Sup Forums

>Sup Forums

You're all going to die down here.

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Is there any porn of her?

>le creepy little girl
Wow I'm terrified

Will admit, I liked what Marilyn Manson did with the soundtrack for the first movie.

Gettin' some mad Zombie Master flashbacks.

This is pretty much the only good thing that can be said about that franchise.
I can't believe they made 7 or something movies of this shit.

user we all died 30 years ago.

Think the first three RE movies ought to be remastered in 4K. I bet they're pushing older DVD masters. Hell, the USA Sony Blu is a damn BD25 using the archaic MPEG2 codec. At least the lot of them use PCM, I think. Or TrueHD?
IMO the CGI animated RE movies are better compared to the live-action.

Second that.

The opening with Spencer messing with the virus with the theme song playing is fucking top notch. The best thing that Paul W.S Anderson has ever directed.

Oh shut the fuck up you pointless addition an equally pointless adaptation that no one fucking wanted from a hack director and his hack whore of a goddamn wife, you stupid piece of shit, now fuck off.

So how many people died during the production of these garbage movies?

Do people like these movies ironically? There's no way they have made so many unless it is profitable.

>Implying Resident Evil was a good story in the first place.
>Implying Resident Evil aren't as dumb.

This isn't Hamlet.

Go to bed, Paul.

No, it was a haunted house horror movie with puzzle based room-by-room exploration.

Then do it.
Fucking get it over with.

Resident Evil was good enough to move the zombie medium away from curses and magic and step into the world of science fiction. It's as influential to the genre as Night of the Living Dead or 28 Days Later.

I liked her appearance in the games.

Thank god "down here" is soon just page 10 and "off the catalog" soon after that, so no one has to die.

>play RE7
>this bitch slaps your safe room's ass

wat do

Well, except for Mary Sue Jovovich over there.

>first post
Oh Sup Forums...

no it was the concept of a bioweapon that isnt meant to "kill" but create host that spread it and the host are the weapon

come weskers comeback and the back story on that you find that he helped make the T virus and it wasnt even just about bio weapons but upgrading himself

the story is pretty good.

RE cemented the idea of corrupt corporations and sinister man-made pathogens into the zombie subgenre.

"Seizure of Power" is a good track

The existence of Alice always pisses me off.

What killed RE as a believable story was the terrible and badly performed dialogue written by japs trying to mimic american colloquialism and mannerisms. When you have characters that barely react to one of their colleagues getting shot 3ft in front of them you know you failed as a narrative director. Presentation is very important, i'd even say it's at least as important as gameplay and atmosphere.

Trips speaks the truth.

Sad, really. The series might have potentially been good if she wasn't a massive black hole, sucking in all screen time, character development, and importance.

The fact that they killed off characters like Barry and Chris but have kept fucking Alice in every single movie makes me want to strangle a child.

I didn't even really mind that Nemesis turned out to be that one guy from the first movie, but god damn everything else related to Alice in those movies is trash.

This movie was alright as a loosely based adaption of the games. The part about the bodies vanishing when they re enter the laser room was a nice touch too.

What's funny is Barry, Carlos, Maybe Jill, Maybe Ada, Maybe Leon and Maybe Chris are dead

But all these characters are alive in the games.

>You're all going to die down here.

Personally I think the story would fall apart anyway just due to the inherent retardedness in the motivation of Umbrella. That said, trying to play off their intentions as "mysterious" and focusing on the regular characters would have been much better.

Leon was in the movies?


What are you guys' favorite virus-made monstrosities?

I think Birkin's 3rd form is pretty fucking dope.

I think the only playable characters who haven't are Sherry and Billy.

Also Jake and the Outbreak characters.

I'm not very good at describing how it does it, but the song gives a great impression of something looming and lumbering out of sight.

2 actual deaths and one stunt woman got her arm all fucked up.

I honestly feel bad for that stunt woman.

She didn't deserve to have her life ruined by the fucking Resident Evil movies of all things.

This. Literally the shittiest most meme cliché in "horror" stories/movies.

It's one of those red flags that tell you that it's going to be shit from a mile away.

>le creepy British girl
I really hated this meme of the 2000s.

Milla Jovovich is my waifu

This still happens though, doesn't it?

Shut up Paul.

maybe it's nostalgia but I recall the first quarter of this movie was actually fairly good, it simply fell apart by the end when it became more about action than that slowburning attrition of "what the fuck is going on"

Is this the new QUEEN of Sup Forums?

I hate Alice but Milla always seemed like a fun chick to joke around with in the movie commenteries


And I still can't believe that talentless hack is married to literal perfection. It's not fucking fair but maybe that means theres hope for me

Paul has money.

Do you have money? If not then you have no chance.

The second one has its moments too. Namely the graveyard and school scenes.

Three is went it jumped off the "The Alice Show" cliff and never looked back.

N-noo paul was a nobody when they m-met

But now he has money.

So unless you have a ten inch dick or a couple hundred million to throw around you have no chance.

>It's a Milla blatantly smoked a joint just before the commentary episode

>the graveyard

The choice to use blurry camera swishing kinda ruined it.

>The Alice Show
Nigger before those scenes Alice was crashing through a church window on a motorcycle and hitting a Licker with it.

Okay but before that you had Jill walking around investigating the church which felt like Resident Evil.

And then that moment is over when coming across some schlock with a priest and his zombie sister.

Hope this is not Chris's blood

Yaw aw gowing to die down heah

Why can't the English speak English.

>Some girl got her face torn off and lost an arm doing a stunt for Milla Jovovich, and another guy died to make these horrible movies.

They all sounds like they have golf balls in their mouths. Every word sounds slurred. British English is annoying.

This desu

That's because they used actual zombies for the filming. Pretty stupid.