Tfw final week of the semester this week

>tfw final week of the semester this week
>finals all next week
>I just want Christmas and to play video games

How are my fellow Uni bro's holding up? Finding a bit of time during breaks to play vidya? I try and fit in at least 3 or 4 Titanfall 2 matches at night.


back to work I suppose

>masters class start this week because buttfucked college schedule
>fuckton of papers to read
>plus finals next week
>shouldn't even be here shitposting on Sup Forums
I never asked for this hell

Got my first two exams this week and then last one next week. I can't wait for holidays to play all the shit I missed this semester.

How am I holding up? Well feeling ok about exams but should be studying right now and instead i'm here and thinking about playing vidya...

I saved all my semester's work for the last week. Probably only little time to lay some CoD.



Have a database systems project and i cant get the php frontend to work.

That on top of finals is the most stressed ive been in forever.

alright lads

im failing one of my classes

i don't think my final exam grade with save it

how do i explain this to the parents

>blog thread

>not pruned yet

tell them you are struggling with mental health

It has been a fucking murder since the last monday, but I have scheduled it so that everything will be done by thursday next week.

Wouldn't otherwise be vidya related at all, but it reminds me of this one very basic fact: the less you have time for vidya, the more you want to play it. Haven't got this hard cravings in a looooong time.

>get job at McDonald's
>Doing pretty good, anxiety is a bitch but suck it up
>Kinda slow on some things but not like super slow, fast as fuck on grill though
>Before my probation period is up the manager calls me in and tells me she is letting me go
>Ask why, for future jobs and stuff
>Tells me I'm.not the right fit

F-feels good to be a neet I guess. I honestly just don't get how people can go fast for eight hours straight. Makes me uncomfortable as fuck.

this. As soon as my finals are over I won't even feel like playing vidya as much. It always happens.

How fat are you?

Shit's alright. Have a final on the 12th, 13th, and 14th so this week has pretty much been anti-fun.

Pretty fortunate I only have 3 classes though, and the final on the 13th is a take home essay that I got assigned today, so gonna try to crush that out as fast as possible.

are you a history student?

Not even remotely fat. Fat people were pacing me. Feels shitty man.

No, withdrew from a few classes in my first years of Uni so I'm taking an extra semester to make up for credits. 5th "year" of science degree.

God I don't understand you fucking losers with anxiety. Suck it up and be a man. I'm a tranny and I'm man enough to be myself and deal with real sources of anxiety.

>I'm a tranny therefore my life has been, and will always be harder than your life.

It's despicable really.

Should I take four classes during the Summer to graduate a semester early?

I'm a uni student, but I'm thinking of taking some prereq classes at my local CC which transfers and doesn't affect my uni GPA.

You're the one who is apparently having trouble with being a man, faggot.

I know this feel so hard. I hope I still want to at least try FF XV after its all over. Being a tired gamer sucks sometimes.

>implying you dont actually want to become a woman because you know if you pass you'll have life on easy mode

>implying even the most disgusting tranny faggots cant get a following online who all tell them they're beautiful and probably even buy them shit

if you had so little anxiety as a male why the fuck would you feel the need to make such a drastic change in your life?

fuck off and die gender traitor

If you'll be beating your cohort to the job market then yeah.

Otherwise it really doesn't matter if you're not going to be looking for a job asap.

here in germany finals are in february

so i am in no stress whatsoever and ready for christmas :)

>Almost done with school to become a true Sup Forumsfag
>Jew system so have to work for free for a certain period
>Work is comfy as fuck, play vidya most of my time over there
>Christmas is almost here

I haven't studied at all - I haven't even been to 2/4 of my courses except for day 1 and midterms - I've been playing through Demon's Souls and watching western films. The only thing I've abstained from is my normal drinking since my exams are first thing in the morning. First exam was open note and all the questions were pulled straight off google, I got 100% for sure, next one was a final project I half assed last night, tomorrow morning's another open note one with some excel shit and the last is a straight multiple choice + essay questions exam but the course is a joke.

In any case, if I don't pass any, I know how to break into the system and change the grades like I did last year. You fags aren't doing it right, this isn't high school.

Idk, should I do my prereqs at a CC so that it doesn't affect my GPA, or should I do my prereqs at my uni so I get more GPA padding before doing upper division classes?

You're not white, right?

Sounds like you go to a shit school actually.

>finals this week
>work hours got extended for the break so I'm going to be working 45+ hours a week until the next quarter begins

Feels bad man, I just wanted to play some runescape

That entirely relies on how bad you need a GPA boost and is something you shouldn't be asking an user on Sup Forums for.

>deal with real sources of anxiety
Like your mental illness? If you actually dealt with it, you wouldn't be here talking about it.

I'm white.

Lol don't act like you know anything about being transgender

I'm probably going to fail them. Probably drop out cause I can't be assed. Not worth it

As long as escapism exists I don't need anything more than a closet apartment paid by a shit 9-5, waiting for days to pass. Hikkis have the right of it

Young Death is on repeat also

Why did you think it was ok to post this in a thread about college kids stressed about finals?

Because it's Sup Forums and I had to tell somebody.

It's a second tier tech uni. probably the only difference if I was in Ivy is I'd be even more of an alcoholic.

It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have cents judging us and telling us to die yaknow

>Thought working would be awful
>Job sucks, its 8-5 every day
>Pays ok but super stressful
>Come home
>Play WoW and Overwatch all night
>Buy new games, play for an hour and never again
>Might be able to break out of this stupor to replay all the Resident Evils before RE7

arent trannies great?

>im more of a man than you and im actually a woman!

no you arent, you're a failure of a man, thats why you think you're a woman

women are born with inherent value, men have to earn it, since women are the ones bottle-necking the entire reproductive process with the whole 9 month process

mentally ill faggots are this clueless

Not that user, but I love how out of all the responses you got, you cherry pick this one to respond to.

>No, my life is much harder than yours!

Not them but the "cure" for gender identity disorder is to transition you fuckwit. I bet you think you can just switch off something like being gay too huh?

For all of those hating on trannies take solace in the fact that there's little chance of them reproducing and transferring their dysfunctional genes into the next generation.

haha us red pullers right?

i thought the cure was suicide



college is there for social experience
get a real job and earn money

I have some severe ass anexity but I dont get it either.

>I maintain a full time job where one fuckup could cost the companies 10k+
>Live alone
>Have panic attacks and shit randomly, but 99% of the time I can mind over matter them

I take 150mg of Zoloft and I just deal. I guess it kinda fucked me cause I hate being around people and use my weekends for nothing but video games

but whatever im happy

>mfw last day tomorrow

Finished two exams, only got one left and feeling decent for it. Two I have finished seemed to go pretty well.

Enjoying some Mario Galaxy 2 at late night when I get in from studying, collect a star or two.

When I'm done, re-subbing to OSRS, about only game I can play when home at parents over Christmas.

What courses are folk doing? Basic bitch Mech Eng here.

Thats kinda what we are here to do, considering an entry level position requires a BA and 3 years previous experience.

im in CS, it would take a fucking miracle for me not to fail my math
its so hard to study when you dont actually understand shit despite going to all possible lectures
fuck, i guess its back to working as a webdev again

>wahh i wear make up and people called me names, you dont know how hard it is trying to live with the dissonance that this will earn me some privileges in life but disadvantage me in other ways, because i dont understand how gender works and i want the best of both worlds

oh trust me, i get it, you weak faggot

People just gotta stop being pushed. My mom forced me to get a job at 16 and made me push past anxiety. Video games were a mistake

I attend community college. Transferring to a 4-year state university next year. Don't really care about the social experience.

I lost a fuckton of weight with that drug and it gave me the worst headaches.

>falling for the college meme
Haha. Stay bluepilled, kids.

I'm more stressed for my next semester than I am for finals. Fucking mass transfer is supposed to be a killer. Scared as fuck lads.

*Gotta stop being pussys
Stupid auto correct

i used to have lots of panic attacks and heart palpitations, faggots always told me to man up, quit being a bitch, take more drugs

eventually i started to be in really bad shape and got a skin prick test and figured out im allergic to basically everything everyone eats, now i have to eat random retarded shit that tastes like ass like quinoa but im feeling a lot better

>just man up brah, just take zoloft brah, just quit being a bitch, let your health slowly disappear because you're a man and men who have problems really have no problems at all

then theres tranny faggots like the one in this thread who think they've got it hard because they fucking paint their face

The only other way to get a job today is to either

>know someone
>make your own business

>Stuck in webdev hell
My condolences.
What math are you having problem with?
Calculus? The usual Set Theory shenanigans?

I'm just saying it was a waste of my time financially. I've earned so much money without the use of a degree.

Wish I could be a wage slave in nippon land

Work the night shift at a ToysRus or a warehouse. It's easy and comfy.

>acting like all of the hard right in power aren't elitist, whitebread fucks who went to prestigious Universities

I mean...

Yeah that's it, Trans girls just want privileges. Neck yourself haha

Maybe, we were super poor so I had a job the day I turned 16 and haven't been unemployed since (Other than college, and im 27)

I feel ya. Feel like I missed out on the free time I shoulda had in high school

Sure, thats why you guys hardly existed before feminism came along and started giving women privileges at the expense of men

Also its just a coincidence theres way more men trying to become women as vice versa, despite the latter being much more socially acceptable

Get your head out of your ass you sick fuck

went alright

second year of CS. Had an exam today on c/c++ and data structures. Felt like I did alright. Not a stellar grade but my assignments will help with the grade

in 2 days i have a maths test on mathematical proof/number theory which doesnt really matter because its a test and not an exam

and then comes the hardest one of them all. Its on computer architecture and UNIX which Ill just have to sit down and study for


not sure there is a US equivalent, its one you take after set theory but before calculus
basically everything you do is just mathematical proofs, every friggin assignment has been variations of "prove this formula, prove that formula"

>Graduation speaker from last year bragged about his guaranteed webdev job he'll be attending the day after
>You can get a job as a webdev with a Highschool diploma

I knew he was full of shit the minute he said "And the professors were ALWAYS there to help!"

>Get your head out of your ass you sick fuck
but it's the only way he can get off now

Kek most true transwomen understand that something is wrong with their body way before they perceive muh feminism. Personally, feminists are fucking stupid for the most part. You're just as stupid for generalizing and lumping us with Transtrenders.

I ain't got exams til January famalam, and even then I only have a couple of cushy ones.

Trannies all need bullets in their heads.

>After set theory but before calculus
What a backward way of doing things.
Anyway, been there, done that. It's some really hard shitty mainly because it's not a mechanic process like usual math. Good luck on your shit, fag.

>"And the professors were ALWAYS there to help!"
the fuck
professors in my country are always dodging questions and running off to make sure they only do the absolute minimum required to get their research shekels

>Go to school in Eastern PA
>Go to college
>Take Applied Matrix Algerbra my 2nd semester
>Only pre-reqs were Intro to Business/Micro/Macro Econ
>Expected me to know Calculus
>My high school didnt teach it
>Couldnt drop the course, fail miserable


meant for

Is going to community college for 2 years, and then transferring a good idea?

children can easily recognize the inherent value girls and women have over boys before they ever learn about the concept of feminism

we literally have news articles saying we should shut down prisons for women because women can never do anything wrong

this is how the average human sees women, and there is nothing wrong with that, women are the physically weaker sex, so its natural to generally assume they're the victim in any circumstance

you'll probably just go off on a tangent about how thats sexist or something though and not address any actual point i made

>Expected me to know Calculus
>My high school didnt teach it

How? I took AP Calculus my sophomore year, and Calc III my junior year. ???

I've got two finals tomorrow:
Physiology and Calculus

Then Friday I have an Immunology exam

I can't to be done so I can finish Miles Edgeworth 2, Ace Attorney 6, Steins;Gate, and Bloodborne

I have quite a few games in my backlog (Odin Sphere, Blood and Wine, Radiant Historia, etc) but those above are really what I want to beat.

The classes are generally easier and they're always cheaper

Compared to last semester, I'm fine, but this is still pretty stressful.

I'm totally fucked for my topology final. Like, way too fucked.

>Night Shift at Toys R Us
Retail is shit, but that might be worth it. I'm currently working at Staples and the pay is nice and my manager is great at giving me the hours I desire, but the work is so fucking mind numbingly boring. You can only restock the same 7 aisles over and over again before you start to lose your damn mind. Even worse is that we're a low traffic store so most of my time is spent finding the 8 items that were bought that day and then getting them out of the back to restock.

I donno I took
7th Grade: Mathematics and You (General Math shit)
8th Grade: Pre-Algerbra
9th Grade: Algerbra 1
10th Grade: Geometry
11th Grade: Algebra 2
12 Grade: Trigonometry and Geometry of Shapes

>The classes are generally easier and they're always cheaper
Another thing I'd like to address is the GPA. As you may or may not know, the GPA you receive in CCs typically do not transfer to universities. By the time I enter uni as a junior (after finishing 2 years of CC), I will be taking harder classes and my GPA will be reset, essentially. I won't have any padding for my GPA if I do poorly in a class.


>he took algebra in high school

I want to laugh at you, but I pity you at the same time.

in high school

I'm American, but holy shit.

>typically do not transfer to universities
I mean, they do where I am.
But you do you user. C's get degrees.

If you're for a high GPA to get scholarships, then just go straight to uni

Theres no point in arguing with someone like you. Your head is too far up your ass and you're too "redpilled" to hear anything other than what you wanna hear. Either way, its your uneducated word against many doctor's words.

Eh, I only want a high GPA for bragging rights. As long as I have a comfy IT job in the end, I'll be content living a life of mediocrity.

algebra is pretty extensive, user. In fact, if your algebra is bad, none of the other math you know is worth a shit because you'll fuck up all the work in the middle.

my desktop is DOA at the moment so I can't play games even if I want to.

lucky this happened during finals desu.

>had a presentation today, was supposed to be 8 minutes with 2 minute q&a
>spoke for full ten minutes and got cut off so other students could go
>another presentation tomorrow accompanied with ten page paper due friday
>first final next tuesday at 8am
>second final the next day, need at least 90 to get a C
>last final 5 days from then
>can finally go home after that


You're right, which is why I got an A in my Calc III class my junior year of HS.