs do it, they just want something to fap to. However just having something to fap to doesn't necessarily intrude in how they are written, so it's at least possible to get a few decently written ones. Pic related.


Cut it out!

Yeah, I totally agree with this sentiment. Japanese video game characters at best inoffensive fap-bait and otherwise often completely vacuous.

Rarely, there are exceptional female western characters, but often they're no better than inoffensive fap-bait.

Not that there is anything wrong with being fap-bait - that does not necessarily exclude a character from being a good character.

Sometimes I wonder why writers don't just steal female characters wholesale from Firefly/Serenity. That's all I fucking want; a very huggable mechanic and a monk-whore who brings the savage banter.

Well, Sup Forums hates everything because there're a lot of people on the board, and different people hate different things. I prefer female protagonists though, so long as they aren't fucktardedly written.

Females being protags arent the problem

Females being protags that perform absolutely fucking garbage is the problem

The only good written female by the japs is Rukia

Also didn't she get completely tossed to the side in favor of Kubo's generic waifu Orihime?

Only good for porn.

Orihima was still trash and didnt do anything

Rukia was great on her own even when Kubo threw her

She's likeable in a genuine way and not a waifu lovin way

Orihime is trash, but you can't tell me Rukia is a great piece of character writing


they're afraid.

Not him but I wouldn't call anyone in Bleach well-written, simply because introducing a billion characters meant that everything was stretched too thin unless given special attention. And even that didn't help.

We dont. Long as they are in a tit service fashion. Like senran and onechanbara.

Incorrect. You can tell me you imagine a someone slaying a dragon you envision a chick. We aren't wired that way.

Ironically most of the girls in the 3DS SK games are better written than your average western female.

so, which one of the english voices from the new trailer is 2B?

Exactly. But only in that context of fan service. I wouldn't expect those same characters doing any serious role.

>there will never be any good
>of starship troopers again

I played through the entire SST FPS and it wasn't even decent at its best.

Gamergate taught me better than to believe the stronk wymyn trope.

I tend to relate less to women characters so when I feel like doing what I want rather than what I would do as the character, I just go with the women choice.

But isn't that a bit of an issue? Not only would you not expect females in such a blatant fanservice game to be decently written to begin with, but said fanservice games are usually hated by the same people that want the usual 'strong, independent female' characters in Western games.

Is his zipper undone?

Best way I can describe it is that it's like type casting, but with the entire opposite sex. If you've a movie star in nothing the comedic roles it's hard to see them playing in anything else. They will start to only be cast for that specific role. In media, and to a certain extent everyday life, females are type-casted as the sexy extra meant to make your dick twitch and your jaw drop. You would rarely seem them used for anything other than titillation. This is the same in games. Anything outside of that role is seen as weird or wrong.

Oh I agree that is very much the issue. And this is probably why there is so much backlash from the community. People generally hate change. Games have catered to a certain type of people for a while now. Recently, as well as off and on over the decades, attempts have been made to change that and we (certain gamers) do not like that change. Regardless if the cause behind the change is a valid issue.

for some strange reason the west always turn the female into a lesbian...

because they are stronk independent wimmin who need no man

this user knows whats up

I don't hate femprotags. I hate token femprotags.

>Why does Sup Forums hate female protagonist?
My penis is not inside them!

We don't? Sup Forums only hates le stronk womyn western protags.

As long as they're cute I prefer them

A good female lead is more than welcome. But if she's used to push some sort of agenda, she can fuck right off.

Im honestly tired of playing a woman in a man's world. I cant suspend my disbelief when Im playing some small woman who is 3 times stronger than men 4 times their size.
Can you imagine a game where you are a man who goes around kicking the crap out of women the whole game. No one wants that. I feel the same way about the roles of women in games.

because of all the feminist and sjw bullshit on western games
i cant wait to play this game from op pic though

Tarofags are a mistake

Distracting and almost never as interesting as a male protagonist.

Using OP's pic as a prime example, I can guarantee beyond a doubt that 2B will be nowhere near as interesting a character as father Nier was.

Retards like this is why.

You know how Joe Biden said everything Rudy Juliana said could be described as a "noun + verb + 9/11"? It's the same with people on here. Everything about female characters is "stronk + pandering"

I hope Automata doesn't have the same hate

they are usually boring

If the game is good, I don't care what gender the protagonist is, but male or female I don't like playing assholes.

did ya forget they are remaking/rebooting the movie sempai

Because it's just boring fap bait for loser weebs who end up making one "This is your X for tonight" and "This is X, say something nice about her" threads after another.

I usually play female characters when I have the choice just for variety's sake, since a lot of games have the same late-20's-early-30's white dude with short brown hair. Gets a bit old after a while.

And whenever I play a strength based character in Dark Souls I always make a female that's as thin and waifu-looking as possible just so I can have a laugh at her carrying around a sword that has a larger belt size than she does.

you mean Sup Forums users?

Back when I first played Demon's Souls I couldn't make a dude who I thought looked good, so I just went with a female - who didn't look much better, but hey, at least I wasn't stuck playing a meathead. Same deal for Dark Souls.

Now From has actually made good character creators but I still play as girls out of habit.

> female protagonist
> male player
this is progress

Fuck off faggot, everybody is sick of feminist SJW bullshit being shoved into vidya, maybe if they didn't make them all generic ugly looking roasties it would be tolerable, but, they have to go out of their way to make sure an imaginary female character isn't overly sexualized or the patriarchy wins! 2B, however, is a cute, and there's no Marxist agenda in Nier as far as i can tell, so she passes.

I can't speak for the rest of Sup Forums. I primarily like male protagonists. It's not so much that I dislike female protagonists, it's just that I like male protagonists better. Yes, I think I am gay. Samus Aran, however, is cool; very few female protagonists are as likeable as her.

Part of it is because she doesn't talk; and before anyone says that's sexist, I think most of my favorite protagonists don't talk. Link and Master Chief being good examples.

There you go Sup Forums.

I prefer female protagonists.

>Part of it is because she doesn't talk
Even in Fusion where she talked she was a pretty good character. I don't know how they thought to make her such a doormat in Other M. She went from "FUCK YOSELF YOU AI FUCK WE'RE BLOWING THIS SHIT UP" to "Okay guy who doesn't have any official authority over me I won't use my awesome upgrades unless you say so"

Yes I know Other M came before Fusion, that doesn't excuse shit

But I don't

What if I like that?

What was so complex about Father Nier? His motivations were pretty straight forward. Even Kaine has him beat.