Things you wouldn't say on Sup Forums

Things you wouldn't say on Sup Forums

I enjoy penis.

I enjoy anime and video games.


but here everyone is gay af

"Not everything is shit"

"My girlfriend"


Good taste in video games, friend

ps4 has games

I love playing video games.


Kill yourself

Why would I avoid saying things on Sup Forums? It's the greatest place for non-biased and insightful video game discussion.

traps are gay

Duke Nukem Forever is the pinnacle of video game perfection. It spent 10+ years in development and became a front runner in truly revolutionizing the fps genre. Some may even say it was better then the original DOOM.

Something attempting to redpill my fellow Sup Forums goers.

The shills have Sup Forums on lock, and will shoot it down with ad hominem and misdirection before you can get your point across.

What is this, a fit Drew Carey?

Reddit is actually okay sometimes

I disagree but I respect your opinion

OP is not retarded

>that feel when no girlfriend (female) (with XX chromosomes) (gender-conforming)

If this thread is any indication I'm going to go with original jokes

I'm transgender

Do you live somewhere other than London?